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Redefining Health And Beauty With Mindful Nutrition And Coaching – Interview With Deeana Tate

Deeana has been in the Beauty industry since 2015, correlating it with the Health and Wellness industry helping others look and feel their best. She decided to make strides to become a certified Health and Wellness Coach. Furthermore, Deeana decided to focus on Weight Management and Nutrition Coaching, to be able to assist others who may be struggling with lifestyle choices but have the desire and willingness to do better. Changing lives for the better, one mind at a time. Signed, your wellness strategist & health coach.

photo of Deeana Tate

Deeana Tate, Entrepreneur, Author, Speaker & Health Coach

Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better.

I’m Deeana Tate, Founder and Owner of Beaute’ de la dame D LLC and Sweet Signing Notary LLC. Author of the eBook you, yes YOU: Comprehensive self-care for the everyday busy lifestyle, certified Health & Wellness Coach, focusing on diet and nutrition and Founder and Owner of a nonprofit organization that provides knowledge and resources to access healthier food options and alternatives in low income neighborhoods by combatting Obesity. I’m also Deeana, a well-rounded yet simple woman who loves all things Beauty, who loves to travel the world to create new experiences, who loves to learn to cook different foods from different cultures. Growing up as the youngest child, I’ve always been incredibly passionate about the welfare of my loved ones and always wanted to ensure they were and are thriving all across the board. I would always and still to this day regularly check on them to make sure they are making the healthiest choices for themselves. Any type of information I would come across that promotes wellness I would share it with them as I apply it to my own life so we can all grow older and healthier together. As time progressed I realized that I wanted to share these same things with the world that can be a life changer for someone. As a lady who is involved in various industries and wear many hats, our schedules become so consumed with various aspects of life that it can become a challenge to make healthier lifestyle choices, but it is doable as I thoroughly explain with my eBook.

How do you integrate beauty and wellness in your approach to helping others feel their best?

I integrate Beauty and Wellness to constantly educate as well as demonstrate that the two are correlated. Beauty is much more than what we externally put on our body(ies), the things that we ingest and the lifestyle choices that we make directly affect how we feel on the inside, which will eventually show on the outside. Stress, for example, negatively affects us by causing some sort of disturbance and possible trauma whether it be mental, emotional, psychological, financial or physiological, which will make its way to the physical part of us.

What motivated you to focus specifically on weight management and nutrition coaching?

What motivated me to focus specifically on Weight Management and Nutrition Coaching is how I’ve navigated my own journey, naturally losing over 70 pounds back over a year ago. I utilize various self-care practices to successfully keep healthy, as I constantly strive to personally be better than the day before. Diet is an integral part of weight loss and adding a regular exercise regimen ensures positive results. Knowing what foods and nutrients to prioritize as well as what foods to limit and possibly eliminate is key to healthy and long-lasting weight loss.

What are some common challenges your clients face, and how do you help them overcome these hurdles?

Some challenges that my client face include remaining motivated, remaining consistent and being patient with the process. I remind them that true motivation and discipline is internal, it comes from inside of you and not from anyone else. You’ve got to get to the point that you’re sick and tired and the same ole’ thing and not seeing an effective change. Once that is mastered, the consistency will flow. Patience is truly a virtue, and as the Bible states, “Let us not be weary in well doing for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Be patient with yourself. Allow yourself to learn what works best for your body.

What advice would you give to someone struggling with maintaining a balance between a busy lifestyle and self-care?

In my eBook, you, yes You: Comprehensive self-care for the everyday busy lifestyle, I speak on the various aspects of self-care, the benefits of self-care, how to find time to fit in self-care and what happens when you don’t self-care. The eBook is specifically written for everyday busy people who don’t have a lot of free time. They, like myself, are consumed with so much in life that practicing self-care has to intentional as well as penciled in the schedule. One piece of advice that I offer in the eBook is to first plan out your day as much as possible on paper. From there, throughout the day, take the few free minutes that you have here and there and put them together and engage in me-time activity such as taking a relaxing bath or even turning the phone off.

Tell us about your greatest career achievement so far.

My greatest achievement thus far is helping people to live longer by assisting in the process that shapes their mindset of how they can live a happier and healthier life by changing little habits that turn into big habits. Eating healthy is much bigger that weight management, it in a way dictates how a person’s overall health will be, which has a financial impact as well. Many diseases which include Obesity, Cardiovascular Disease, Hypertension, Diabetes, Stroke and certain forms of Cancer become a greater risk because of a poor diet. A diet that is plentiful in the rainbow along with lifestyle choices that promote wellness equals a better you.

Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

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