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Reconstructed By Blessings – A Story Of Divine Resilience

Martie Smith's journey as a Resilience Ambassador began in Colombia and highlights her unwavering strength and adaptability. She exemplifies resilience from her service in the US Air Force to becoming a Radiation Therapist and certified personal trainer at 62. As an internationally acclaimed author and poet, Martie mentors young individuals, sharing her expertise and spreading messages of hope and resilience globally as a captivating speaker.

photo of Martha Maria Smith

Martha Maria Smith, Bilingual Coach

Welcome to our show! Today, we have a truly inspiring guest, Martie Smith. Martie, thank you so much for joining us.

Thank you for having me! It's a pleasure to be here. I love sharing what has changed my life.

Martie, you have an incredible story that spans continents and involves overcoming significant personal challenges. Let's start from the beginning. What is your early life?

Sure! I was born in Colombia, South America, and I'm bilingual. My childhood was quite eventful as we moved a lot due to my dad's job. In total, I've moved 49 times in my life. We lived in Venezuela, Colombia, and all up and down the East Coast of the United States. My dad was an electrical engineer, and my mom and he met in South America. At seven years old, I learned that I was considered a mistake and that my parents didn't initially want girls. That was a tough pill, but it planted a desire to prove my worth, which became a driving force in my life.

That sounds incredibly challenging, especially at such an early age. How did you cope with all the moving and the feelings of being unwanted?

It was confusing and complicated, especially adapting to diverse cultures and languages. My mom often took me to interpret at various places, which added to the confusion since I was still learning English. I eventually decided to focus on English to avoid misunderstandings. Despite the challenges, I developed an intense resilience and stubbornness to prove myself.

At 19, you made a momentous decision that changed the course of your life. Can you tell us about that?

Yes, I joined the Air Force. I was intrigued by the uniforms, especially the Marines, but I chose the Air Force because I love flying. I signed my contract and had to explain to my parents why I made such a drastic decision. My dad was unhappy and wanted to move us again, but I had already committed. I had an adventure in the Air Force, working on A-10 aircraft and even getting to experience flying simulations, which was thrilling.

You mentioned getting hurt during your time in the Air Force. What happened?

I got injured on the flight line, which eventually led to medical challenges. I underwent 27 surgeries and even spent time in a wheelchair due to a nerve condition that caused my muscles to atrophy. Despite these hardships, my time in the Air Force taught me a lot about resilience and self-reliance.

Your story took another turn when you met your husband. How did that come about?

After leaving the Air Force, I moved to Florida and started working multiple jobs to stay independent. Eventually, we moved again to North Carolina, where I worked at a bowling alley. That's where I met my husband. He ordered a pitcher of beer, and his friends didn't show up for midnight madness, so we started talking. We got married, and he's been my rock through all my health challenges and surgeries. We've been married for 41 years now.

That's wonderful! How did you transition from all these personal challenges to becoming an author and an inspiration to many?

The pandemic was a turning point for me. I started taking empowerment courses and learned about limiting beliefs. I realized I had been my worst enemy by not loving myself. During the lockdown, I took a free course on how to write a book. I had my cover, title, and outline ready by the third day. My book, "Resilience Nourishes the Soul," was published in December 2022. Unexpectedly, it gained a lot of recognition, and I received several awards, including a humanitarian award and recognition from Latinos in Fronteras.

That's truly inspiring, Marty. What do you feel is your mission now, and what are your plans?

My mission is to spread the message of resilience and hope. I teach resilience courses and coach people individually. I want to help others see their potential and overcome their challenges. It's all about taking responsibility, understanding oneself, and breaking the patterns that hold us back. I want to leave a legacy of hope and resilience, especially for the younger generation.

Martie, your story is compelling. Before we wrap up, do you have any concluding thoughts or advice for our viewers?

Don't blame the world for your traumas. Our limiting beliefs often create chaos for ourselves. Take a step back, look at your life from different perspectives, and list your blessings. You'll find that they far outnumber your worries. Believe in yourself, forgive yourself, and never give up. Resilience is critical to overcoming life's challenges.

Thank you so much, Martie, for sharing your story. It's been an honor having you on the show.

Thank you for having me. It's been a pleasure to share my journey.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and visit my website for more info!

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