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Practical Strategies To Overcome Procrastination And Boost Productivity

Errin, a distinguished ADHD coach, embarked on a transformative journey from a life overwhelmed by busyness and burnout to one of purpose and clarity, thanks to effective ADHD management strategies.

Executive Contributor Errin Anderson

Procrastination can feel like a never-ending struggle, especially for professionals with ADHD. The cycle of putting off tasks, missing deadlines, and feeling overwhelmed is all too familiar. But with the right strategies, you can take control and boost your productivity. Ready to conquer procrastination? Let’s dive in.

a man sleeping and turning off the alarm

1. Break down big tasks

Procrastination often kicks in when a task feels overwhelming. The solution? Break it down into smaller, more manageable steps. For example, instead of seeing “write a report” as one giant task, divide it into bite-sized actions:

  • Outline critical points (15 minutes)

  • Research one section (30 minutes)

  • Write one paragraph at a time

Each small step feels more doable and builds momentum, making the project less intimidating. Plus, every mini-task completed boosts your motivation to keep going.

2. Use the two-minute rule

The two-minute rule is simple: do it immediately if a task takes less than two minutes. Small tasks like replying to an email or organising your desk can pile up and become mentally draining. Knocking them out quickly frees up mental energy for more significant projects.

3. Leverage your peak energy times

We all have periods during the day when we feel most focused and energised. Identify your peak times in the early morning or mid-afternoon and schedule your most challenging tasks during those windows. Aligning your work with your natural rhythms helps you stay productive without pushing against your body’s energy flow.

4. Stay focused with the pomodoro technique

The Pomodoro Technique involves working for 25-minute intervals, followed by a short break. After four “pomodoros,” you take a more extended break. This time-management method keeps tasks manageable and prevents burnout. The promise of a break keeps you motivated, and the short bursts of focus are especially helpful for those with ADHD.

5. Minimize digital distractions

Distractions are everywhere. Social media, notifications, and emails can quickly derail your focus. To combat this, turn off non-essential notifications and use apps like Freedom or StayFocusd to block distracting websites during work hours. A distraction-free environment helps you stay on track.

6. Build consistent productivity habits

Productivity isn’t just about one successful day. It’s about building sustainable habits. Create a routine with focused work sessions, regular breaks, and movement. For example, start your day with 30 minutes of deep work and a quick walk. Consistency is key to beating procrastination in the long term.

7. Connect tasks to your bigger goals

Procrastination often happens when we lose sight of why a task matters. Reconnect with your “why” by asking, “How does this task align with my goals?” For example, completing a tedious report might lead to career advancement or skill development. Tying tasks to your long-term objectives boosts motivation.

Conclusion: Start today

Procrastination doesn’t have to control your productivity. You can transform procrastination into action by breaking tasks down, working with your energy levels, and minimising distractions. Start small, build consistency, and watch your productivity soar.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Errin Anderson, ADHD Clarity Coach

Errin, a distinguished ADHD coach, embarked on a transformative journey from a life overwhelmed by busyness and burnout to one of purpose and clarity, thanks to effective ADHD management strategies. Initially putting the needs of others before his own, Errin realized the importance of prioritizing his well-being, a pivotal change that marked the beginning of his personal and professional growth.



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