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Re-Awaken Your Creativity To Live A Better Life — Part 3: Creativity Is Unpredictable

Written by: Jeanne Savelle, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


This month, in Part 3 of Re-Awaken Your Creativity to Live a Better Life, I’ll share what I’ve learned about the unpredictable nature of creativity.

Predicting the Future

Most of us believe we can control our creativity, and we expect certain successful outcomes. We create in real life what we see in our minds, hoping the outcome matches our expectations.

But what we are doing is predicting the future, not creating it.

James Clear describes the difference between prediction and creation:

“Prediction depends on events outside your control.”

He’s right about prediction. You can’t control anything outside of yourself: events, people, situations. You can never predict the future or the outcome of any action or decision. Yet, you tell yourself you can and spend your life trying to control these things.

When you tell yourself you have to know the outcome before taking action, you stop yourself from doing just that. It’s an excuse born of fear, and your results will reflect those fears. When you try to control the future, you give in to your fears, take less risk, and live a smaller life.

But the future is inherently unknowable and uncontrollable. Olympian Gymnast Simone Biles couldn’t anticipate her “twisties” when she was practicing day after day for years. Not knowing the outcome, she could only control her choice at the moment.

The present moment is all you have. It’s all you can control or influence.

Natural Creation

Clear continues,

“Creation depends on events within your control. Don’t guess about the future. Shape it.”

I disagree with Clear about creation. You can’t control the outcome of any event. Creation isn’t about control or shaping the future. It’s about relinquishing control and responding naturally to whatever rises from your inner creative wisdom.

Allow this wisdom to inform your life. Let go of expectations about what the outcome may be. Enter the mysterious realm of discovery and be curious about what you’ll see. The results will surprise and delight you.

“The World is full of magic things patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” W. B. Yeats.

When you set an intention and move forward into that intention, your magical, unknowable creative power will respond, just not in the ways you think. It’s always unpredictable but always benevolent.

Once you let go of control and expectation, you’ll move along a path unique to you. When you follow your inner guide, you’ll see possibilities you never dreamed of.

Responding to life is the best way to engage with it. Life will bubble up and show you the way. Don’t be afraid. Invite everything in.

My Journey

My journey after retirement ended up far from my plan. I planned to retire to my beach house and live the rest of my days walking along the shore. The universe had other plans.

Instead of listening to my inner creative power, I decided to become a copywriter and spend my days writing blogs for wineries. I enjoy the work because it improves my writing skills, connects me with the wine industry, and helps my husband’s digital marketing efforts.

But something was missing.

As I kept searching, I discovered coaching and became a Life Coach and a Retirement Coach. I love coaching, and it’s closer to who I am, but I’m not there yet. I am still following my path, learning to listen more deeply to my inner guide.

By essentially saying yes when opportunities came, I met some special mentors: Allegra Stein, Robert Laura, Kristy Halvorsen.

Kristy’s presence reached deep into my inner core. Her words were like roots finding their way through the rocks of my soul, reaching deep into the cool, serene pond below. When I met her, I knew at once I had found my place, my home, where I belonged.

I couldn’t have predicted, influenced, or planned this journey. But, because I was willing to let go, I met these wonderful humans who shared their time and talents with me, expanding my life in unimaginable directions.

Unpredictable Creativity

Engaging with the beautiful, unpredictable nature of creativity sets your life free. While you might feel scared because you aren’t used to trusting yourself, overcoming your lack of trust is worth it. Know that you won’t be led astray.

Universal creative energy is benevolent. So, let go of trying to control your future, of setting expectations about the outcome. Instead, embrace the mystery with curiosity. You’ll be rewarded with a more expansive and joyful life.

The world is waiting for the full expression of your unique life, your combination of knowledge, wisdom, and experiences. Activate your inner creative power to open yourself to a new world.

Follow me on LinkedIn for more info!


Jeanne Savelle, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Jeanne is a Gentle Guide and Transformation Agent living in the Atlanta, GA, area. After 30 years as an international corporate finance executive, she chucked that life to reinvent herself. She is now a transformational coach guiding older adults to living life through their inner creativity. She is a writer and author, writing about transformation, creativity, retirement, and wine. She's earned certifications from The Retirement Coaches Association, The Life Coach School, and Modern Elder Academy. Her previous life included a Masters in International Management from The Thunderbird School of Global Management at Arizona State University.

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