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Re-Awaken Your Creativity To Live A Better Life: Part 8 – Creativity Is Infinite Possibility

Written by: Jeanne Y. Savelle, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


This month, in Part 8 of Re-Awaken Your Creativity to Live a Better Life, I’ll share what I’ve learned about how living life creatively opens you up to unimagined possibilities.

Creativity Is Original Thinking

Most of us live our lives from the past, from our experiences, and from what we know. But when we do so, it limits our ability for original thinking. Original thought can only arise from the innate creative space. You can tweak and improve something from what you already know. But without innate creativity, you can’t create something truly unique and original.

Everything new that humans have created is evidence of this magnificent power. And the best part is that everyone has access to it.

Consider such marvels as the recent RNA vaccines or the James Webb Space Telescope. How about hot air balloons and ultra-long-range jets? A good cup of cappuccino? Toilet paper? Even the idea of time is a human-created concept.

“Originality consists in returning to the origins.” – Antoni Gaudí

Because all human creation arises from original thought, you must tap into your inner creative power if you want to be original. You can’t find it looking outside, or from the past, or from existing knowledge. The only way is to dig deep into your creative pool.

Creativity is innately free flowing. You can’t control it. You can only set an intention in a direction. It will manifest your desires in ways you can’t predict. But, you can create something astonishing by letting your creativity go in any direction without interference.

Creativity is Freedom

We try to control things, activities, behaviors, and ideas in our daily lives. It is almost antithetical to us to do anything without controlling it. We judge outcomes as successes or failures, good or bad. We focus on processes and procedures.

But when we come from a place of true creativity, letting our inner power express itself unfettered, unique solutions, ideas, and opportunities arise. True creativity is boundless.

Your creative space allows you to find solutions for every aspect of your life, from health to business, politics to education, science to housework. Creativity is infinite with every possibility and impossibility. You’ll feel excited and perhaps even a bit afraid, but this is where true freedom lies.

“Letting go is what lets something new into the situation, something you’ve never rehearsed before, something nobody has ever seen before. It didn’t come from the past, it didn’t come from outside of yourself, no one put it into you. It came from the depths of your being.” – Rupert Spira

My Journey

Have I realized the infinite power of my inner creativity yet? The truth is no. I am on the journey to re-connect with it.

Most of my life seemed conventional to me. I went to school and college and got a job at a corporation where I worked for 30 years, and then I retired. That’s my old narrative. But if I look back, I can see when I unwittingly touched the creative force.

For example, I got a job offer after grad school to move from Los Angeles to Venezuela, a country I knew nothing about. I left a good job, a nice life with my husband, a great location, and good friends. I left all this for something completely unknown.

Something in me propelled me, and I’m not sure I can explain it. I wanted to travel, so when the opportunity showed up, I listened to that inner voice, my creative force, and said yes. Three years later, I left beautiful Venezuela with a new family and a deeper understanding of both myself and the world.

I believe my intention and a willingness to experience something new were keys to my decision. Though I had prepared, I didn’t know what would show up. I had no idea what my life was going to be like. It wasn’t always easy. I had some dark times, but I also had love and joy. I had created a new family.

We can’t know the long-term impact of anything, no matter how positive or negative. Today, thirty years after I moved to Venezuela, my adopted daughter runs a language school in Ecuador. I couldn’t have expected the universe would send me such a beautiful gift.

Creativity is the Substance of Life Itself

Creativity, life itself, is infinite, always available, and constantly new. Life expresses itself through you, through your creative power. It is who you really are. This deep, rich part of you is waiting to emerge. While you can’t imagine what your life might look like, it will be marvelous.

You have everything you need to live a creative life, but it takes courage. Set an intention, step forward with a totally open mind, and set yourself free to explore new ideas. Let the spontaneous creativity of infinite energy flow from there. You’ll discover value beyond measure.

“There is so much more on offer than we can ever imagine.” Michael Neill

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Jeanne Y. Savelle, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Jeanne is a Gentle Guide and Transformation Agent living in the Atlanta, GA, area. After 30 years as an international corporate finance executive, she chucked that life to reinvent herself. She is now a transformational coach guiding older adults to living life through their inner creativity. She is a writer and author, writing about transformation, creativity, retirement, and wine. She's earned certifications from The Retirement Coaches Association, The Life Coach School, and Modern Elder Academy. Her previous life included a Masters in International Management from The Thunderbird School of Global Management at Arizona State University.

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