Written by: Deborah McPhilemy, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Everyone seems to be talking about the importance of Self-Empowerment these days, which I myself am a very big advocate for. I believe that everyone should be empowered with the knowledge and skills to be able to be in charge of their own lives and destiny. What is even more exciting to me than being Self-Empowered, is when you have incredible Personal Power. And, when you combine the two, you become a powerhouse who’s in charge of their own life, someone who can effortlessly direct their path, fast track their goals and magically manifest their dreams.

Your Personal Power is All About Your Energy
Having incredible Personal Power comes down to one thing – energy! Your energy! Energy can be defined as the fuel that your body uses to do things; ‒ to move, eat, work, exercise, think, have sex, have fun, etc. But just having energy does not give you power. What gives you power is having the ability to take charge of yourself and your life without being blown off course by your feelings, urges and circumstances. When you can stand steady in the wake of any storm and not let it affect you, and still forge forward with your life, your plans, your intentions and your goals without throwing everything overboard, this is true personal power.
Emotional Intelligence is key to owning Your Personal Power
Now don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that you need to become an emotionless, numb bot that feels nothing! What I am saying is, that when you allow your emotions to be in charge of you, to let them throw you into a deep depression, to make you give up, quit or lie around all day blaming the government and everyone else and his dog for what is going on in your life, then you are rendering yourself completely powerless!
Emotions are Energy Too
When it comes to emotions, I’m a big fan! Emotions are energy! Emotions are incredibly unbelievably powerful, but only if you understand them and use them to your advantage! To me, my emotions are my personalised GPS system, my very own unique language that tells me when I’m off course with my life or whether I’m unsafe in a place, or with a person. But… when you don’t understand your emotions or don’t speak their language, they have the power to literally bring you to your knees, to steal your joy, your goals and your dreams!
So how do you ‘get’ incredible Personal Power? The answer is actually quite simple, by being yourself.
Being You Unlocks Your Personal Power
So many of us don’t really know who we are as we’ve all been moulded, programmed and influenced by the people who raised us, the education system, the people we hang around with and the community at large. It’s only when we take that first step to becoming self-aware and start questioning our thoughts, actions and behaviours, that we realise we may not be who we think we always were, who everyone else thought we were. Discovering who you really are and getting rid of all the bits of you that you don’t like while revealing the bits of you you do like is when you start stepping into your Personal Power. The more comfortable you get with who you are, embracing every aspect, nook and cranny that makes up the unique individual you are, is when you become personally powerful. And nothing is more magnificent, attractive or magnetic than someone who knows, likes and loves who they are!

Deborah McPhilemy, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Deborah McPhilemy is the Founder of Selfie School, a Self-Empowerment Academy that empowers and educates women and children holistically, so they can become completely comfortable being themselves. After coming from a disempowered background of being bullied and abused, she completely ‘lost’ herself. After spending years healing and rediscovering who she was, she returned to being herself and her life was transformed beyond recognition. She now spends her life helping others to do the same, as well as helping them in a preventative context.