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Positive Thinking vs. Constructive Thinking – The Key to Realistic Optimism

Adriana Barbara is a Mind specialized Coach that is focused on helping CEO's and high-level entrepreneurs to develop their leadership teams by assisting each member to transform their mindset from the root.

Executive Contributor Adriana Rodríguez

Have you ever been through a tough situation and had someone tell you, "Don't worry, just think positive"? How does that make you feel? Often, hearing such advice can be frustrating. It feels like the other person doesn't understand you, and in that moment, genuinely thinking positively without feeling hypocritical can seem almost impossible.

a young woman with shoulder-length brown hair wearing a gray t-shirt and denim jeans. She is smiling, winking, and making an "OK" hand gesture.

So, what should you do? Should you let your mind run wild and accept your thoughts as they come? Not exactly. It's far better to direct your thoughts in a positive direction rather than letting the situation overwhelm you, unleashing a storm of negative and catastrophic thoughts. Doing so will only make you feel worse, potentially leading to anxiety or depression. However, falling into forced or fake positivity can also harm your mind, making you even sadder and more frustrated.

So, how can you avoid a spiral of negativity when facing a challenging situation?

The answer lies in training yourself to think constructively and adopt realistic optimism. Want to learn how to do it? Let’s dive in.

First, it’s important to clarify that positive thinking isn’t inherently bad, as long as it’s used consciously while embracing reality and pushing you toward constructive thoughts.

For example, let’s say you’re diagnosed with an illness. Positive thinking might lead to thoughts like, “Everything will be fine,” which could bring some comfort and hope. However, this doesn’t solve the problem and might make you anxious. Constructive thinking, on the other hand, might lead to thoughts like, “What can I do today to improve my health?” This type of thinking seeks solutions and drives you to take action. By combining both approaches, you create a series of thoughts, emotions, decisions, and actions that, together, improve your well-being and outcomes.

Let’s examine a full example to see how realistic optimism paired with constructive thinking can work:

  • Reality: I’ve been diagnosed with an illness. I don’t like the situation, and I feel fear and concern.

  • Constructive thoughts: What can I do today to improve my health and tackle this issue? Surely, there’s a solution I can research and take action on. I’ll educate myself, follow the advice given to me, and take proper care of myself.

  • Positive thoughts: I’m in good hands with my doctors. My family supports me. I have the resources I need. Everything will turn out well; I can handle this.

  • Resulting emotions: Controlled fear, constructive concern, determination, drive, a sense of control, hope, and confidence.

  • Actions: Research, health care, following medical instructions.

  • Outcomes: Improved health, resilience, and a sense of accomplishment.

As shown in the example, positive thinking focuses on maintaining an optimistic attitude, prioritizing affirmations, emotions, and positive beliefs, even in adversity.

On the other hand, constructive thinking aims for a practical and proactive approach to solving problems. It doesn’t shy away from challenges or negative emotions but uses them for change and improvement.

Both types of thinking activate different parts of the brain. Constructive thinking stimulates the prefrontal cortex, which directs critical thinking and planning. Meanwhile, positive thinking can trigger dopamine production in the limbic system, generating feelings of reward and motivation.

The key is knowing how to combine and use both types of thinking for a stronger approach to adversity, channel your energy in a positive direction, and achieve better results.

Here are the steps to achieve this:

  1. Identify the situation: Acknowledge the facts and analyze the details realistically.

  2. Apply constructive thinking: Ask yourself, “What can I do to solve this? What resources do I have?”

  3. Apply positive thinking: View the situation from a hopeful perspective.

  4. Plan and take action: Create a plan and execute it.

  5. Evaluate: Review your results and ask yourself, “What worked and what didn’t? What can I improve in my plan?” Make the necessary adjustments.

It’s worth mentioning that being aware of your emotions helps you recognize the types of thoughts you’re having. Pause when needed and change direction if necessary. Negative emotions indicate that your thoughts are heading in that direction. To address this, become aware, follow the steps outlined above, and stick to them. This ensures alignment between your thoughts, feelings, and actions, focusing on building resilience and overcoming adversity.

Are you ready to think positively and constructively?

In my Neuroscience Coaching Process, I help clients shift from negative thought patterns to a constructive mental state that generates better results.

If you want to train your mind toward a constructive state and improve your quality of life, I invite you to explore my Neuroscience Coaching Program by clicking here. Discover how science can help you reach your goals.

Don't miss my next article, where we will continue exploring the mind and how to use it effectively to achieve your objectives.

Follow me on LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Adriana Bárbara Rodríguez, Mind Coach

Adriana Barbara is a Mind specialized Coach that is focused on helping CEO's and high-level entrepreneurs to develop their leadership teams by assisting each member to transform their mindset from the root, achieve their full potential and improve their highest productivity in order to accomplish the organization’s goals in an effective and sustainable way, with her innovative Neuroscience method in leadership.

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