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Plant Medicine For Prosperity – How Hidden Beliefs Hold You Back From Wealth

Nina Izel is a well-known pioneer in the psychedelic healing field; she is the founder of Avatar Healing Arts, the author of the book Heart Medicine, Ayahuasca Assisted Therapy and the Integration Process, and the host of the podcast Ayahuhsca Avatars.

Executive Contributor Nina Izel

The main reason why you struggle with money isn't the lack of opportunities, education, or even resources but the invisible prison of your limiting beliefs in your unconscious. 

a pile of coins sitting on top of a table

Think of limiting beliefs as a hidden operating system running in the background of your mind. Your beliefs about money determine what financial opportunities you can recognize, what actions you'll take, and what results you'll allow yourself to achieve. Ultimately your hidden beliefs determine your relationship with wealth and they are the reason why you remain stuck in financial difficulty despite working hard, gaining new skills, or even increasing your income.

Limiting beliefs about money 

If you believe "making money is hard," you'll unconsciously make choices that make earning money more difficult, avoid opportunities that could lead to easier wealth, and interpret neutral situations in ways that reinforce your belief. This creates a vicious cycle keeping you trapped in a loop of financial struggle.

Your limiting beliefs about money come mostly form your childhood through:

  • Direct statements from parents/authority figures 

  • Observing family's relationship with money 

  • Cultural and societal messaging 

  • Early experiences with money 

  • Religious or spiritual teachings about wealth

Without addressing the underlying beliefs, any external changes are temporary and you will continue to make poor decisions or stay a victim of unfortunate circumstances. 

Some of the common limiting beliefs about money:

  • Rich people are selfish and greedy. They got their money in an unethical way. 

  • I don’t deserve to be wealthy. You can’t make money doing what you love. I am bad with money. People like me don’t get rich. There is never enough money. Money doesn’t grow on trees, not easy to come by. You have to work hard for money. If I have money I might loose it. People will take advantage of me. Money comes through sacrifice. 

Transforming poverty consciousness 

The good news is that once you understand this dynamic, you can begin to break free. By becoming aware of your limiting beliefs and consciously choosing to transform them, you can literally upgrade your internal operating system to one that supports wealth and abundance. This isn't just positive thinking it's about fundamentally changing your perspective about money, opportunity, and your own capabilities. 

This is how you start:

  • Challenge your beliefs (ask: Is this true?)

  • Identify your truth (What do you believe based on your personal experience?)

  • Create new habits (What can you do different to have a better result?)

  • Learn about finances and money mindset 

  • Practice new perspective and behavior 

  • Get personal support and guidance 

  • Practice an attitude of gratitude 

  • Celebrate each victory 

  • Trust yourself & the process 

It is very helpful to journal about your earliest money memories, examine your family's money stories and patterns and to pay attention to your money-related self-talk. Notice your immediate emotional reactions to money situations and track your recurring thoughts when dealing with finances to get out of the victim mentality. 

Plant medicine helps you to access the your unconscious 

Working with plant medicine like the Ayahuasca or psilocybin mushrooms gives you a unique opportunity to deepen and accelerate this work. Ayahuasca works at a deep subconscious level, allowing you to access the root of limiting beliefs that are often buried in past experiences, cultural programming, or generational patterns. Unlike traditional therapy which operates primarily at the conscious level, ayahuasca can take you directly into the subconscious mind where these beliefs are stored and maintained.

When you do this inner work, external circumstances often begin to shift naturally as you start recognizing and acting on opportunities that were always there but previously invisible to you.

How to become a money magnet?

When you transform your money beliefs, you begin to shift your entire energetic relationship with abundance. This transformation allows you to recognize and receive opportunities that may have always been present but were previously invisible to you due to your limiting beliefs acting as filters on your perception. You start noticing possibilities and taking inspired actions rather than unconsciously sabotaging your success.

Long term, your dedicated work will lead to:

  • Better financial decisions

  • Career advancement, professional success 

  • Making choices from a place of empowerment instead of doubt and fear 

  • More confidence in managing money, sense of security 

  • Healing your relationship with money

  • Gratitude and generosity 

But most importantly, transforming your money beliefs affects your overall wellbeing and confidence. The stress and anxiety that often accompany financial lack begin to ease. Your self-worth improves as you realize that you are deserving and capable of abundance. 

Processing your money trauma 

Money trauma is a deep wounding related to financial experiences that can profoundly impact your relationship with wealth and abundance. Like other forms of trauma, it gets stored in our body, nervous system, and psyche, creating persistent patterns that affect our financial decisions and overall wellbeing. 

If you really struggle with money, probably you have some trauma around it. 

Plant medicine like Ayahuasca has a unique way of showing you the origins of your money beliefs, your past trauma connected to wealth, your familiar patterns around abundance, and allows you to experience and process them from a higher perspective, with greater wisdom and understanding.

What makes ayahuasca particularly powerful for belief transformation is its ability to create profound emotional and energetic releases. Many money beliefs are held not just in our thoughts, but in our emotional body and energy field. When you work with plant medicine, you often experience deep emotional purging of fear, shame, or guilt around money.

Your gift of abundance to future generations 

The transformation of your money mindset creates a positive legacy that will influence future generations. As you model a healthy relationship with money, you help break generational patterns of lack and scarcity. You will inspire others in your environment to learn to approach money from a place of possibility rather than limitation. This ripple effect of positive change extends far beyond your own life and it is a legacy you can be proud to share. 

The transformation of money mindset also can happen through a direct experience of abundance consciousness. When you work with plant medicine in a ceremonial setting, you often experience a state of infinite possibility, universal abundance, and your own unlimited potential. These direct experiences can permanently shift your fundamental beliefs about scarcity and limitation. 

Personal and spiritual growth 

The journey of transforming money beliefs also often catalyzes spiritual growth and personal development. As you examine and shift your relationship with money, you often discover deeper truths about yourself and your place in the universe. Many people find that this work leads to a greater sense of purpose and connection to something larger than themselves. 

Money becomes not just a means of exchange, but a tool for creating positive change in the world.

This transformation ultimately leads to a more empowered and authentic way of living. Rather than being controlled by unconscious beliefs about money, you become conscious co-creator of your financial reality. 

Unlock your abundance with plant medicine

When you choose to work with plant medicine to transform your money mindset, you're not just changing your financial situation but you're embarking on a profound journey of personal and spiritual evolution. The medicine's unique ability to access deep subconscious patterns, release emotional blocks, and provide direct experiences of abundance consciousness makes it a powerful tool for lasting transformation. 

As you align with the natural flow of abundance, money becomes more than just currency, it becomes a powerful force for positive change in the world, allowing you to create a legacy of prosperity, purpose, and possibility. The journey to financial freedom begins with inner work, and plant medicine offers a profound path to accelerate this transformation.

Are you ready to prosper and thrive?

Sign up for a free consultation with me!

Follow Nina on her Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit her website for more info!

Read more from Nina Izel


Nina Izel, Healer, Teacher, and Author

Nina Izel helps people to heal and change their life with psychedelic-assisted therapy. She is passionate about self-discovery and self-empowerment and she believes that you are the healer and love is the medicine. Her mission is to support, educate and guide people regarding the safe, responsible and effective use of sacred plant medicines for healing and awakening.


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