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Renewal Of The Mind – The Power Of The Subconscious

Written by: Evangelia Vensel, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


The role our subconscious mind plays in our lives. The hidden power of the subconscious mind.

By definition:

“The subconscious part of our mind is concerning the part of the mind of which one is not fully aware but which influences one's actions and feelings.” ‒ Google

It is the part of our mind that notices and remembers all the information we know when we are not actively trying to do so. The part of the brain that has been pre-uploaded and programmed into our subconscious mind from our upbringing and childhood influencesthat create and influence our behavior even though we do not realize it: It is where our memories are stored.

The Cell is a COMPUTER!

“The human body and the humancell are fractal reflections of each other… and they are programmable by our subconscious mind, our consciousness and our environment” ‒ Dr Bruce Lipton, Cell Biologist

Let me explain to you the difference between being raised with a supportive subconscious mind, the proper brain development and emotional nourishment versus the opposite, a false, self-sabotaging subconscious mind from abusive brain development and neglect of emotional development and support.

Positive subconscious mind

A nourishing and supportive environment creates a positive and strong mindset and subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is being uploaded and programmed with love, acceptance, intimacy, connection, compassion, self-worth and self-awareness.

Subconscious core beliefs that they are good enough. Subconscious beliefs that they are Worthy of achieving their dreams, along with being smart enough to accomplish their goals. Programs that are built in the subconscious mind for success, self-love and self-motivation.

When the brain and senses are being properly nurtured, that person's cellular system, immune system and nervous system are strong and fully intact. There are no negative vibrations in their environment to compromise their cellular function and Heath. There are no negative self-limiting beliefs or thoughts disrupting their existence. There are no self-sabotaging beliefs or thought patterns. Only patterns of thoughts that lead them to their full potential. These are all positive vibrations, positive frequencies that feed their cell’s vibration, gene expressions and their entire biology makeup. Exactly how our creator, God, intended our brains and beings to function and thrive.

Everything in this universe has a frequency and vibration. That includes our thoughts, beliefs and emotional state of being.

Side effects of a strong subconscious mind:

Following through. Making good choices, having genuine friendships. Making wise decisions. Believing in themselves. Landing good jobs. Become successful with their life goals. Achieve anything they put their mind to.

Negative subconscious mind

Now, let’s educate you on what happens to a person that has been raised with the opposite. An environment that wasn’t supportive or very nourishing. An environment that was negative and fearful. An upbringing full of negative vibrations with no emotional outlets. An upbringing that included daily physical abuse, verbal abuse, mental abuse, neglect and rejection…

There are many directions a child can go in their development from lacking proper nourishment and emotional support. There are so many ways a child or an adult can get lost in it all while dealing and trying to cope with the negative effects of the negative vibrations from their own environment. The lack of feeling safe in their own habitat destroys the natural function of the nervous system and limbic brain. It’s like running from a bear twenty-four seven but there is no bear. It’s as if there is a brick strapped to a driver's foot and it’s stuck on the gas pedal. The system gets put into overdrive. The subconscious mind has been pre-uploaded and programmed with a negative, self-destructive mindset and they don’t even know it because it is on a deep, core subconscious, cellular level. Their cells have been exposed to chronic stress, fear and all kinds of negative vibrations. These negative vibrations and frequencies are deeply rooted and weaved into every cell, every tissue, every thought, every behavior, every response and every belief that it leads to a series of destructive behaviors, a compromised immune system, a nervous system that can’t regulate itself and a poor, negative, victimhood mindset.

Negative side effects

If it goes unnoticed and unresolved for too long it results in PTSD, mental illness, addiction and chronic illness, even cancer. An unlimited amount of negative side effects that affects each individual person differently.

The human cell, the brain and the nervous system do its best to co-regulate, suppress, manage, and can even hide the really bad stuff that happens to us. It usually ends up coming back with a vengeance later on in life, if left unresolved.

Growing up and living with a false subconscious mind leads to addiction, attracting the wrong people, unhealthy relationships and lovers and making poor choices. It’s like a prison but in our heads. We give all of ourselves away for the sake of receiving any form of love.

We settle for less than we deserve and don’t believe we are worthy of success or being more than what we’ve been told we would ever become.

