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Re-Awaken To Live A Better Life: Part 10 – Creativity Is Love

Written by: Jeanne Y. Savelle, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


This month, in Part 10 of Re-Awaken Your Creativity to Live a Better Life, I’ll share what I’ve learned about how loving life is and how humans reflect that love.

Creativity Is Loving Kindness

Benevolence is the natural creative state of all life, including human beings. You were born complete as nature is complete. But somewhere along the way, you forgot your natural state and became disconnected from your wholeness.

When you see yourself as damaged, lacking in some important way, or needing improvement, your mind, not life, has become the master. It feeds you false concepts to avoid what it considers dangerous.

But, instead, you belong intimately and irrevocably to the infinite, not to the world your mind conjures. When you reconnect with your inherent wholeness, you understand and feel the natural loving-kindness of the universe.

“Being present in the now is the gateway to our inherent spiritual nature. We are born whole, wholly present, and holy through dialogue with a living, loving, guiding universe.” ‒ Lisa Miller

Life flows naturally and without malice when you become present with who you are, in tune and connected with the natural state of life.

Life’s Creative Power is Natural

You may think you can control life to get what you want. Most people think they must. It seems contradictory to let go of control and trust in the beneficial nature of life.

When you struggle, fight against, or try to control what happens in your life, you create problems for yourself. When you allow your mind to think life can be managed, you miss out on the genuine joy of what life offers.

If you want to avoid or solve problems, you must let go of control and accept the way that life flows naturally through you.

Observe nature. Watch how birds live, how plants grow, how water flows. There is no control, no resistance. There is only living in the moment and responding to how conditions change. The natural world isn’t one of control or manipulation, but of response and adaptation.

You were created the same as nature ‒ to respond to the unpredictable and inevitable expression of life’s energy.

This doesn’t mean you don’t take care of things. It means that when you listen to live as it expresses its creativity through you, new ideas and solutions emerge. Life lets you know what to do. It responds to your intentions.

“Imagine that life is working in your favor, even when it appears to be working against you.” ‒ Alan Cohen

You can’t ever know what the future will bring, and you may not understand what life sends your way, but when you commit to trusting life, your life will unfold effortlessly and authentically.

My Journey

I love control. I have lived through controlling myself and others, even as a kid. Growing up in a chaotic household, I developed tools to help me deal with my environment. Because I was unaware of my creative power or my innate connection to life, I gave my mind control.

I believed life was a struggle, and strived to create specific outcomes, pushing back when things didn’t go my way. I blamed others and myself.

And while I’ve had successes over the years, they weren’t the achievements of my heart. They were manufactured and superficial. The real successes grew out of circumstances I didn’t plan or control.

When I listened to my internal voice and acted from it, my life revealed the unexpected joys and sorrows of fully human life.

If at a younger age, I had learned to let go enough to trust and listen to live, my journey would have been simpler, gentler, and less traumatic.

But I had a different path, one of resistance, however futile. I lived many years repeatedly making the same mistakes, while searching for answers I had had since I was born. When I finally reconnected with my true nature, life became easier.

Creativity is the Wellspring of Life

Life constantly creates and you were born to do the same - to live a continuously creative life. You were born to live a naturally happy life. Even your darkest moments become bearable when you live in tune with your natural state.

“Life has always adored me - it is in Life itself that I find my home, am nurtured splendidly, and am settled.” - Alice Walker, September 2021, The Bitter Southerner

Life adores all of us, including you. Instead of bringing the mind to bear on your life, allow life to bring its gifts to your mind. It’s time to flip the script and live your creative life. Let your mind serve your life, not control it.

Follow me on LinkedIn for more info!


Jeanne Y. Savelle, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Jeanne is a Gentle Guide and Transformation Agent living in the Atlanta, GA, area. After 30 years as an international corporate finance executive, she chucked that life to reinvent herself. She is now a transformational coach guiding older adults to living life through their inner creativity. She is a writer and author, writing about transformation, creativity, retirement, and wine. She's earned certifications from The Retirement Coaches Association, The Life Coach School, and Modern Elder Academy. Her previous life included a Masters in International Management from The Thunderbird School of Global Management at Arizona State University.

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