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Re-Wording Our Architectural Structure Frees Us From What Holds Us Back

Karen Gill is the founder and Creative Director of First Star Enterprises, a healing and teaching venture. She is a professional member of the Australian Tarot Guild Inc. A member and training practitioner of Holistic Health Associates International, and a Master Reiki Teacher.

Executive Contributor Karen Gill

Every day we are bombarded with words, pictures, and people’s opinions, both internally and externally, which can affect our direction in life, and can lead us away from our soul calling. We end up getting stuck in repetitive loops that can be confusing, drain our energy, and take us back to a time in our life when we weren’t feeling in our power, it can keep us rooted in one spot repeating the same cycle or story over again until you have that aha moment that can finally release you into a new chapter of your life.

A person walking through a dark tunnel towards a bright opening.

Neuro-linguistic programming is a great tool to help people understand how to maneuver through and out of these cycles. My job is to provide my clients with the tools needed to clear those patterns and understand where those thoughts come from and what they represent in their lives. What benefit if any are they getting out of those patterns, is it another form of sabotage that’s being created to avoid becoming a better part of yourself?

We have the keys and resources to achieve what we want out of life. Tapping into these resources is the key to our ultimate freedom. Healing someone isn’t a blanket approach, you may be healing a tiny part of a bigger issue, after all, we are complex beings with many layers that contain different issues. Parts of ourselves may not be emotionally evolved to handle certain situations we are placed in. In troubling situations, the mature part of us disappears for a moment and the unevolved part steps in but cannot deal with what it’s faced with. We become traumatized by the event, any word, image, or smell can take us back to that point of our lives paralyzing us unable to move forward. 

Our pain is a doorway for growth, being receptive and leaning into the pain is the only way through, if we give into the pain, we are only repressing a better part of ourselves from coming through. The pain will cling to something disguised as a barrier blocking your way through. Connecting to the pain to identify where the block is and riding it through until you get to the other side, (but not to the detriment of your health). It eventually shows you who you are and allows you to heal and grow. 

NLP can assist in these instances, but it won’t automatically remove the trauma that’s felt, it takes time to heal that part of ourselves. I find more value in going backward before the event occurred to get to the core of the personality that was present at the time. This is where the healing process begins. Suppose the personality of the event is healed. In that case, we still have the core wound present that relishes in the trauma for its benefit, and whatever that is would be re-lived over time placing us back in a repetitive loop that we have trouble getting out of.

I like to find the story in a person and what they align with, our vessel is filled with segments of ourselves from the past who all want to be healed and heard. Some parts of us want to succeed, whilst other parts are fearful of the future and incoming successes. It’s not until those parts are healed can we then move forward confidently and with peace. Typically, those parts were created from unstructured foundations, false hopes, fears, old belief systems, and traumas that have been waiting for the right conditions to emerge. Whatever those traumas are they all play a part in the pattern of our lives. Sometimes subconsciously we create them ourselves because they give us a secondary value. 

The initial value is the pain or anguish that we feel, and the secondary value is the response we receive from others to fulfill the need we’re not consciously aware of. The need comes from a void in our lives and the void needs to be filled with something that wasn’t provided to us in our initial stages of growth. Our unconscious mind picks the first thing it recognizes as being crucial to our survival for us to move forward, regardless of a positive attribute or a negative one, it then passes it to our subconscious, metaphorically they agree on the delivery of the trauma that will satisfy our need at the time.

By identifying where you’ve been and what you’ve done throughout your life, you will start to see patterns emerging that can give you clues that provide the answers needed to clear the old personas away or give you directions forward to achieve clarity of thought. Identifying and tweaking the strengths and strategies that you’ve gathered through life, then combining them with healing tools like NLP, Timelines, or Narrative Therapy. A step-by-step approach can be mapped out to remove these outdated personas by re-parenting them, and moving towards the happiness and success that’s deserved, this is when you can decide if your story needs a new chapter or does the whole book need to be rewritten.

Thought-provoking questions will need to be poked into.

  • Why do I think the way I do?

  • Where do my beliefs come from?

  • What secondary value do I get from a situation where I receive attention from others?

  • And how can I align with my values to feed my own soul?

  • How to align with where I want to go?

The empowering moment is when you realize that the power to change is in your hands. Comprehending how you can use all that you have been through, like compost, the good times, and the not-so-good times, to evolve and move through the challenging times of your life, to find your freedom is a journey well worth traveling.

This is why I find my work so inspiring, especially when the lights go on and you can see life coming back to someone who felt that they had been left behind with no one to guide them through the toughest time of their life. I hold groups in Narrative therapy to help unfurl what’s hiding inside someone, providing them the safety and space needed without judgment to allow the creative spark out to see the light of day.


Karen Gill, Creative Director

Karen Gill is the founder and Creative Director of First Star Enterprises, a healing and teaching venture. She is a professional member of the Australian Tarot Guild Inc. A member and training practitioner of Holistic Health Associates International, and a Master Reiki Teacher. She established First Star because she wanted a place where her clients would feel safe in expressing who they were and what they wanted out of life. A lot of Karen's understanding has come from her healing journey, it’s given her a vista of what people need on a soul level. She believes the best place to start is by building a strong foundation and that comes from unpacking the things we sweep under the rug, we need to listen to the stories that are trapped within, work with them, and let them go. We keep the gems that were tarnished by these outdated threads, these are the foundational stones that help to support the re-building of our lives.

Karen is aware of the trepidation people have when it comes to personal transformation, especially regarding the work that’s involved. She feels that having faith in a higher authority than yourself, (God, the Universe, is key), but the trust needs to come from self-first, only then can you let go and let God, as they say. You learn to appreciate, trust, and have faith in yourself, allowing your intuition and higher self in to guide you towards your future self who is there waiting for you with open arms.

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