Written by: Chloe Redmond, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Reiki, a modern interpretation of an ancient hands-on healing art form, has gained popularity as a powerful tool for promoting wellness and balance in people's lives. Elizabeth, a Reiki Master Teacher, offers a unique certification course called "Reiki Uprising" which combines her expertise in energy healing with her passion for music. In this article, we will explore how Elizabeth's course stands out from the rest, and how her musical background adds a harmonious touch to the healing journey.

Reiki Uprising, a certification course designed by Elizabeth, aims to empower individuals by teaching them the traditional Usui Shiki Ryoho Method of energy healing. Regardless of their experience or background, anyone can learn and benefit from Reiki. Elizabeth's goal is to help others live happier and healthier lives by sharing her knowledge and skills.
Elizabeth's deep belief in the healing power of Reiki stems from her personal experiences. Having experienced the transformative effects of Reiki firsthand, she is passionate about sharing this ancient healing practice with others. Elizabeth's dedication to helping her clients understand and incorporate energy healing into their lives is the driving force behind the creation of Reiki Uprising.
What truly sets Elizabeth's services apart is her ability to merge her career as a professional cellist with her Reiki practice. Through this unique combination, she offers a truly holistic healing experience. Elizabeth can tune one's chakras, the energy centers of the body while incorporating the soothing sounds of her cello. This integration of music and vibration adds an extra dimension to the healing process, creating a profound and transformative experience for her clients.
Elizabeth's musical prowess is not to be overlooked. Having toured with renowned artists such as Elton John and Lady Gaga, she understands the power of music in connecting with others and creating a harmonious atmosphere. Elizabeth's exploration of the relationship between music and healing has led her to incorporate her cello into her 1:1 Reiki client sessions, enhancing the overall experience and allowing for a deeper connection with the healing energy.
Chloe Redmond, CEO of Vino Vaquera Consulting, sat down with Elizabeth Marshall to inquire more about the offerings behind Reiki Uprising.
Hello Elizabeth! Thank you so much for your time! We would love a deeper insight into the pieces that have formed your soulpreneur path. Can you walk us through the early moments of inspiration behind Reiki Uprising?
Sure thing! I'm always happy to talk about Reiki Uprising, as it is a product I am super proud of. The impetus of RU was largely due to pandemic, or rather the fear and weirdness of the era. It really felt like the world was pulling apart at the seams, what with so many people becoming sick and dying, the massive political turmoil all around us, etc. I have always strongly believed that Reiki has the ability to turn the ship around, so to speak. Because Reiki is universal life energy, and that in turn is love, Reiki can help with low level vibrations like fear, anger, jealousy, toilet paper hoarding, amongst many others. Put simply, we needed more love in the world! Reiki Uprising was my way to make that accessible to as many people as possible.
Amazing Elizabeth, thank you for sharing! We understand that so many generous teachings and offerings make up Reiki Uprising. Can we dive into all of the layers for a potential client?
Reiki Uprising can take a total newbie to the energy healing world from beginner to master. The four levels include the theory and practice of Reiki, as well as its history, extended healing techniques, meditation practices, chakra balancing, pendulum work, hands on and distance healing styles, and the best business practices behind opening a healing practice of your own. I'm sure I'm missing something in there, but that's the bulk of my offerings.
What would you say the key takeaways might be for a client enrolled in your program?
A client who graduates from any and all of the levels will walk away with complete confidence in themselves and their healing capabilities. I intentionally beta tested my programs on people who had barely even heard of Reiki and they were able to perform a complete, hands-on healing session by the end of the second level. Confidence and pride in your work are what I centered the lessons around and believe will be achieved by all who take the courses seriously.
What would you say sets Reiki Uprising apart from other industry competitors/ programs?
There is a common perception in the wellness and energy community that practitioners are somehow elevated, transcendent people on their way to spiritual enlightenment. And for lots of folks, that's true! I took a different angle with RU, making it accessible to literally anyone who wants to learn. This is everyday, relatable, workaday energy healing.
When did your passion for reiki turn into a new professional pathway for you?
It happened so fast for me! I learned Reiki initially because I had a healing experience with a Reiki master that I couldn't explain away. This woman literally helped solve a medical condition that was totally kicking my ass and couldn't be resolved with traditional Western medicine. I spent nine sessions with her and I was somehow feeling better and starting to thrive. By fifteen sessions, I was cured. I wanted to know how she did that, what was the trick? so to speak. So I got certified and began treating people right away after my Level II homework was complete.
OK, we have to geek out on the musical juiciness that is your life! Can you describe to the audience how your journey through music has impacted your journey in holistic health?
This is going to sound a little out there and woo woo, but go with me on this for a second...music and holistic health are both the same thing. It's all about vibrations, both literal with the cello and ethereal with Reiki. Those vibrations create an experience for the recipient, whether you are at a concert or on a massage table during a treatment. I started cello when I was super duper young and always have witnessed the enormous power of music and vibration. Reiki is a conduit for energy and vibration, so it all sort of turns out to be in the same realm. Additionally, and this is way less hippy dippy, I was able to reach the levels of business ownership and holistic knowledge because music taught me an incredibly valuable lesson; to get good at anything, you have to be ok with being bored. Tons of repetition, practice, and continuing knowledge expansion is everything for all the areas of my career.
What would say has been the greatest achievement your company has experienced this far?
Surviving the pandemic was a big one. So many studios all around me didn't survive the economic impact of COVID. And these are really, really good places with excellent practitioners. I got lucky, along with being able to pivot to online sessions super fast and being small enough to remain nimble.
What may be coming down the pipeline for Reiki Uprising or you personally as an entrepreneur in 2024?
I've got some big plans that I think are going to be bananas. I'm going to release at least two more online course offerings, including house clearing and energetic apothecary courses. I am working on building out a suit of holistic health classes that can improve the lives of my clients every single day. It's so exciting! Elizabeth, we know that in addition to energy healing, you are a big advocate for movement therapy. Can you touch on the importance of movement therapy in general? Movement is medicine! I am a huge believer in the power of yoga and Pilates to keep us feeling our best as we age. Moving with intention and integrity is what helps avoid injury, keep our joints supple, and builds muscle mass that will carry us long into our later years in life.
We are so grateful for your time Elizabeth. To conclude, what is one piece of advice that you could share with readers who may be gently exploring the world of energy healing?
Jump on in, dearies. Quit questioning if you have what it takes to learn energy healing and get going! We need all the people we can – working within the parameters of love and kindness to turn this ship around. Start asking questions, learn as much as you can, and join the uprising of gratitude, peace, and you guessed it – love.
For further information regarding Elizabeth Marshall and Reiki Uprising, please visit their website directly or Instagram @reikiuprising. For further press inquiries, please contact Chloe Redmond of Vino Vaquera Consulting – thevinovaquera@yahoo.com.

Chloe Redmond, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Chloe Redmond is a leader in digital marketing, influencer partnerships, and social media management. A chance opportunity to work with Chopra Global (Deepak Chopra’s legacy company) in 2020 that left her with the understanding of how mindfulness and marketing can co-exist. She is dedicated in helping entrepreneurs reach their pure potentiality through intentional and intuitive marketing practices. Her mission: to teach others how to put their authentic self into play what targeting their niche and discovering creative partnerships.