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Reclaim Your Power – Exclusive Interview With Denice Hedstrom

Denice Hedstrom is a Transformational Healer, Mindset Coach and Mentor who specializes in helping women unlock confidence, self-worth and soul purpose.


She is trained and experienced in healing methods such as Subconscious reprogramming & emotional processing, Shamanism, Breathwork and Ayurvedic feminine form healing.


Denice is 26 years young, born and raised in Sweden with part of her roots in Zanzibar. After growing up in Sweden she decided to travel the world. She relocated to Bali where she spent 6 years of her life while dedicating her time to her studies, strengthening her healing crafts, and helping people from all over the world on their self-love, healing and soul purpose journeys!


Today she runs her business Denice Hedstrom Global online, helping clients worldwide through her various private healing programs, group coaching courses as well as in-person group and private retreats in multiple locations.


Her mission is to help awaken thousands of people to their unlimited potential, reclaim full control of their lives, and live in total freedom and purpose!


Image photo of Denice Hedstrom

Denice Hedstrom, Healer, Mindset Coach and Mentor

Can you tell us more about your personal journey of self-healing and how it led you to become a Transformational Healer and Mindset Coach?


My journey in life started quite traumatic with both physical and mental abuse and early childhood abandonment which led to a range of emotional and social challenges later in life.


I did not know how to maintain healthy relationships, it was almost ingrained in me to feel worthless so I covered up my insecurities through heavy partying and involving myself in toxic relationships and environments.


So for many years, I was in this vicious loop of manifesting more pain in my life through making bad decisions from a place of major anxiety and deep insecurities.


My first spiritual awakening happened when I put myself to rehab at around age 17 when I first started realizing I needed a big change in my life. I remember how during these weeks, I suddenly started noticing how the feeling of desperation and shame turned into a calm faith I had never felt before, the sense of ‘I am not alone, everything will be ok’. I felt safe, protected, and guided by something much bigger than myself.

This was the first pivotal moment that changed my outlook on life, but I was still too young and not fully ready for another few more years to start the deeper healing journey that forever changed my life, which later happened shortly after my move to Bali.


I started switching party nights out to yoga classes, I actively put myself in new environments around inspiring people. My curiosity for meditation, energy, health, and mindset all started to blossom fast and I ended up taking a whole year sober to take a break from alcohol as I was focused on changing my entire lifestyle.


Around this time I started studying psychology at University, while at the same time committing to meditation practice, healing myself from an identity crisis and clearing the shame I was trying to run away from for so long. That year changed my entire life and set the stage for the woman I am today.


The more I studied psychology, ayurveda, mindfulness and meditation, the subconscious mind, holotropic breathwork for trauma release, and eventually shamanism; the more I healed myself as well. It became my absolute obsession to live a happier life and I was able to switch my pain into a burning purpose for helping myself, and eventually others, which is the core of my work today as a mentor and healer.


When I could see how greatly these teachings impacted my life, finding myself being in love with life, myself, and living out so many of my dreams so early in life; I knew it was time to start helping others to do the same, I was ready to share the knowledge I had gathered to help others and that is how I ended up working full time with getting to be with the most incredible humans on their healing paths!


How do your methods of Subconscious Reprogramming, Emotional Processing, Shamanism, Breathwork, and Coaching work together to help your clients unlock confidence, self-worth and purpose?


I always work intuitively with my client's personal needs where I assess before we start working together to see whether they need more focus on the subconscious mind and the physical body, or possibly more on spiritual practice, lifestyle coaching, and manifestation but I always make sure that all approaches are a part of our program.


This can look like the first sessions being focused on subconscious reprogramming to access childhood memories and then begin transforming any negative thought patterns such as unworthiness or self-doubt into confidence and self-worth.


Following that, we might then do holotropic breathwork sessions where we again access the same traumatic/negative experiences and memories that have caused the issues, but this time without using the mind and speech, and instead focusing on releasing the stuck emotions that have been stored in the body.

The breathwork is also incredibly powerful to help my clients start activating new ideas, insights, visions, and manifestations which can help them to create more confidence and clarity with where they are going in life. The breathwork is ideal both for emotional processing and also to access that deeper sense of faith, intuition, and connection to the spiritual realms.


Many people do not know exactly what they want out of life or what their purpose is, so I help them to identify their gifts, talents, and strengths together with creating awareness of the personal challenges that they have gone through in life that are unique to them; to start seeing a pattern of what their soul is guided to do in this life!


In my work, I also offer shamanic healings which are more focused on the spirit, where I work with my client's Soul to retrieve soul parts that have been lost in this life, or past lives, while also clearing any negative energies that might stem from collective belief systems, ancestral traumas or personal relationships. Sometimes we don’t even realize that the emotions we experience are not even ours, or that the anxiety we feel is collective.


So empowering my clients to create awareness, heal the blocks, and then take aligned action with clarity for their dream life moving forward is the sweet spot of success and also makes healing so much more light and fun when we get to play with different approaches in a safe space where manifestation, magic and healing gets to be intertwined effectively.


Could you share some specific success stories or transformations from your clients that highlight the impact of your healing methods?


There are many amazing and transformative stories I could share and one of them is with a recent client that had a breakthrough in a short time together.

