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Pearls of Wisdom

Written by: Dilys Brighty-Schmidt, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


How to tap into your inner wisdom for well-being and the ability to understand what your truth is!


Pearl: Pearl - Spiritual meaning: Pearls represent wisdom gained through experience.

Wisdom: The quality of having experience, knowledge and good judgment.

Experience and good judgment in our lives, therefore, accounts for a great deal, as does knowledge of how we deal with those experiences and the judgments we make from that knowledge.

Perhaps, we do not always make the best outcome for ourselves all of the time, but hopefully, we put those negative experiences into our book of wisdom, so that if we were once again confronted with a judgment-call on a similar situation, we have the knowledge to create a different outcome? One that would not degrade our integrity or our belief in self!

So how can we create our “Pearls of Wisdom,” even at an early age, so that we are not on a continuous repeat of behaviors and habits that we know do not serve us well? How do we push past the feeling of being stuck in a holding pattern, even when our “inner wisdom” knows the answer, but we refuse to acknowledge what we know to be true, staying in our comfort zone of repeating the same behavior over and over again?

This is not wisdom, but a repeat behavior that ultimately brings no positive outcome in the long term.

Of course, there are myriads of examples of repeat behaviors and habits that only make us “stuck” in a position that can be frustrating and stressful. So, how do we tap into our “Pearls of Wisdom” to create the best outcome in any situation that helps us in being healthy, wise, and knowledgeable about what we want for ourselves?

Does that sound selfish? Not at all, in fact, tapping into your “Pearls of Wisdom” not only helps create the life you want, but it also helps family, friends and colleagues know you better and respect your boundaries. In effect, showing up for yourself!

One of the best ways to initiate your wisdom is to trust yourself. The truth is we are our own best experts when it comes to our own life. If we fall into the trap of doubting ourselves and not trust our own wisdom, it can create more stress, deplete our energy both mentally and physically, and undermine our own well-being.

Asking yourself, which activities or people give you energy, versus depleting your energy? Or, perhaps knowing which movement feels good for your body, and understanding when you have reached your limit, when it’s time to rest, and how to release stress.

It can take time to tap into that emotional intelligence, especially if we are swayed in our decisions by others, no matter how well-meaning. Making the right decisions for yourself and letting those feelings flourish need to be nourished and attended to.

Allowing your wisdom to flourish is very important! The messages may seem subtle in the beginning, but over time they will grow substantially, making it difficult to miss them.

Taking the time out of your day to relax and un-busy your mind is very important. When we are relaxed and our minds quiet, our genius emerges, as well as our loving intelligence. In essence, we make better decisions.

Success is 75% of who we are being (our authentic selves.) Creating your own space to relax your mind and body, taking the stress away from your day.

Remember - your story reflects your biology. Fear or stress, when it is chronically felt and experienced, slows metabolism, increases depression, and influences our own well-being.

Simply said - your biography, or your story creates your biology. Ask yourself, “what is the story you identify with?” Is it an empowering story, or a wounded story, one of self-doubt and fear? Relaxing and refreshing your mind allows you to let go of self-judgment, the inner critic, and repeat behaviors.

So how can you start to help yourself understand and implement your “Pearls of Wisdom?” The questions below are to help you understand where you are at this moment:

  • What negative thoughts hold you back from your life, or from loving yourself?

  • What is one area of your life where you would like to create something new?

  • What do you need to let go in order to create that something new?

  • What do you need to forgive in order to fully let go, so that you claim your power?

  • What new perspective can you have about yourself or your life that will give you the freedom to grow?

  • What new attitude can you adopt that supports your best life?

Just by answering the above questions helps you understand your own “Pearls of Wisdom,” where you are at this moment, and the areas in your life which need change, more nourishment and more commitment. Helping you grow and achieve, using your best judgment calls and wisdom.

Remember, you are your own best expert and transformation begins with you!

I hope this article resonates with some of you, and you take away some empowering ideas of tapping into your own “Pearls of Wisdom?”

I look forward to hearing about your own experiences and how you have helped yourself tap into listening and trusting in yourself to make good decisions that have enhanced your life.

Thank you for reading.

Dilys Brighty-Schmidt

Transformational Health and Life Coach

Follow me on Instagram, Linkedin and visit my website for more info!


Dilys Brighty-Schmidt, Executive Contributor, Brainz Magazine

Dilys Brighty-Schmidt is a Transformational Health and Life Coach, who is dedicated to helping women 50+ and beyond achieve success in their health, fitness and life situations, that need change, more commitment and nourishment. Her coaching also includes programs in Type 2 Diabetes and Heart Health, two major health problems that increase with age. Through her previous work as a diet consultant for over six years, with a brand diet company in the USA, she realized how difficult it was for many clients to sustain their weight loss or reach their goals. Health and Life Coaching has given her that much-needed knowledge to help her clients understand that lifestyle changes, as well as habits and behavior changes, are instrumental in their success.

Her mantra is “Transformation Begins With You”

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