Written by: Rita Trotter, Executive Contributor
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Do you know how your body tries to get rid of bad things? It goes through a process called detoxification. That’s right — every day, your body uses different processes that help eliminate substances it considers harmful. But what happens if you start eating too much sugar, or taking in too many calories? Or even worse, what if your body starts reacting to the toxins after they’re already in your system?

Toxic buildup can lead to a variety of diseases, so it’s important to remove toxins from your body regularly. This article will teach you about how your body deals with toxins, where these toxins come from, and how you can help your body get rid of them faster.
What is a toxin?
A toxin is any harmful substance that can damage cells or tissues in the human body. Your liver is responsible for getting rid of toxins in your body. When your liver is congested, toxins can build up in your body and cause a variety of health issues.
One of the main causes of toxins in the body is when your digestive system isn’t working properly. When you eat, your body uses digestive enzymes to break down food so that nutrients can be absorbed.
If you have an imbalance of these enzymes, starches, fats, and proteins can be left unprocessed, which can cause toxins to form. Toxins can come from a variety of sources, especially in the food you eat. In fact, the average person ingests around 400 pounds of toxins every year. Some toxins can be removed through your kidneys and urine, but others, such as heavy metals, are more difficult to excrete.
How does your body rid itself of toxins naturally?
Your liver, kidneys, and intestines work together to filter out toxins in your body.
The liver is one of the most important organs in your body when it comes to purging toxins. When toxins are introduced into your body, the majority of them are sent to the liver to be broken down, recycled, and excreted.
In order for your liver to do its job, it requires B vitamins, iron, and amino acids like glutamine. These nutrients are also necessary for the proper functioning of your immune system, red blood cells, and even your mood. The liver also relies on water to do its job. If you’re dehydrated, your liver cannot break down toxins as effectively.
Your intestines also play a role in removing toxins from your body through digestion. The longer food sits in your digestive tract, the more likely it is that harmful substances will be absorbed into your bloodstream.
It's important to drink plenty of water each day because this helps flush out toxins from your body. Your kidneys also produce urine that helps cleanse your blood and flush out unwanted substances that have been absorbed into your bloodstream.
Why is it important to remove toxins from our bodies regularly?
Toxins can cause a variety of health issues, including inflammation, liver disease, kidney disease, and even cancer.
When your body is full of toxins, your immune system is forced to work overtime to keep you healthy. This means that your body is less effective at fighting off bacteria and viruses that make you sick.
Toxins can also cause inflammation and damage to your joints, skin, and organs. If you have high levels of toxins in your bloodstream, they can even find their way into your brain, leading to mood disorders like depression, anxiety, and lethargy.
With a healthy liver, digestive system, and kidneys, your body is able to get rid of toxins more efficiently. This also frees up your immune system to focus on fighting off infections.
The 5 ways to remove toxins from the body
1. Liver support - This is the most important thing you can do to get your liver on the right track. Your liver is a key organ involved in the detoxification process, so it's important you give it all the support it needs. Some of the best liver support supplements include N-acetyl cysteine, milk thistle, and Liv-52.
2. Gut support - The digestive system is an important organ involved in the detoxification process. By supporting the gut, you can help your body remove toxins more effectively. Some of the best gut support supplements include probiotics, prebiotics, and enzymes.
3. Regular detoxification - As toxins are broken down, they need to be removed from the bloodstream before they can cause damage. Regular detoxification can help to support this process. Some of the best detoxification supplements include chlorella, activated charcoal, and barley greens.
4. Regular Exercise - Exercise is a great way to remove toxins from the body. It can help you lose weight, burn calories and reduce stress.
The human body produces toxic chemicals called byproducts when it breaks down food. These byproducts are stored in fat cells and eventually cause health problems like cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Exercise helps remove them from your body by burning them up as fuel for your muscles.
It may sound strange, but exercise actually helps cleanse your body of toxins. When you exercise, your heart pumps more blood than usual throughout your arteries, which allows toxins to be flushed out of the system faster than normal. This helps prevent the buildup of these harmful substances in fat cells that can lead to cancer and other diseases later on in life.
5. Drink plenty of water - Water is the secret to good health. It helps you detoxify your body, keeps your skin clear and healthy, and helps you lose weight. Water detoxifies your body by flushing out toxins that have accumulated in your system over time. This can include heavy metals such as mercury, lead and cadmium; carcinogens such as benzene; and chemicals like pesticides or industrial solvents. Water also helps prevent constipation by keeping waste moving through the intestines. Water also helps with weight loss because it's a natural appetite suppressant. When you drink plenty of water throughout the day, you'll eat less food than when you don't drink enough water.
