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Reaching Beyond The Borders Of A Small Town

Written by: Brooklynn Bradley-LaFleur, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


If you are a small business owner in a small town trying to break free and expand your reach, I feel you.

I love my small town. I want to do all the things to help support it and bring attention to it, but I also don't want it to limit me.

There are only so many clients, so many avenues for events/pop-ups/collabs, and only so many people you can have liking and following your posts and pages. What's an entrepreneur to do to truly grow as a brand, expand the reach to help more people, and break down the imaginary walls holding us back?

These are the changes I made...

Facebook Groups

When used correctly, Facebook Groups are one of the best assets you have at your fingertips. I started expanding my reach when I began using keywords to search for any group that may be like-minded or related to my brand in any way. You would be amazed at the options you will have. I recommend joining all the ones that you can for free. The more groups you are connected with, the more chances to connect.


After being accepted into groups, introduce yourself so people can get an idea of who you are and what you do. A picture with a caption is great, but don't forget how much Facebook loves it when someone goes live. Make sure you are friendly, genuine, and get straight to the point. If you write a lengthy post or go on and on in your life, people will quickly lose interest. We don't want that. Implement this in as many groups that will allow it. So many entrepreneurs will be excited to connect with you.

Commenting and Engaging

While you may think commenting and engaging are the same thing, they aren’t. However, both are equally as important.

Commenting – In the mornings, while scrolling through social media, posts from the groups I am in will be scattered throughout my news feed. Most of the posts that pop up from business groups will be geared towards connecting, collaborating, and helping each other build up a following on our social media accounts. This is where I like to take advantage of my clipboard and comment on every relevant post I come across.

On my clipboard, I have a pre-written post for each specific social media account and website. I type up a short and sweet bio, attach the necessary link, and lock it to my clipboard, so it is ready to post. Commenting is a stress-free way to grow my following and spread my message while making better use of my time. This technique is helpful if it is just you working on your brand. I don't plan a specific day/time to do this, but if I am scrolling on Facebook and have a moment to copy and paste, I don't waste it.

Engaging – To build long-lasting and trustworthy business connections, be genuine and supportive. Don't just use people to benefit you and your brand; build them up as well. Show them you are here as a like-minded community member. We have to be able to rely on each other. It takes a village. To grow on social media and drive more traffic to sales, you need support from others liking and commenting. Don't forget to do the same for others.

For more info, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube-Channel, and visit my website!


Brooklynn Bradley-LaFleur, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Brooklynn Bradley-LaFleur is the CEO & Founder of Brooklynn Three. Brooklynn Three is the parent company of Salon Rouge Spa, LaFleur Couture Wellness Boutique. She has published articles in two entrepreneur magazines, been a guest speaker on several entrepreneur magazines, and is an international best-selling author. Her mission is to help people transform their lives from the inside out by identifying internal and external complications you may be experiencing and connecting you with holistic based products and self-care services.

She hosts a wellness web series every Wednesday at 11 am CST. The web series helps educate on the benefits of different products, suggests tips, and shares personal testimony inside the LaFleur Couture Facebook group.

Shipping options and free self-care consultations are available.

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Quote: “Self-care is not a luxury; it is a non-negotiable.”

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