Jeffrey Fidelman manages a 40-person management consulting firm in parallel to being a freelance CFO himself, focusing on providing strategic services to early and mid-stage companies. As a consultant/freelancer, he has acted as an interim CFO/COO for 100+ companies and funds. A few highlights of Jeffrey's career outside of consulting include being a partner at a VC fund, banking with Morgan Stanley and HSBC as well as co-founding a real estate brokerage. Jeffrey graduated cum laude from Harvard University.

Hi Jeff! Tell us a little bit about yourself!
My name is Jeffrey Fidelman, and I am the CEO of Fidelman & Co., a management consulting firm specializing in strategy and finance for early and mid-stage companies. Before founding the firm, I spent time in banking between Morgan Stanley and HSBC, then as a partner in a family office venture fund. My experience has given me expertise in various industries, such as real estate, banking, and venture capital. I'm passionate about helping companies reach their potential and have a record of success with my clients.
What kind of audience do you target your business towards?
I primarily target early and mid-stage companies looking to grow their businesses through strategic planning, financial advice, and capital raising. I also work with larger organizations that need help understanding the complexities of running a business in a competitive environment. My clients come from all sectors, including technology, finance, healthcare, media,, etc. Companies engage my firm when they are looking to raise capital, sell their business, buy another business, or alleviate bandwidth issues. On a bell curve, my average client is usually a Series A company, but I have worked with everything from an idea on a napkin (pre-revenue and pre-product) to Fortune 1000 companies.
What are your current goals for your business?
We are in the process of launching a fundraiser for our fund early next year, which will exclusively invest in our former clients. Our goal is to generate revenue and serve as a trusted partner for these businesses throughout their growth journey. We have an edge in that all our clients come to us before they go to market for their transactions. Aside from having ample time to do diligence on them, we get the chance to know the management team and how they think, which allows us to make informed decisions about the companies we believe will continue to experience exponential growth.
Who inspires you to be the best that you can be?
I'm inspired by many successful entrepreneurs that I've had the privilege to work with. They have all shown me through their hard work, dedication, and creativity that anything is possible if you put your mind to it. Additionally, these entrepreneurs continually challenge me with the nature of their growing businesses, often causing moments of imposter syndrome. I'm always encouraged by my family and friends, who continue to support me in my endeavors.
What is your work inspired by?
My work is inspired by the belief that everyone should have access to opportunities and resources to build a successful business. I want to use my experience,, knowledge, and the firm's resources to provide entrepreneurs with high-quality, affordable advisory services they can rely on. My goal is to equip them with the tools they need so they can grow their businesses efficiently and sustainably. We are a firm, not a single person or a few individuals so that we can offer expertise and cost efficiency. Through our service, we aim to make the journey of entrepreneurs easier and more successful.
Tell us about your greatest career achievement so far.
This year, Fidelman & Co earned recognition as a part of Inc's Fortune 5000 - ranking 452 amongst the most rapidly-growing private firms in America. This is a testament to our team's hard work and dedication, and I am incredibly proud of this accomplishment. We are also proud to be a part of helping hundreds of businesses develop successful strategies and reach their goals.
If you could change one thing about your industry, what would it be and why?
I think that management consulting often gets a bad reputation due to a lack of transparency and quality. Most consultants in the early-to-mid stage business consulting space are constantly just moving from one project to the next, unable to be candid with their clients and leading to hours billed with little or no value added. This hurts the entire industry, and I am out to change that by building a firm where we can say no to clients, challenge their ideas, and provide value every step. Our goal is always to put our clients' needs first and provide them with the strategies and insights they need for success. With this service-first approach, we hope to increase the value of management consulting and make it more accessible for businesses of all sizes.
Tell us about a pivotal moment in your life that brought you to where you are today.
When I was starting as a young banker, I had the opportunity to work with some of the most talented entrepreneurs in the business world. Seeing their success and hearing their advice gave me the confidence to take a risk and launch my consulting firm. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made, and it's allowed me to pursue my passion for helping businesses reach their potential and achieve success.