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Relapse – A Common Challenge In Recovery

Leanna Lapidus is a leading Addiction Recovery Specialist, Clinical Hypnotherapist, and Life Coach based in Los Angeles, California, with over a decade of experience. Offering both in-person and online sessions, she provides comprehensive care to clients worldwide.

Executive Contributor Leanna Lapidus

Maintaining sobriety after rehab is a complex journey, often compared to learning to walk again after a long period of immobility. While rehab equips individuals with essential tools, it is just the starting point. The real challenge begins when individuals reintegrate into daily life, where they must confront triggers, unresolved issues, and social pressures without the structured support of a rehabilitation environment.


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Why people struggle to maintain sobriety after rehab: It's like learning to walk again

Relapse is a common challenge in the recovery process, even for individuals who have completed a successful rehabilitation program. It's like learning to walk again after a long period of immobility. While rehab provides essential tools, lasting sobriety requires a comprehensive approach that addresses the underlying causes of addiction and equips individuals with the skills to navigate life's challenges.

Beyond the rehab program

A 30-day rehab program is a crucial step, but it's just the beginning. To truly overcome addiction, individuals need to address the root causes and develop a personalized recovery plan.

The importance of holistic approaches

While medication can be helpful, I believe in the power of holistic approaches. Instead of relying solely on medications, I advocate for teaching coping mechanisms to manage depression, anxiety, compulsive thinking, and worry.

The challenges of reintegration

Returning to daily life after rehab can be overwhelming. Many individuals struggle with:

  • Lack of structure and support: The transition from a structured rehab environment can be daunting.

  • Unresolved underlying issues: Addiction is often a symptom of deeper issues like trauma or mental health disorders.

  • Social pressures: Peer pressure and exposure to substances can make it difficult to stay sober.

  • Stress and anxiety: Unmanaged stress and anxiety can trigger cravings.

  • Boredom and lack of stimulation: Having a lack of purpose or meaningful activities can lead to boredom and increased cravings.

  • Relapse triggers: Certain situations, people, or places can trigger cravings.

  • Limited coping skills: Individuals may need to develop new coping skills to manage stress, anxiety, and cravings.

  • Lack of a support system: Having a strong support network is essential for maintaining sobriety.

Overcoming the challenges

Just as a child learns to walk with patience, practice, and support, individuals in recovery can overcome the challenges of maintaining sobriety. A comprehensive aftercare plan, including therapy, support groups, and a strong support network, can provide the necessary tools and resources for success.

Leanna Lapidus's holistic approach

My Choose Life Over Addiction program focuses on healing the whole person. Instead of relying on old, unhealthy coping mechanisms, we work together to identify and develop positive alternatives.

I utilize personalized holistic methods like Hypnotherapy, NLP, Therapeutic Imagery, Guided Meditation, Mindfulness, and Inner Child Healing to help clients:

  • Calm anxiety and reduce stress

  • Heal past traumas and emotional wounds

  • Address negative thought patterns and worry about the future

  • Learn new ways to cope with cravings and manage triggers

  • Discover their spirituality and sense of purpose

  • Improve physical health through exercise and nutrition

By addressing these underlying issues and incorporating exercise into their recovery plan, individuals can develop healthier coping mechanisms and build a strong foundation for lasting sobriety.

Remember, relapse is not a failure but a common challenge in recovery. With perseverance, the right guidance and support, and a commitment to a healthier lifestyle, individuals can overcome these obstacles and achieve lasting sobriety and a life they love.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Leanna Lapidus


Leanna Lapidus, Hypnotherapist, Life Coach & Addiction Specialist

Leanna Lapidus is a seasoned Hypnotherapist specializing in addiction recovery and mental health; author of “You Have a Choice” is the creator of “Choose Life Over Addiction” and “Start Living” programs. Having overcome personal life challenges and the impact of family addiction, she understands the challenges clients face. Recognizing the connection between addiction and mental health, Leanna offers specialized care to address both simultaneously. Her approach is centered on empowering clients to overcome challenges and build a fulfilling life. Having worked at Passages Malibu Addiction Treatment Center for ten years, she brings a unique perspective and a proven track record of helping individuals transform their lives.


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