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Phrases To Kick To The Curb!

Written by: Aimmee Odom, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

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We are usually on autopilot during the day. And as we are unconsciously moving through life, we have these phrases that do not serve us and need to be kicked to the curb. They don’t help us causes these phrases will keep us small. They also do not allow us to grow.

Boot splashing water next to the curb

Are you curious about what they are? Here are phrases to kick to the curb!

Before we get into these unfriendly phrases, let’s dive into what we want. I have three great questions to ask yourself: What do I want out of life? How do I want to show up in the world? What do you want to accomplish? We all need to ask ourselves these repeatedly because, my beautiful friend, we are consistently changing and evolving. This 1st phrase I am about to share with you is so wildly used that you will be shocked cause I know you say it too! This uneventful phrase is “I have to.” Ring a bell? I hear people say this phrase every day! I have to go to work; I have to pick up my kids; I have to clean my house. Get my drift? We must get clear on what we want. When we have clarity, we decide on our outcome. It will no longer be ‘I have to’; instead, it will be ‘I choose to’ or ‘I get to.’ When you say I have to cook or do laundry, it puts your power outside of yourself. When you take back your control and state, ‘I choose to cook dinner tonight,’ you are setting yourself up for success. You are now standing in your power and taking control of want you want. No longer will you be the back seat driver but the one steering the car. Another phrase to kick to the curb is ‘I should.’ When you say, ‘I should, it’s implying that you are supposed to be doing the ‘thing’ you are judging yourself on. For example, have you ever said I should eat better, go to the gym, stop watching TV at night? Again, this phrase signals that you are judging yourself, that you are not enough. So, instead of should-ing all over yourself, change it for ‘I must’ or ‘I can!’ These changes, although small, will make a massive impact on your life. Think of it this way, when you say I have to, doesn’t that feel like an obligation? Even a duty? Or even worse, the baggage of helplessness?

Try out these new phrases:

I choose to, I get to, I must, I can! Take a spin are the park and chant these empowering phrases.

I know you will feel an energetic difference in the way you think because you are changing the energy of the words you speak! So cool, right? Now, It will not happen overnight. You have to be consciously aware of the words you speak. If you slip, that’s okay. Have patience and keep the faith. I have been training myself for a couple of weeks to ditch the phrase, “I don’t know.” The crazy thing is I DO KNOW! When my mind has not articulated what I wanted to say, I have this terrible habit of saying, “I don’t know.” Unfortunately, this has been stumping my growth. So, now that I am aware of it, I am training myself to say, “I’ll get back to you.” Sounds and feels better energetically, right? I invite you to take charge of what you want and energetically align yourself with the words you speak. I am a firm believer that the words we speak create the story of our lives. Mic drop! Until next time laugh, love, and be uniquely you!

Want more info? Follow Aimmee on her Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube Channel. You can also visit her website to get in touch.

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Aimmee Odom, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Aimmee Odom is on a mission to inspire people to tap into their own uniqueness. To live life to the fullest, we need to look within. After many hardships of life, including weight loss, divorce, and learning disabilities, Aimmee has unlocked the key to fulfillment! Her teachings are a pyramid of change through body, mind, and spirit. This change pyramid will ignite your personal power, get clear on who you want to be, and learn how to listen to that little voice we call intuition. The most powerful key of all is LOVE. Love is the key to enlightenment, joy, and The Uniqueness of You!

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