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Reframing Clarity — For Business Growth

Written by: Katie Johns, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


The clarity in business is amazing, powerful, life-changing, but it can also feel really stressful when you don’t have it.

Like the rest of the world knows something, you don't, and you are therefore doomed to a life of mediocrity, feeling lost and failure.

But what if you didn’t have to be 100% ‘clear’ in order to move forward in a purposeful, aligned, and fulfilling way?

What if you reframed what clarity looks like?

What if you decided clarity was a feeling, a knowing.

What if you chose to believe that clarity is doing what feels aligned in this present moment.

What if clarity was as simple as following what feels good.

What if the clarity is accepting you’ll never fully know how it all fits together because you are always growing and expanding with the Universe? How can you know what tomorrow might bring?

What if true clarity was learning to trust that there is an infinitely wiser power at work, who knows more than we do, and who is safely guiding you to bigger and better don’t need to know all the details.

What if you decided that just knowing what brings you joy, inspiration, and lights you up is your soul's calling. That doing this alone will show you the direction in which you need to go, the nudges to follow. And that knowing that for now, at this moment, is all the clarity you need to move forward in the perfect way for you.

How that presents itself is not your doing, it’s just your job to tune in, be aware, and become really conscious. To stop listening to fear, ego, and pure logic, tune out all of the external noise vying for your attention and start tuning into the soul.

What if choosing your big vision and setting an intention, where all you had to do and the clarity came by trusting, that whatever presented itself from moment to moment, is the perfectly aligned thing for you to do.

How differently would you show up in your marketing today if that was the case?

An example for you:

I know I am here to help spiritual entrepreneurs with their marketing, so they can shine their light into the world and have as big an impact as possible.

This excites me greatly, so I know it’s my truth.

At this moment in time, that means I am coaching, writing, speaking, and creating programs.

But I am always growing, expanding, and changing, so the products and services I put out into the world are too, so how my business and marketing activities might look from one moment to the next, let alone one month to the next, is hard to quantify, and this is why so many, multi-passionate, spiritual entrepreneurs find it so hard to do business in the traditional way and have crystal clear clarity.

It’s why avatars don’t work for you. Confining yourself to set business models or traditional marketing tactics and strategies leave you feeling exhausted, uninspired, and disconnected. There is nothing wrong with you, and you just don’t suit that system.

You don’t fit into that traditional box, you have never done, and that’s okay. In fact, it’s absolutely amazing, empowering, and exciting that you don’t. You are here to change the status quo, to do things differently, a new way; the soul led the way.

You don’t need to operate in that box; it’s not possible to be free and fully expressed in a box.

Stop getting bogged down in how your business model must work, what niche you must serve, the money you must make, the content you must create, the ways you must do it (in order to be seen as credible/professional), and the clarity on every element, you must have. You are potentially missing the incredible opportunities that keep presenting themselves to you, the magic waiting to unfold, the amazing downloads waiting to flood in, because you are so blinkered by how things should be done or too busy stuck in your head or listening to others.

I know clarity feels good. It gives us a sense of control, and it’s comforting that we know what we're doing, so we can plan accordingly, work out the steps. It has its place.

But if you’re not clear, it doesn’t mean you have failed, that you are doing this business thing all wrong, and please do not let it stop you from moving forward. True clarity always comes from taking the next inspired, aligned action and being open to the magic that unfolds before you, in any given moment.

So, what if you changed your perspective?

What if you forgot about all that stuff for now and just started to be all of you in your business. You simply let your passion and enthusiasm for what you absolutely love to do flood through you without overthinking it. What if you followed your joy, inspiration, and what felt good, trusting that would lead you to the perfect next action to take. What if you followed ease and fun?

Those are the signposts you are on the right track.

What if you stopped constricting yourself and suffocating your creativity with all the should do’s, must do’s, have to’s, and stopped following rules that don’t serve you. What if you simply stopped believing it was true? So many of us think we’re not clear purely because of all the pressure that is put on us or we put on ourselves.

And instead of believing that the reason you feel stuck, disconnected and that you’re not cut out for this is because you are playing this wonderful game of life and business by somebody else's rules, and their rules don’t suit you.

What if you started living by the rule that you are here to change things, you are here to change the face of business, to do things with ease, flow, and joy, however that might look for you.

You make the rules.

So make some good ones that feel amazing to you.


Katie Johns, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Katie Johns is a Soul-Led Business, Marketing & Inner Guidance Mentor who works with Conscious Change Makers, helping them to run and market their business from the soul through her particular method of soul + energy + action. Katie knows that the traditional, old paradigm ways of marketing and running a business can leave soul-led entrepreneurs feeling disconnected, burnt out, and unhappy. She believes that your business is an energetic extension of you, so if you are not in alignment with certain areas, you are not going to create the impact and legacy you desire.

Katie empowers soul-led entrepreneurs to start doing business their way, connecting them back to their purpose, passion, and personal power, ready to take inspired, aligned action in the direction of their dreams. Doing business and marketing that feels good and does good.

Katie is a monthly contributor at Brainz and Soulacy magazine, and she is regularly asked to guest speak on podcasts about her subject.

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