When the subconscious mind is running off a false and negative narrative, these individuals have a harder time becoming anything in life or fully achieving their full potential. The self-chatter they battle with daily is like constantly and chronically fighting off demons and haters that don’t believe in you. The adverse effects of living with this mindset creates inflammation in the cells, affects our adrenals, the way our nervous system handles fear and toxicity along with catching every bug, cold and flu from having a compromised immune system. All from having a false subconscious mind.

The fight is real and it’s an internal battle many survivors of negative programming never seem to escape. Most die from suicide, illness or stay suffering their entire lives.


The good thing is, as I discovered on my own healing journey from my own childhood trauma and abuse, that we have modalities now that can help us rewire, rewrite and reprogram the false part of our subconscious mind. A way to permanently delete the victim and replace it with a warrior!

We have the power to change the perceptions of all the negative events that’s happened to us so that we don’t stay a victim to our past and our pain.

The body and our cellular system only obey and respond to our subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind is the part of the mind that sends out powerful Vibrations out into the quantum field that allows us to attract and manifest our dreams, goals and desires.

Our cells only respond and become activated by vibrations, sounds, lights, water, color and frequencies. Our own thoughts and beliefs on a subconscious level all have their own frequency and vibration. It all works together like a beautiful symphony. Had I not discovered and become a certified master in the method PSYCH-K, an epigenetics type modality that can renew our minds, change our gene expression, transform false subconscious reprogramming, along with the ability to release traumas on a cellular level, that I discovered by reading the book “ Biology Of Belief “ by Dr. Bruce Lipton, cell Biologist, I wouldn’t be writing this article today.

The renewal of the mind is the way to everlasting transformation.

Your beliefs are everything What you believe on a subconscious level is what you will experience in life. If you believe there is no magic in life, then you'll never experience it.

If you believe God, our creator, the miraculous is not real, then you'll never accept it, even if you encounter it.

If you believe you are limited in what you can do, accomplish, overcome and become, then you'll always live within the confines of your imagination.

If you believe you’ll never heal, then you will never heal. If you believe your condition is incurable, then you’ll never find the cure. However, the opposite is also true. If you truly believe in something, you'll experience it around every corner.

If you believe on a subconscious level in the miraculous, then you'll train yourself to see and be thankful for the small miracles that unfold each day.

If you believe you are limitless on a subconscious level, then you'll see that anything you imagine is possible.

If you believe you can heal, you will heal. Your subconscious beliefs hold so much influence in your life significantly, ultimately determining how your story unfolds.

We become and attract what we believe on a subconscious level.

What’s your story? What’s your subconscious mind playing out for you? What is your subconscious mind attracting into your life?

Does your story need a new ending with the best outcome possible for your future?

Just know, I am here as a survivor to tell you that YOU hold the key! YOU have the power with your own mind to change your mindset on a subconscious level…you just need a little guidance and the right modality to facilitate it!

I’m here to teach you how! Having the opportunity and ability to discover which beliefs, thoughts, perceptions and traumas that are sabotaging us, gives us the power back into our own hands to replace them all and re-upload our subconscious mind with self-empowering, self-loving and self-motivating beliefs.

I myself deleted all the negative, self-limiting and self-sabotaging beliefs and perceptions that were placed upon me from my childhood traumas, by loved ones, Doctors and friends and replaced them all with what I wanted and desired instead! And that alone led me to my own transformational healing from a debilitating chronic illness that I believed I could overcome because I believed it on a cellular and subconscious level!

Change and transformation

Change is real. Change can happen. It starts with our subconscious mind and changing it to serve us versus work against us. We have the power to change, achieve and become anything we desire! If I can change my life from being a victim to my past and from being bedridden for 5 years, I truly believe anyone can with the right subconscious belief system!

If you need help and guidance or want to learn how you can book a session with me here.

Visit my website for more info!


Evangelia Vensel, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Evangelia Vensel, is an influencer for transformational change through the renewal of the subconscious mind, the importance of detoxing the body and coping with the side affects of unresolved early childhood trauma and abuse. This led Evangelia down many paths to find and discover real solutions to heal and change the mindset of a victim of abuse. After Evangelia's own personal battle with debilitating illness and how trauma healing and subconscious reprogramming transformed her life, it is her mission as a trauma and illness survivor to share awareness, knowledge, wisdom, teach the methods that helped her take her power back and offer solutions to those still suffering. She is dedicated to help change lives.

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