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Providing Effective Quality Service Is Essential In Business

Lynette Edwards is a nationally recognized author and entrepreneur. For almost ten years she has written books to inspire, empower, and uplift while tackling tough conversations to bring awareness to others.

Executive Contributor Lynette Edwards

The word 'no' is often frowned upon. It’s a word that people never want to hear; a word that can be described as a negative response to a decision. In business, it is a common word, in fact, the word ‘no’ alone can bring about tension in the workplace causing one to question why they aren’t good enough, if they don’t have what it takes, and often leads to the question: how could the business not want to explore a different response.

Brown papers says no

Let’s dig deeper into why the word 'no' is important in business. Let’s suggest that you decide that you one day want to start your own business. You sit down and write a five-year business plan.

Year one- You research business names, ideas, and develop a strategic plan to one day execute the business you envision.

Year two- You begin executing ways to implement the plans you put in place.

Year three- You identify a team of people who are able to assist you with the actual development of your business; a group of people who can commit to working with you, and ensuring your business idea is obtainable and has the power to be successful.

Year four- You have your products/services that will be offered fully designed and ready for distribution.

Year five- You create a strong financial plan that will secure your business.

Five years of working on your business to ensure that the business is everything you dreamed it would become. Five years of making connections and learning about the business structure. Five long years of learning what it takes for your dreams to become a reality.

Now let’s look at the word 'no' again. Why is being able to say ‘no’ essential as a business owner service?

Saying no (from a business standpoint) does not necessarily imply that the potential client does not have a great idea, nor does it state that the client isn’t a reputable source to ‘take a chance on’ in business.

Saying no goes much further in business. Reasons why Businesses say no:

  • The business doesn’t have the resources to meet your expectations.

  • The business can’t guarantee your deadline.

  • The business does not see your vision.

  • The business is not financially able to assist.

  • The business can’t add value to your service/product.

As a business owner, everything you worked hard to obtain can be questionable if you choose to say yes when you should say no. By saying ‘yes’ in business, you are suggesting that you can provide quality service, meet deadlines, and fulfill every request of the client.

Your job as a business owner is to make sound decisions. You have the power to say No. What happens when you say no? The client now has choices; they can turn your ‘No’ into ‘Go’.

  • Go to someone who sees their vision.

  • Go to a business that will assist them with reaching obtainable goals.

  • Go to a business that will take their service/product to the next level.

The next time you are faced with a difficult decision as a business owner, remember you have the power to protect your business even if it implies saying ‘no’. The customer will understand, and if they truly want quality service that’ll be beneficial to them, they will turn your ‘no’ into a ‘go’ and find a way to succeed.

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Lynette Edwards is a nationally recognized author and entrepreneur. For almost ten years she has written books to inspire, empower, and uplift while tackling tough conversations to bring awareness to others. From Mental Health and Christianity to Overcoming daily obstacles, and setting successful long term goals, her books allow readers to think outside the box and become unstoppable in their daily lives. Lynette recently launched Writers Rock mobile app, an exclusive app to provide a platform of resources to writers across the world while providing a social setting, a select listing of new books per month, featured blogs, links to the works of upcoming filmmakers, live virtual events, annual scholarships, and more. When she is not writing or providing resources, Lynette periodically offers free classes in "Ready.Set.Succeed. academy.' an online academy founded to help entrepreneurs and writers by providing resources and guidance on their personal journey. 

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