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Peace BEE Breathing To Calm Your Mind

Elaine Marie Christine has a mission to bring peace to every mind. She is founder of Aquaterra since 2005, the no 1 Best Selling author of The Peace Prophecy trilogy, and host of the Peacemakers podcast.

Executive Contributor Elaine Marie Christine

Did you know that the deeper you breathe, the faster you relax? It’s true! Peace BEE is a deep breathing technique effective at reducing your anxiety and mental stress. When fear strikes, Peace BEE has three simple steps to help you calm down quickly.

Beautiful yellow pink flower with bee

The Peace BEE story

Peace BEE was born on June 30, 2005, when a bumble bee landed on a pretty wildflower at Hershey Gardens in Hershey, Pennsylvania. Known as the sweetest place on earth, chocolate magnate Milton Hershey built the 23-acre botanical gardens in honor of his wife, Catherine. A Canon camera captured the busy bee collecting pollen and nectar in the Children’s Garden. Peace BEE represents the synergy, harmony, and beauty found in nature.

What is Peace BEE?

More than just a pretty face for visualization and meditation, Peace BEE helps people of all ages with a deep breathing technique that saves lives. The acronym BEE stands for Breathe, Energize, and Embrace. Peace BEE raises awareness that breathing is not as simple as smelling the roses and blowing out the candles. Coaches help clients maintain mental health with a daily Peace BEE practice. Teachers educate students with a Peace BEE poster in the classroom. Parents rely on Peace BEE as a positive time-out for their challenging children.

Peace BEE technique

“If I could encourage just one thing that can help you the most, I would encourage you to learn to breathe!” says author Eckhart Tolle. Here are three steps to learn the Peace BEE deep breathing technique.

1. Breathe

The first step in Peace BEE is Breathe. You will supercharge your blood with oxygen, using your non-dominant hand to count four deep breaths. If you are right-handed, use your left hand. If you are left-handed, use your right hand. The brain is cross-wired in the body, which means your dominant brain hemisphere can rest.

Begin by putting the tip of your thumb and index finger together. Take a breath in through your nose to filter the air. When you inhale, breathe from your belly. Draw a deeper breath, filling your lungs like party balloons! Keep your mouth closed as you exhale slowly, taking time to assimilate the oxygen.

Move your thumb to the middle finger. Close your eyes as you breathe in from below the belly. Inhale and imagine a beautiful day at the beach with the sun shining. Your chest expands as you sip the salt-sea air in through both nostrils. In this guided meditation, feel the warmth of the sun melting all your cares away as you exhale gently and relax.

Your thumb moves to the ring finger. Inhale a long, deep breath from your toes! Walking on the beach now, you feel the soft sand under your feet. Count one, two, three, and four on the inhale and exhale for an even, balanced breath. You might envision a flock of white birds flying overhead.

Move your thumb to your pinky finger. Listen for the sound of your soft breathing. Inhale slowly and deeply as you increase the count to five. Exhale all the carbon dioxide through your nose as you think—one, two, three, four, and five. You clear out toxins in your trachea from shallow breathing. With practice, your lungs become strong like ocean waves washing onto shore.

2. Energize

The second step in Peace BEE is to Energize. It is time to intentionally send that fresh oxygenated blood to your brain so you can begin thinking more clearly about the choices you are making.

Inhale and raise your right arm straight up over your head. When the arm touches your ear, bend the elbow, place your hand over the left ear, and exhale. Take another breath and gently tilt your head to the right side, opening the carotid artery that allows fresh oxygen to the brain. Breathe again and lower your hand so that your head comes slowly upright.

Now inhale, raising your left arm straight up. When your arm is overhead, bend the elbow and place your hand over the right ear as you exhale. Inhale again and exhale, gently guiding your head to the left side. Feel yourself becoming open-minded, patient, and kind. Breathe again and lower your hand so that your head comes slowly upright.

3. Embrace

The third step in Peace BEE is Embrace. Wrap your arms around both shoulders and walk your fingers in an inch. Breathe deep, and squeeze tight. Invite yourself to reclaim all those body parts that have ever failed you. Take another breath. Squeeze again and reclaim all the parts that you said you did not like. Take one more deep breath, and accept yourself with a big hug, knowing you are perfect just as you are right now. Remember to smile!

Practice Peace BEE

Being peaceful takes daily practice. Commit to form a month-long Peace BEE habit. Mark your calendar with an ‘X’ each day you Breathe, Energize, and Embrace. Share the Peace BEE deep breathing technique with your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and community. List the names of the people you might teach.

Peace BEE resources

Peace BEE is so simple that children are now teaching this technique. Give Peace BEE a try on YouTube with 9-year-old Cole, 8-year-old Lola, and 6-year-old Madison. Choose to be peaceful with Peace BEE!


Elaine Marie Christine, Sole Proprietor & Owner at Aquaterra

Elaine Marie Christine is a Mindfulness Expert, number 1 Best Selling Author, and International Keynote Speaker. She earned an MBA, Master in CS (1983), and PhD in Computer Science with a minor in Artificial Intelligence from the Florida Institute of Technology (1995). Her landmark text, Managing Risk, was published by Addison Wesley Longman (1998). She is the tech-savvy Sole Proprietor and Owner at Aquaterra, publishing digital content (since 2005). Dr. Elaine Christine was inducted into Who’s Who in America (2021).

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