Learn to identify which foods help your body get rid of toxins
When we think of detox, images of green juices and smoothies come to mind. While these and other raw foods do have their benefits, they are not the only way to go about detoxification. And while not as glamorous as cleansing and juice diets, there are many other ways you can get rid of toxins and excess waste from your body in a natural — and sustainable — way. Let’s take a look at some of the best foods that help you get rid of toxins.
Oatmeal is a plant-based food that is rich in soluble fiber, a type of fiber that is helpful in removing toxins from the body. It is also low in fat, packed with protein, rich in manganese, and high in magnesium. Oatmeal is also a great source of tryptophan, which is a mood-boosting amino acid. If you’re feeling stressed out, depressed, or anxious (which can sometimes result from digestive problems), a soothing bowl of oatmeal can help calm you down and give you a sense of peace. For maximum health benefits, try to eat oats that are made from whole grains. Oats that are processed into quick oats (which are made from rolled oats) lose most of their nutritional value. Oats that are made from whole grains are not only easier to digest but are also more nutritious and have more soluble fiber than rolled oats do.
Turmeric is a plant whose roots are used in cooking and has been used for thousands of years in both Chinese and Indian traditional medicine. It’s a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, and some studies show that it may even be helpful in preventing and treating cancer. A diet high in turmeric has been shown to reduce symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), including stomach cramps and diarrhea. It also has a significant impact on liver health: it can help prevent liver damage and reduce the risk of developing liver disease. You can add turmeric to your diet in many different ways, including by adding it to your oatmeal or putting it in your smoothie. You can also add it to your soups or stews, or try using it as a spice rub on meat.
Berries are some of the most powerful detoxifying foods on the planet thanks to their anthocyanin content. Anthocyanins are flavonoids that give berries their purple, blue, or red color and act as potent antioxidants in the body. They also have a host of other benefits, including reducing inflammation, improving cardiovascular health, and fighting off certain cancers. Anthocyanins are water-soluble, meaning that they are easily broken down and flushed out of the body through urination. This makes berries a great choice for detoxification and can be especially helpful for those who suffer from bloating or digestive issues.
Dark Leafy Greens
Dark leafy greens such as kale, spinach, and Swiss chard are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They are also abundant in fiber, which helps to remove toxins from the body. Dark leafy greens are also high in vitamin K2, which is important for cardiovascular health and may even help to prevent certain cancers. Make sure to incorporate these powerful detoxifying foods into your diet, and you’ll be on your way to a healthier, less toxic body.
Beans are an excellent source of fiber, which helps to remove toxins from the body. They are also packed with protein and B vitamins, which aid the body in detoxification. Beans are also great for digestive health, as they contain gut-healthy fiber, protein, and minerals. They can help to reduce the risk of colon cancer and other digestive diseases as well.
Eggs are another incredibly detoxifying food, thanks to the potent antioxidants found in the yolks. Powerful antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin can be found in the yolks of eggs and can help your body get rid of toxins more effectively.
Beets are not only delicious, but they’re also a very detoxifying food. They’re particularly helpful for supporting the liver, as they contain betaine, a compound that helps to clear toxins from the liver.
Whether you want to do a little detoxing for yourself or help your body get rid of toxins naturally, taking note of the above mentioned information will help you stay living the best life without the threat of toxin buildup.
It’s important to remove these toxins regularly so that they don’t cause damage. You can do this by supporting your liver with supplements, eating foods that are detoxifying, and regularly engaging in a detoxification program. When you regularly detoxify your body, you are generally safe from dreaded illnesses, your energy and mood improve, and you'll live a generally healthy and happier life.

Rita Trotter, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
My passion, work, and philosophies focus on the joy factor, self-acceptance, physical and emotional cohesion, and authentic wellness and I enjoy sharing my wisdom for all that is connected to a successful and healthy life. My foundation in women’s health comes from my own struggles with weight, sleep, energy, productivity, and health and my passion to share this with the whole female collective. I am a Personal Trainer, Nutrition Coach, Behaviour Change Specialist, Long Covid Rehabilitator, Women’s Hormone, and Pre and Post Natal Specialist, Health for Business Coach, published author of three globally selling books, and the creator and facilitator of The Self-Health System Programmes.