Written by: Jeanne Y. Savelle, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

This month, in Part 5 of Re-Awaken Your Creativity to Live a Better Life, I’ll share what I’ve learned about the exploratory nature of creativity.

Creativity is Exploration
Because the world itself is creative, you possess an unlimited capacity and potential to create anything. You only need to engage your imagination, cultivate wonder, and stay curious.
“The quest into creativity is a journey into the heart and soul - a journey in a land filled with wonders and strange obstacles, the land of your dreamworld and its passionate and disguised wisdom.” - From Point Zero - Creativity Without Limits by Michele Cassou
The story of Harold and the Purple Crayon beautifully illustrates the idea of creation as exploration. Harold wanted to explore, so he created the experience he wanted with a blank page and a purple crayon. You can do the same.
Because of this unlimited creative capacity, you can go in any direction, and change direction whenever you want. There are no rules.
Don’t worry about the outcome or result. Instead, give yourself permission to explore what strikes you, what lights up your desire, what makes you feel alive. Allow your creativity to flourish by re-directing time you spend on distractions into creative time and space.
As you explore, you’ll find ideas that inspire you to go further and do more. Follow them.
Allow Yourself Freedom
You may feel some resistance or hesitance in approaching creativity because you don’t understand it. But understanding isn’t necessary. What’s essential is to open up to your creative power.
Connect with your inner creativity by allowing freedom to explore without judgment. Curiosity is the gateway.
“You must let your intuition guide you into the unexpected and the unimaginable.” - From Point Zero - Creativity Without Limits by Michele Cassou
Exploration and curiosity demand a courageous and open mind. Toss out your assumptions about what you think you know. You’ll discover more about who you are and your ability to bring original work into the world. This is how innovation works.
Great ideas come from the unknown. Become intimate with the impossible. Let go of expectation and control.
Allow yourself to wander like Captain Kirk on a never-ending intergalactic quest.
My Journey
My creative journey evolved from my exploration into transformational coaching, when I learned human beings are made of natural creative power.
There were signs and glimmers of my creative power throughout my life, but I dismissed them. I didn’t realize these were innate parts of my creative self.
When I allowed space and time for my creativity to emerge, I saw how it informed almost every aspect of my life. Creativity was all around me. Tasks as simple as adapting a recipe, planning a trip, or choosing a birthday card for a loved one were creative acts.
When I explored creativity more deliberately, I began writing, which I wanted to do but didn’t believe I could. Then I created two online workshops, took a video class, and started work on a travel project. Life is leading me along a path, and I now trust it enough to follow.
Like me, you don’t know what’s in store for you, what you can do, or what kind of life you can create for yourself until you try. Life wants to reveal its wonder and beauty to you, through you. So, be bold. Jump in with your entire body and soul.
Exploring Creativity
Use your imagination to explore your creativity. Below are some suggestions.
Walk an alternative route, re-plant your garden, or re-paint a room in your home.
Take a dance or music class or an online course to learn another language, an art form, or a computer program.
See how you can shake up an uncompleted project. Ask a friend for help or feedback. Imagine how it would look and feel if it was done.
Write an essay, a poem, or a short story. Paint or draw a picture. You don’t have to show it to anyone.
Say yes to new opportunities. If you can’t decide, flip a coin.
Choose to fail and see what happens. Failure is an experimental way of learning.
Mentor a young person.
Don’t think about it or take it seriously, just start somewhere.
Your world expands when you live in wonder. Find out what life has in store for you. All you need is a blank canvas and a purple crayon.
“The World is full of magic things patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper." - W. B. Yeats
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Jeanne Y. Savelle, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Jeanne is a Gentle Guide and Transformation Agent living in the Atlanta, GA, area. After 30 years as an international corporate finance executive, she chucked that life to reinvent herself. She is now a transformational coach guiding older adults to living life through their inner creativity. She is a writer and author, writing about transformation, creativity, retirement, and wine. She's earned certifications from The Retirement Coaches Association, The Life Coach School, and Modern Elder Academy. Her previous life included a Masters in International Management from The Thunderbird School of Global Management at Arizona State University.