She hired me to overcome the heaviness of feeling unworthy to receive love and she found herself in constant people-pleasing where she always took the responsibility for everything that went ‘wrong’ in her relationships.


She felt like she had to act in a certain way to not lose the people in her life, lacking trust in her capacity to manifest both healthy romantic love but also maintain healthy family relationships. So we started with my six-week healing program and began the process with a deep journey into her childhood. We went way back into memory after memory that had caused her to believe all of those negative things about herself.


We went into re-parenting herself to remember how loved she is and always has been, to find proof of her worth so her subconscious mind could stop questioning it, and to reclaim her power as her natural state.

We then went into her romantic relationships and did the same work there; reprogramming her thoughts, helping her see from a new perspective, and forgiving both herself and others. The forgiveness was the breakthrough that helped her to open her heart again and to see her innocence and beauty.

In between our sessions, I gave her manifestation practices, self-love journaling, meditations, and visualizations to help her craft her new identity and start attracting things in life from a place of integrity and wholeness.


The amazing thing with this specific client is that during this process, keeping in mind this was only 6 weeks of weekly sessions, she manifested a whole new romantic connection that mirrored to her all the things we had been working on together. She showed up to our last session and told me she felt appreciated, wanted, valued, and heard in a whole new way than she was used to.


It was like the letter I asked her to write about the love she believes she deserves, manifested itself instantly. And from my view; I was not even surprised! Because this is the ‘magic’ of healing. She was tired, exhausted, and ready for a change and so she received it from doing some of the inner work required. And she is so worthy of it!


On top of the external manifestation, she has also been sharing with me how she notices a shift in how she speaks more kindly to herself, she is filling her cup more often and is taking things less personally; which is a major success and celebration, that she can feel the impact of for a lifetime to last!


Another wonderful client story with a slightly different focus is with a woman who hired me to do my three-month coaching and healing program with her. She came to me to help her release imposter syndrome, fears of being seen and heard as she steps into living in her mission, anxieties about being judged, and self-doubts as she wanted to go all in on working with her soul's passion as a health advocate but she felt held back by her limitations.


We did a total of eight sessions together where I coached her through fun playful subconscious reprogramming where I got her to visualize and use her senses to start feeling safe with her new dream reality being seen, heard, and speaking publicly about her interests.

We went into inner child healings to transform past traumatic events that had caused her to feel the fear of judgment from childhood and we then released both the fear and anxiety through deeper breathwork journeys. We did ancestral work to clear cultural blocks that were disempowering her to be independent.


She started to meditate more regularly while we kept installing new memories and scenarios of living her dreams in ease, play, and confidence, and at the end of our time together she launched her first-ever public workshop and the people loved it!


She came back to me with the biggest smile and said how she felt so safe, happy, confident that she did it, and that she had the feeling she never wanted to stop sharing her passion in this way.

She had noticed that the thoughts of “what are people gonna say, what if I fail, will I even be able to do this” had completely dissolved and she felt more grounded in her daily life. So this was a major success story and still to this day I am watching her on social media as she is sharing her voice freely and impacting others, truly living in her purpose and essence!


What’s your purpose, mission, and driving force for all the work you do?


My purpose and mission is to help as many people as possible to awaken the empowerment of their lives and to unlock their true potential. I truly believe we can all manifest our wildest dreams and more, and if I can help a single person build their soul legacy and experience more true joy in life; then that is my mission!


My driving force has always been my own experience of being able to shift from total darkness to seeing so much light and falling so deeply in love with life. I wish every single human to experience more bliss, love, abundance, and true happiness, and I believe that can happen through healing our wounds and reprogramming ourselves to our greatest good!


What advice would you give to women who are just beginning their journey towards self-love, confidence, and empowerment?


You can change and overcome anything you want and set your mind's eye to. The first step is to allow yourself to dream big and to practice the belief that anything is possible! Who would you want to be if you got to snap your fingers and shapeshift your identity? Start there. Crafting who you are and getting clear on who your dream version of yourself is, will be the first crucial step to manifesting change.


A big belief that also helped me to have faith in myself and the healing journey I was embarking on was that: there is nothing wrong with you, it is safe to forgive yourself and others and to choose to know that everything happens for a reason. If the reason is that you had to go through pain to find bliss on the other side; embrace that and start reclaiming your power back!


I know it can be hard to accept why we have to go through certain challenges, or why things have happened that have led you to feeling any less than worthy, confident, happy, and loved. But allowing yourself to fall back on the comfort of ‘everything happened for a reason, I am safe, I am protected, I am guided and there will be light at the end of this tunnel’, can help you break through the first step of your journey.


My second advice would be to have patience and take things step-by-step. Overwhelming yourself with “all the things you need to heal and the goals you want to achieve” can be draining rather than helpful. Start committing to one or two new practices (such as meditation or daily journaling) at a time if you are embarking on your healing journey alone without external support or take help from mentors and professionals who can help you!

Without the people in my own life, the teachers, the mentors, the healers I would not have been able to move through the transformations with such power as I did, and for that, I am forever grateful. So never underestimate the power of support; both professional and personal in your own life!


If you have sparked an interest in working together and feel ready to create that change that you are craving sooner rather than later.

Follow me on Instagram or visit my website for more information and free resources!

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