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Relationship Marketing ‒ How To Inspire Customer Loyalty

Written by: Hanna Hermanson, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Nobody wants to feel like they’re being sold to. They want to feel in control of their buying decisions…without someone waving a sales pitch in their faces. Many consumers also want to feel connected to the brands they frequent.

So, what does this mean for online marketing in 2022 and beyond? Building RELATIONSHIPS! Relationship marketing focuses on developing customer loyalty. This type of marketing focuses on the long-term engagement of your clients.

Feminine marketing is all about community, collaboration, and connection. And it’s not just the future, it’s the NOW of online marketing.

We have so many opportunities to build relationships (not just hack an algorithm)! Businesses that hone their personal brand and show up authentically have a much easier time building quality relationships online. And those nurtured relationships lead to long-term sales.

We call this “pull marketing”as opposed to push marketing – which is the masculine way of saying, “Do this now… you need this… you’re wrong if you’re not working with me…”

The feel-good, feminine way is to pull people in, with your personal brand, storytelling, and what I like to call “copychatting”

In 2022 marketing is all about CONNECTION. And one of the *best* ways you can do that, is by copyCHATTING rather than copyWRITING.

My Top 5 tips for NAILING the Casual “Copychatting” Vibe:

1. Use REAL words (rather than polished robot-speak or industry jargon)

WHY? You are the EXPERT in your field, and you worked hard to become an excellent coach. You’ve picked up tools, experiences, and a vocabulary that your ideal clients just don’t know yet.

Here’s a rule of thumb: If your 2nd-grade nephew doesn’t understand, it’s too complicated for your audience (who has a 3-second attention span while viewing your content)...

HOW TO: Use contractions for better flow. Use words like I, me, and we rather than third-person references. Use slang! And heck…use made-up words once in a while!

2. Add 😍(fun!) 😜emphasis to break up scrolly text

If your text appears fun, people will want to stop and take a closer look. Adding a “shiny object” to the text can catch their eye for just long enough to make them curious. That curiosity will initially draw them in. Then the rest of your copy needs to engage them.

HOW TO: Bolding, italics, ALL-CAPS, underlines, [brackets], ⭐stars⭐,😃 emojis😉...all fair game.

3. Write to ONE person

WHY? You don’t want to be vanilla the ice cream!

Everyone feels “meh” about vanilla ice cream. You want to be the flavor that has raving fans! Like rainbow sherbert. Now, it’s not for everyone, but people who love rainbow sherbert really LOVE it… and if they see a rainbow sherbert truck rolling down their street, it doesn’t matter if they already had dessert or if it’s 9 am on a Monday… THEY GO FOR IT!

HOW TO: Avoid saying, “Hey everyone!” Instead, when you sit down to write, think about writing to a SINGLE PERSON. Create raving fans who are INTO your flavor. And let the rest find their flavor somewhere else.

4. Be informal with your greetings

WHY? Do YOU like getting emails that say “Greetings, fine customer” or “To whom it may concern”? No! Those are the first things you delete and unsubscribe from. It feels generic and fake–like a robot wrote it.

HOW TO: Rather than saying: “greetings, the customer!”...use something that includes the person’s name (Hey, @name!)...or a casual nameless greeting (Oh, hey!). 5. Respect your grammar (but also…play with it sometimes)

WHY? Talking like you speak is one of the best marketing hacks out there. This is because people are used to texting, voice messaging, hashtagging, and NOT reading dense literature these days.

HOW TO: Make sure you have grammar software (like Grammarly!) locked and loaded on your computer. But also…feel free to DELIBERATELY break the rules when it makes it more FUN to read… quote…or put on a t-shirt.

Connect, connect, connect!

For more insights on how to connect with and convert your online audience, check out Done For You Copywriting services and templates HERE!

Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Hanna Hermanson, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Hanna Hermanson is the founder and CEO of Done for You Copywriting for Coaches. As a life and business coach for years, Hanna gained deep insights and intuitive knowledge about what motivates people to take action. Hanna and her team of expert copywriters combine these insights with creative copy strategies to scale coaching businesses, and help transformational leaders get back into their zone of genius. Hanna's work can be found in Forbes, Thrive Global, and her book “Dream Life is Real Life” on Amazon.

When she’s not writing or strategizing, she can be found carbo-loading for half marathons, or frolicking the beaches of Mexico with her husband and labradoodle.

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