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Raise Your Vibration — Change Your Life

Written by: Jola Pypno-Crapanzano, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


“How you vibrate is what the universe echoes back to you in every moment” — Panache.

Let’s face it. If the greatest minds of all times, the most brilliant achievers, and the highest performing people in the world have figured this out and are doing it, there is a reason for it. They don’t talk about it often, sometimes they never even mention it at all, but when interviewed intimately, they admit that they all intentionally raise their vibration because, ultimately, it is the main reason for their extraordinary success and lasting happiness in life.

So, what is vibration anyway, and why does it matter?

It’s not a secret that everything in this universe exists out of energy, and it has a certain vibrational frequency. Your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs are energy and vibrate at their frequency. You need to raise your vibration to the level of the things you want. It’s that simple.

When you raise your vibration with high vibration thoughts and feelings:

  • You attract positive energy from the Universe and high vibration results.

  • It makes you happier and more relaxed.

  • It helps you have a more peaceful state of mind.

  • It positively affects your body and your nervous system.

  • It creates a balance of energy in your body.

  • You release negative thoughts and energy.

  • People enjoy being around you more.

  • You feel better physically, and you are more energetic.

  • You attract experiences that you desire.

  • You manifest things a lot easier.

On the other hand, when you are vibrating lower, you are sad, angry, fearful, and resentful.

It’s not a gimmick. It’s the study of quantum physics.

One dozen super-effective tips to raise your vibration:

Although a lot has been said and written about different ways of raising the vibration, I believe it is very individual. There are some universal and 100% proven ways to raise your vibration instantly. So before you start questioning positive energy from the Universe, try them for yourself and see how you feel.

  1. As mentioned above, pay attention to the quality of your thoughts and feelings. Concentrate on high vibrational emotions like love, compassion, empathy, happiness, peace, joy, acceptance, etc. Try to bring the memories connected to them.

  2. Fuel your body with high vibration foods filled with positive life force energy like whole and unprocessed foods, organic fruits and vegetables, fiber-rich grains, legumes, healthy fats from seeds, nuts, cold-pressed oils, and protein grass-fed livestock, superfoods, and antioxidants.

  3. Indulge in some self-care: get a relaxing and soothing massage, take a warm bath with essential oils or salts, meditate or do other mindfulness activities or breathwork. Just the process of being mindful and practicing the state of consciousness will raise your vibrations.

  4. Practice daily gratitude. Take time and journal every morning about all the things you appreciate in your life, regardless of how small or big, even just for 5 minutes, be thankful for all the great things you are blessed with.

  5. Surround yourself with high-vibration positive people who you love and care about. Notice who gives you energy, who makes you laugh, and who drains you and takes your energy away. Put up boundaries against those people who are energy vampires.

  6. Make sure you get enough sleep and rest. A solid 7 or 8 hours of sleep will make you wake up with higher frequency and positive energy, feeling refreshed and ready to go.

  7. Cleanse your surroundings from negative energy, burn some incents, sage, palo santo, sandalwood, or certain herbs. Let their smoke float in the space. It will help in raising the overall vibration of the space.

  8. Move your body. Physical exercise gets you out of your head into your body. Having a mind-body connection is great for your health and raises your vibration by releasing endorphins. Regardless of what you commit to, yoga, running, hit cardio, or weights lifting. Just do it.

  9. Learn or create something new. Creativity can be expressed in many ways: writing, drawing, painting, dancing, singing, decorating or even cooking.

  10. Declutter the space around you. Make your living and workplace peaceful and happy, allow room for new energy to flow freely.

  11. Spend time in nature. Rain or shine, go for a walk or jog outside daily, walk barefoot on the grass or the sand, swim in the ocean, sea, lake, or the river, dance in the rain, walk in the forest, sit on the hill overlooking the city, climb the mountain peak, etc.

  12. Accept and forgive. When you begin to accept people as they are and forgive them for their mistakes, it will free you from negative low vibration emotions such as anger, fear, shame, blame, revenge, disappointment, and apathy.

10 powerful tools and methods to quickly raise your vibration:

  • Use sound therapy. Listen to high vibration music, singing bowls, bells, and gongs.

  • Use crystals healing therapy. Surround yourself with crystals, gemstones, and minerals. Their vibrations can be attuned to your body and stimulate your energy.

  • Use essential oils. Familiarize their scent with a certain activity, which will create a connection in your brain. So, for example, when you use certain essential oil to relax you, this scent in times of heightened stress and anxiety will help you elicit a relaxing state.

  • Try Reiki or other forms of energy healing. These alternative therapies can help reduce anxiety and pain, strengthen the immune system, accelerate healing, induce relaxation, and raise vibration.

  • Do visualizations. They are an awesome way to focus your energy and raise your vibration. You can do it by visualizing beautiful places, pleasant memories, or something you desire or are currently grateful for.

  • Say affirmations. They are another great way to raise your vibration by really appreciating yourself and connecting with unconditional loving energy.

  • Practice meditation. Meditation is a very quick way to slow down, focus your energy and connect with your inner self. Early morning meditation and bedtime meditation are the most effective ways to shift your vibration and keep negative emotions away.

  • Feng-shui your space. This ancient study focuses on the location of items around the home or office, the flow of energy, and how the colors, shapes, materials can influence you and your room. Your space can have a huge impact on your productivity, your mood, and your decisions. Allowing your home to be clutter-free can help your energy and your mind to flow free.

  • Place plants in your space. A great way to feel close to nature is by getting some house plants. Everything has an energetic field, and plants are not an exception. Having plants and caring for them is a great way to raise your vibration and ground your energy.

  • Laugh out loud. When you are in a good mood, your energy vibration levels are naturally higher. So, laugh often to lift your mood and to raise your vibration level.

Enough said. No doubt that living on the higher frequencies helps us achieve immense success and lasting happiness in life, which we ultimately desire. There is the trick to it, though: Many people learn and understand the value of high vibrations but don’t implement the methods and techniques. It is really important to follow and apply them continuously and then expect some results.

Look over the lists above, identify some things you can start doing immediately and then pick a few items to integrate into your daily routine. Create a set of reminders for yourself, place them so that you can see them every day, commit to taking daily action to raise your vibration.

It will change your life. It’s a promise!

For more info, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and visit my website!


Jola Pypno-Crapanzano, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Jola Pypno-Crapanzano is a Certified High-Performance Coach™️, NLP and TLT®️ Practitioner, founder and CEO of Coaching Journey with Jola, two times International Bestselling Author of “One” — Your wellness guide to body, mind, and soul and “stay home” — When you can’t go outside, what happens inside? She carries a Master's Degree in Scientific-Technical Information from Silesian University in Poland.

She has over 30 years of combined experience working with thousands of unique individuals and groups of people serving them in many different capacities. First, as a tour guide traveling worldwide (almost 70 countries visited so far) and translating into 4 languages, then working in the entertainment and hospitality industry as part of operational management in a large publicly traded company in NYC. Finally, coaching people initially as fitness, wellness, and lifestyle coach and most recently more holistically as Certified High-Performance Coach™️, NLP and Time Line Therapy®️ Practitioner. She also helps her clients with positive intelligence, specializing in strengthening their Mental Fitness and supporting them through various strategic interventions.

Her mission is to help one million people live their lives to the fullest, reach heightened and sustained levels of clarity, energy, courage, productivity, and influence and show them that it is possible to live lives of their dreams, on their terms, without regrets, be fully engaged, joyful and confident and build an incredible lasting legacy.

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