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Politics But Make It Fashion

Written by: Brenda K. Johnson, Senior Level Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Brenda K. Johnson

Want to start a podcast and unsure how to do it? So was Amber Viola. She took a leap of faith and started the Politics but make it Fashion podcast without any experience. Then she asked her best friend since they were four years old attending elementary school together, Chelsea Johnson Schoff to join her. They have in this early stage begun to break barriers and show that with faith and gusts, anything can be achieved. Especially, when since leaving the Navy Amber has been sick, along with many of her Navy buddies suffering from very similar symbols.

A photo of Brenda K. Johnson

Amber Viola, please tell us about yourself and the many projects that you are involved with.

I am Amber Viola and I am a single mother, veteran, social worker, community activist, and podcast producer and host. That is a mouth full! I just graduated from Marywood University with my master’s in social work. I host and produce a weekly podcast called, Politics but make it Fashion. I am the Commander of the Gouldsboro American Legion Post 274. I also work with multiple veterans and Community-based organizations. I am a parent so some of my time is used for my daughter’s schedule and many activities. I enjoy helping people and being involved. I have a hard time staying still.

Tell us about your Podcast. Who are you trying to reach?

My podcast is called, Politics but make it Fashion. The podcast is our take on the news, pop culture, and fashion worlds. My co-host and I have been best friends since the age of 4. We both grew up very evangelical. She is a conservative and I am liberal. We want to show the world that you can disagree on politics (not racism, homophobia, or discrimination) and still have meaningful conversations and relationships. The podcast releases weekly and is available wherever you listen to the podcast. Our main audience is women, LGBTQ+, and gender non-conforming listeners. We of course, want our message to be spread to everyone.

Why did you join the Navy? What did you do in the Navy?

I joined the Navy for two reasons. The first was I need help paying for college and I knew that I wanted to get my bachelor’s and master’s degrees. The second reason was, I wanted to be part of something that was bigger than myself. I was a Gunner’s Mate on board the USS Abraham Lincoln and Fort Lee Army Base. I trained personnel how to shoot, clean, and store weapons and ammunition. I trained pilots and security personnel to qualify them for weapons. I also kept track of everyone on the ship’s gun qualifications.

When did you start getting sick after the Navy? Are there others are sick with the same


About 6 months after I left the Navy, I started experiencing symptoms. At the time, I just assumed I was tired and busy. I found out that I have a genetic disorder called, Liddle Syndrome, which I believe was caused by some of the nuclear reactor and other exposure experienced while on active duty. Once, I had to climb down into a hole without a respirator or other proper equipment. Another time as we were painting the Abraham Lincoln before it was rehauled, we had to jump into chemical-filled water in an area where ships of all sorts were traveling through. Many other Navy Veterans have and are experiencing the same types of symptoms as me. Mainly major stomach issues and major organ issues that some days make it impossible to function. With so many of my Navy buddies suffering from similar or the same symptoms that none of us had prior to our Navy military service. So, we know it must be related to our service.

What are your greatest accomplishments?

Becoming a mom and getting my master’s degree.

What are the biggest challenges in life?

Trying to balance my life between motherhood and working. It is also a struggle being a single parent. Society was created for one person to work and for one person to be home.

What are your previous and upcoming projects?

Talk about many times being invited by Governor, Senator Casey, and Congressman Cartwrights to events and projects: I have been working with a friend since the beginning stages of founding an emergency women’s shelter in Scranton Pennsylvania and for all of Lackawanna County.

How can the audience reach you and listen to your Podcast?

You can Politics but make it Fashion on all podcasting platforms. Find us on Facebook at Politic but make it Fashion podcast, Instagram @politicsbtmakeitfashn, TikTok @politicsbutmakeitfashion and you can email us here.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!

Brenda K. Johnson Brainz Magazine

Brenda K. Johnson, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

BRENDA K. JOHNSON is a multi-focused retired U.S. Army Officer and businesswoman who has lived and worked internationally in both beautiful and dangerous locations. Brenda grew up in a single-parent home with a business-owning mother. She has volunteered with many veterans and prison reform organizations and currently is a board member for Keystone College in Pennsylvania. Coaching basketball for girls led to establishing a women’s basketball team for a College in Doha, Qatar. Brenda is a writer and motivational speaker.

Brenda K. Johnson is using her years of experience as a military training officer and business owner to write and share her professional heartfelt experiences as a co-author in Intuitive Living. Her chapter entitled “S + S = Success” elevates women leaders, providing them with the tools to achieve their ambitions. As the founder of the Powerful Women Business Academy, Brenda coaches and mentors women empowering women to live their business dreams and contribute to the world by assisting others.

Jump on your free 20-minute Business Dream Breakthrough Session call today.



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