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PS ‒ Scrooge Is The Original Christmas Changemaker

Written by: Melissa Pas Blake, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


A little analogy I will share today with the SPIRIT of Christmas in mind, let's consider the story of Scrooge, 'A Christmas Carol', and think about how Scrooge CHANGED his life.

How I help my clients change is like the story of 'The Christmas Carol.' What WE are doing is, changing the story in your mind about who you are.

'The Christmas Carol' is the story of Ebenezer Scrooge, a mean-spirited, miserable, resentful, angry old man. Scrooge also hates Christmas.

Through a series of spectral visions, the miserly Scrooge can 'review' his life and change. The Ghost of Christmas Past reveals vignettes of Scrooge's early life. Young Scrooge started as a hopeful, creative boy with many negative experiences. His feelings get hurt along the way. Hurt as a little boy, a young apprentice, and a young man in love. I do this with my clients when we visit 3 or 4 scenes/events to find the root cause of the issue or problem.

The Ghost of Christmas Present reveals to Scrooge that joy has little to do with wealth; together, they visit the homes of Bob Cratchit, Scrooge's much-abused clerk, his incredible, big-hearted nephew Fred, who has married for love. And the little child, Tiny Tim, who is disabled yet joyful. Scrooge is presently stuck in his ways, holding onto resentment and disconnections caused by the pain of the past.

Finally, the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come allows Scrooge a vision of what his end will be like if he continues his present course, he will die disconnected, unloved, and alone. The ghosts' journey through time teaches Scrooge the error of his ways. When I do a Hearthealing(TM) session, we meet our future/higher self, and most often, it is a beautiful and intuitive experience.

Scrooge understands better the root cause of his hurt younger self that festered into anger into adulthood. Only then is he able to understand, forgive and accept the past. To his delight, the spirits complete their visits and allow Scrooge to mend his ways. Scrooge becomes kind, grateful, generous, brave, and friendly. I always say it is never too late to change for the better.

So, what do you know~Scrooge is a CHANGEMAKER.

The critical thing is to understand that your subconscious mind runs the show.

When I help clients make changes, we first look back at our significant imprints to identify the root cause of the issue. We can view these events/vignettes with mature eyes and edit the story that has been played repeatedly in our minds. Your mind is always listening to what you tell it, and we want to make your mind work for you.

Most of our beliefs are formed when we are young. That's just how it works. Many of our early life experiences significantly impact how we see the world and how this affects how we act. Beliefs are what control our thoughts and feelings and ultimately our behavior.

Working together, we can see how the original imprint created your behaviors and help you change your perspective of the event. Once you can look at it from another perspective, you then have the power to tell your mind something better.

Healing is available to all of us. You too can edit your story and wake up free from the past and full of JOY.

It is always possible to make a positive change. "God Bless us one and all."

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!


Melissa Pas Blake, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Melissa Pas Blake is a Changemaker, healer and a mindset coach helping people to make positive and powerful life changes fast, so they can reach their goals to be their best selves. Melissa brings positive energy,comfort and healing to all aspects of a client's life. Her goal is to help people live to their potential, teach them the power of the mind and support them to cultivate a healthier relationship with themselves. Melissa holds in her heart it is never too late to make a positive change and if you get help you get respect.

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