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Removing Energetic Blockages To Make Way For Love And Happy Relationships

Written by: Aeron Lazar, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


No matter how many times we get heartbroken, hurt, and sad over our romantic, platonic, and family relationships, we always find our way back to love. This is because, as cliché as it may sound, love does make the world go round.

Energetically speaking, the Earth operates on frequencies of love. We operate on love in a sense that every human being, at their very core, does what they do because they want to find someone or something to love.

Maybe you’re pursuing a medical career because you want to help other people, maybe you want to buy a brand-new pillow to ease your husband’s back pain, or maybe you want to post a photo on social media because you want your crush to notice you.

The grand motivator of every human action and interaction is love. Love is the prime mover of the Earth. And because we give love, we also want to receive love. It’s a currency, really, one that is paradoxical, both free and yet comes at a high cost.

But if love is the “end all, be all” of human existence, why do we find it hard to love? Why are there conditions to our ideas of a partner? Why, at times, do we find our soul mates and yet somehow, watch them slip away from us?

A lot of times, our struggles in terms of love and relationships can be attributed to energetic blockages stemming from our soul histories and ancestral patterns.

How Soul Histories And Ancestral Patterns Block Love

The course of all our relationships is heavily influenced by two spiritual aspects: our soul histories, and our ancestral patterns.

A person’s soul history is recorded in the Akashic Records, a ledger of all the souls that have ever existed and incarnated on Earth and on other planets. It’s basically a logbook of who, what, where, when, why, and how each soul has chosen to live a particular lifetime.

A person’s soul history and everything that their soul has been through could affect their current lives and relationships because each of us has our individual pain-body – an energetic field where all the unhealed and unreleased pain, trauma, and karma that our soul has experienced and accumulated from past lifetimes are stored.

Carrying these low-vibrational energies in our energetic field could manifest into our current reality. They can bleed out into our actions, thoughts, and reactions to our external world, without even consciously acting in tune with these negative energies.

It manifests, for example, in the form of fear towards commitment or rejecting romantic attention to become hyper-focused on other aspects of our lives instead. It could also be in the form of sabotaging our existing relationships, because of self-limiting beliefs that we don’t deserve to be loved in a healthy way.

All the unhealed relationship traumas stored in our soul’s pain-body could have a direct negative impact on our current ones if we do not bring our attention to them and commit to a process of healing.

Ancestral karma and energetic blockages

Another aspect that creates energetic blockages to happy relationships are ancestral patterns. Ancestral karma and trauma are energetic bonds and cycles that have developed over generations of unhealed pain and trauma created or shared by our ancestors.

Even though it is something our parents or grandparents or even great-grandparent went through, somehow we find that their experience can affects our lives. For example, a great-great-great-grandfather who has abandoned his wife and children can create a karmic pattern within his lineage, in that many of his descendants could have broken families, unfaithful marriages, and children who have a fear of commitment or abandonment issues.

These ancestral patterns could be passed down to anyone in his bloodline because it is stored in his family’s collective pain-body. With this pain-body floating around each family member, it can influence their thought patterns and beliefs about love, family, and relationship.

It takes unwavering commitment towards spiritual healing, and the correct energetic tools for a person to separate his or her energetic field from these ancestral patterns and soul karmic cycles.

It’s difficult to do on your own, but not impossible.

Healing Ancestral Karmas, And Soul Cycles Using the Akashic Records

As mentioned earlier, the Akashic Records is a library of records of all the souls that ever existed in all multiverses. This is where you can find all the points in multiple timelines that your soul has lived, where certain karmic patterns have developed and have been uploaded to the pain body.

Accessing one’s Akashic Records is one of the most effective ways to dissolve ancestral patterns and karmic cycles.

When I read my client’s Akashic Record, I can pinpoint distorted frequencies that create distortions in their energetic field. Once I identify those past life events and discordant these frequencies, it’s relatively easy to extract them from a person’s energetic field, freeing them from past life cycles or ancestral patterns.

Reading the Akashic Records and learning the lessons within them is an essential aspect of closing these karmic cycles, and if you’re someone who has never explored these records, it’s best to ask an expert to help you navigate these vast libraries.

Acknowledging The Trauma And Karma

Aside from accessing the Akashic Records, I use different methods to banish energetic blockages in different aspects of one’s life, be it around money and finances, health and career or family, love, and relationships.

One of the crucial healing tools that I teach my students is to acknowledge the pain and trauma that their souls or their ancestors’ souls have experienced.

By acknowledging their trauma, the soul feels a sense of validation that their experience has not been rendered useless but instead transformed into a learning opportunity that could help one’s soul towards ascension.

The pain-body has intelligence and a consciousness. When we acknowledge our ancestors’ pain, which is stored in the pain-body, we speak to our family and we consciously release their pain.

I always say to clients that I work with ‘feeling is healing.’ When you are processing those stagnant energies by feeling them fully, you’re essentially healing your family line. When that happens, physical reality falls into line, so you’ve not only healed the family trauma from an energetic perspective, but you have also relieved your kids from having to come back and do this healing themselves.

There are a lot more intricacies to healing ancestral patterns and individual karmas,but once the healing process has been completed, a new era begins for a person’s soul and family tree.You have broken free of this pattern. This pattern no longer exists.

It’s almost like an instant shift in the Quantum field, and it doesn’t take long to manifest in the physical world.

Days, weeks, or maybe months after, you’ll find that your heart is more open to receiving love that is selfless, uplifting and motivates you to become the best version of yourself.

You may find that old relationship habits and limiting belief systems have broken down to be replaced by beliefs that are liberating, at the same time, exhilarating.

Love, for you, it seems, could truly move mountains -- instead of paralyzing you, your relationships now become your ultimate motivators.

It’s an incredible feeling to be free to experience love the way the universe wants you to – with open arms, an absorbing mind, a kinder perspective, and child-like wonder.

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Aeron Lazar, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Aeron Lazar is a modern mystic, spiritual activator and a forefront mentor for awakened Starseeds and conscious entrepreneurs alike.

Empowered with the profound knowledge from the Akashic Realm and assisted by Beings of Light as Guides, Aeron works with invisible energy to enact deep, instant, tangible shifts in his clients’ lives.

As an author of many online consciousness development programmes, Aeron Lazar combines psychic abilities with a down-to-Earth approach when teaching his students how to access higher dimensions, read the Akashic Records and channel powerful frequencies from advanced civilisations of Light such as the Arcturians, the Pleiadians and the Sirians.

Aeron Lazar is also a host of the Architects of Destiny Podcast, dedicated to guiding and supporting leaders of the New Earth on their soul missions.

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