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Reinventing Yourself To Your Highest Potential – Steps In Reclaiming Your Personal Power

Written by: Ana Aurea Santiago, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Ana Aurea Santiago

You might find yourself lost and questioning what you might be able to fulfill in this lifetime. What is next with where you are currently at?

Mature businessman walking up the stairs

Maybe you have earned a particular goal or achievement, but it’s not fulfilling you anymore. Perhaps you haven’t, and you feel stuck in the situation.

Have you visualized yourself doing something different? You may be considering pursuing a different path from where you are currently, something unrelated to your current work. Maybe you don’t have any experience in it but believe it would help you find your true happiness and success.

Or your life situation has changed and is facing different needs and expectations, encouraging you to find a new path that will provide.

Reinventing yourself sounds exhilarating. The idea of reinventing yourself or welcoming changes in your life can be dreadful for many. It requires much work to change who you are, how you view yourself, and how you think of yourself. But reinventing yourself can be empowering and life-changing.

“Reinventing yourself means identifying patterns, values, or activities that no longer serve you and changing them for better options. It can involve external characteristics, like jobs, hobbies, appearance, relationships, and location. True reinvention also happens inside, in how you think and behave. It will be different for everybody, which is what makes it so powerful” – Elizabeth Perry

It can be explained in different ways. For others, self-reinvention means a significant career change or a risk in something you are passionate about. For some, it could mean breaking old habits or adopting a new way of living or thinking.

Reinventing yourself and welcoming changes in your life has no specific process with a textbook or manual. In reinventing yourself, viewing it as a journey to self-discovery is necessary. Reinventing yourself is finding your soul’s purpose and reason for being.

In our surroundings, self-reinvention happens all the time. Butterflies coming out of their cocoon, weather changes, snakes shedding their old skin when it’s time to outgrow their recent one.

All these activities are signs of our natural need for change, growth, and expansion. The drive leads us to let go of the past, step outside our comfort zone, and move toward the future.

Why do we need to reinvent ourselves?

You might find yourself craving self-reinvention, a sign that you seek to change in a specific area of your life.

Here are some possible reasons why it is time for you to begin reinventing yourself.

  • You are stuck in an inevitable cycle. It is a familiar feeling for everyone. Being stuck on an inevitable cycle means you are stagnant, or there are situations that you are experiencing repetitively. You can experience this feeling in static relationships, tiring jobs, or lacking motivation and clarity.

  • You are looking for career growth and expansion. Many people aim for career growth and expansion when they have been in the same industry for too long. Career takes up much of our energy and time. Staying in a particular one for years can make us feel set for an adventure.

  • You are experiencing an existential crisis. What bothers us the most is the sense of existential confusion about our purpose in life and what we are to be doing in life. Though everything is fine, life is good, but technically, the meaning still needs to be added. When we let this subtle unhappiness stick around longer, it may cause a significant reassessment.

  • You may need a change. There is no need to have an exact reason for craving self-reinvention. It can be just a shift in your life, from a change of clothing perspective to ending a toxic relationship that no longer serves you.

  • You may be seeking fulfillment in life. Longing to reinvent yourself can also come from your desire for personal fulfillment, your soul’s growth and purpose in your activities, and how you want to spend your time.

We don’t need to have a reason for wanting change. But we must comprehend why that longing exists.

Steps in reinventing yourself: Reclaiming your personal power

Figuring out that you want significant changes in your life is the initial step toward self-reinvention.

Keep in mind that personal growth and self-discovery is a process. There are specific steps you need to take before you see progress in your journey.

Don’t let this hold you back from reinventing yourself. The way of reinventing yourself might be challenging, but it’s rewarding at the same time. You are taking accountability and responsibility for your life and making healthier choices. The journey of Self-Discovery can be as enjoyable as its outcome.

You might be ready to begin your journey but need help figuring out how to start it; here are steps that might help you in the right direction.

1. Self-understanding and self-awareness

One of the first steps in reinventing yourself is to have a sense of Self-Understanding and Self-Awareness. It is having an assessment of your situation and what are the things that you wish to achieve. What are your strengths and weaknesses? What do you feel is missing in your life? Where are you falling short?

Contemplating your current situation and what circumstances have brought you to where you are now will help you have an idea or insight into what you want to achieve in the next succeeding years and where you want to be.

2. Define your core values

Another step towards reinventing yourself is defining what your core values are. Determining your core values can help make positive changes. Because with these core values, you will know what it looks like and why you desire that change.

Use these core values to make your personal vision statement that will help you towards what you want to reinvent in yourself.

3. Contemplate what you want to change

Each one of us wants something that we don’t have. Rather than just chasing after that, it’s time to consider what you want and why you want it sincerely.

Spend time alone to contemplate what is missing in your life. Where/what do you want to be in the next succeeding months? Years? And what changes do you want to make in your current life situation?

4. Set realistic goals

In contemplation, you might get overwhelmed with many things you want to do. It is time to clarify what you want to change and set your intentions and goals to achieve. Make sure that it is achievable.

5. Build positive habits

It is also good to build positive habits that will boost your ability to evolve. Some of the positive habits that you can practice include:

  • Spending less time on gadgets

  • Consuming less content online

  • Meditating

  • Creating a healthy habit

  • Exercising

These habits and routines can bring a positive mindset and help you develop better physical and mental well-being.

6. Practice self-reflection

Self-reflection is a vital part of one’s reinvention journey. Always practice self-care like journaling, meditation, and mindful breathing; by doing so, you can get clarity on what brought you to your current state and what action you need to take next.

With self-reflection, you can also develop emotional intelligence.

7. Be honest with yourself

Being honest with yourself can be challenging, but it’s one of the essential things you can do in your journey.

Being honest with yourself can force you to deal with the hard truths you might be uncomfortable addressing. Lying to yourself can only hold you back from personal development and growth.

8. Ask for support

Don’t hesitate to ask for support from friends, family members, or colleagues you trust. It can be they have some insights or wisdom they can offer you or maybe they are experiencing the same struggles.

In some cases, it’s best to seek professional assistance. Don’t be afraid to reach out to a coach with specific expertise about your situation; they can guide you.

9. Surround yourself with the right people

It’s essential to be mindful of who are the type of people we surround ourselves with. Make sure that the people around you. are kind, honest, and would want the best for you. They will encourage and empower you to do the right thing and keep you grounded.

10. Celebrate your success

Always keep in mind to celebrate your success. Be grateful, thankful, and contented with your life; every achievement is worth recognizing. Celebrate your wins, whether big or small; they will help boost your confidence and self-worth.

The importance of reinventing yourself is that it allows you to build up the best version of yourself. This enables you to have a healthier, happier life.

Reinventing yourself means discovering yourself

Reinventing yourself doesn’t have to be a complete rebuilding of who you are as an individual. It is more about reassessing your values and ideals and living on your most authentic self.

Whether you intend to have a new career, move to a different state, or finally realize your value and worth and learn to love yourself more, self-reinvention is an essential part of life. It is a continuous self-mastery.

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Ana Aurea Santiago Brainz Magazine

Ana Aurea Santiago, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Ana Santiago is a Spiritual Teacher, Life & Self-Empowerment Advisor, Intuitive Life Coach & Tarot and Oracle Card Reader, She specializes in teaching, motivating and inspiring individuals to break paradigms and limiting beliefs on love and wealth so they can be self-empowered and awakened to new enlightening perspectives. She gives clarity and guidance to young adults & professionals to heal themselves, to be able to develop alignment to their soul‘s growth & purpose and to be One with the Universe.

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