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Re-Awaken Your Creativity To Live A Better Life: Part 11 – How To Live Creatively

Written by: Jeanne Y. Savelle, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


This month, in Part 11 of Re-Awaken Your Creativity to Live a Better Life, I’ll share what I’ve learned about how to live a more creative life every day.

Creativity is Simple and Natural

You may think changing your life is complicated or difficult. In fact, you learned to believe that only hard work gets results, but the opposite is true. Struggle and resistance prevent you from living your true essence.

When you let go of trying to control your destiny, you live the life meant for you. The key is to still your mind. This will seem hard at first given our ramped-up society, but our normal state is stillness and ease.

Your Thoughts Are Like Clouds

You can’t control your thoughts so don’t waste your energy doing so. Thoughts naturally come and go because it’s what the brain does. Thoughts have no power unless you attach meaning to them and you don’t have to act on any thought.

Let go of the idea that more thinking is the way forward. Reducing attachment to thought results in freedom. Let your thoughts drift along like clouds outside the window.

When you grasp on to any thought, especially a negative one, you create limits and reduce your capacity for creative living.

You Are Creativity Itself

In quieting your mind and releasing attachment to thoughts, you make space for your inner voice to speak. Make time to listen so deeply you feel it in your soul. Your answers and your life lie here.

You Know What to Do

It may be hard to believe but you already know what to do without ambiguity. When you become attuned to your inner voice, it will guide you effortlessly. Learn to listen and to trust that life will give you what you need when you need it.

One Step at a Time

Action is just taking the next step. Take one step, wait, listen, then take another. Step by step, the path opens, creating your life as you go. No need to rush. Life isn’t in a hurry.

Invite Freedom

Your life is yours alone; no one else’s. Open yourself to every possibility without holding expectations about what it should be. Let your inner essence express itself and don’t judge what arises.

Allow yourself the freedom for your true nature to come forward.

When you feel resistance, anxiety, or fear, don’t worry. These feelings are guideposts that let you know you are straying from your true purpose. There are no bad emotions, only stoplights signaling the way. Listen to the guideposts and adjust as you go.

You Aren’t Alone

Everyone needs help sometimes. Stumbling off the path is normal. If you feel stuck, you can stop, change direction, or reach out to a nurturing friend for help. When you reach out from your inner nature, someone will be there to support you. “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.”

Natural Living

Living creatively is about authenticity and wonder. Choose the path that makes you happy and fulfills your deepest desires. When you connect intimately with your emotions and treat yourself with compassion, your life will unfold naturally.

Lead Yourself to Joy

True self-expression leads to joy. Günther Krabbenhöft shows us his unique daily expression of life. “I want to look at myself with joy. It's also always a reflection of my inner self.”

  1. Still your mind.

  2. Let thoughts pass like clouds.

  3. Connect deeply to your inner voice.

  4. You know what to do.

  5. Take the first step and only one at a time.

  6. Your emotions are your guideposts.

  7. Allow your creativity to take its natural shape.

  8. No expectations or judgment.

  9. Ask for help when you need to.

  10. Follow joy.

When you live from your inner creative space, your life reveals its genuine, unique, expression.

“There is a whole world waiting for us, ready to welcome us home. It has missed us as sorely as we have missed it. And it is time to return.” – Derrick Jensen.

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Jeanne Y. Savelle, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Jeanne is a Gentle Guide and Transformation Agent living in the Atlanta, GA, area. After 30 years as an international corporate finance executive, she chucked that life to reinvent herself. She is now a transformational coach guiding older adults to live life through their inner creativity. She is a writer and author, writing about transformation, creativity, retirement, and wine. She's earned certifications from The Retirement Coaches Association, The Life Coach School, and Modern Elder Academy. Her previous life included a Masters's in International Management from The Thunderbird School of Global Management at Arizona State University.

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