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Patience – The Untapped Gift

Written by: Aimmee Odom, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


We have all heard of that saying, “Patience is a virtue.” And all of this means is to have the quality to tolerate something that takes a long time.

But why are we lacking as a culture to have patience? It comes down to this little device we can find in our pant pockets, the cell phone. Where we have the instant gratification of anything, our hearts desire. I caught myself the other day saying, “I’ll google it.” Even though I knew the answer, all I had to do was think.

We have trained ourselves not to think but instead jump on our devices and look things up. Now don’t get me wrong, these devices are magnificent. We can communicate worldwide, build a business, and connect with loved ones. It is a gift.

We need to realize that life is not a snap of a finger or an algorithm. Life is a journey, and patience is a gift we can unlock within us. Life would seem unfulfilled, stagnant, and boring if we got everything without struggle, wait, or anticipation. We would think, why am I here?

Instead, when we have patience for something in our life, it builds anticipation of excitement. It gives purpose when you wake up every day knowing something you desire is coming down the pipeline. It also gives up a calm, peaceful feeling when we can have patience for another being. Having patience removes judgments. You are waiting to see how things will play out vs. expecting what things will be.

Patience does not come with a snap of a finger. You will first have to declare in yourself you want to change. As Viktor Frankl says, Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”

We all have a choice at any given moment. The question is, what will you choose today? How about trying on patience and seeing where your day takes you. People who practice patience enjoy healthy attitudes, mental health, physical health, great relationships, and achieve goals. Doesn’t that sound divine?

You might be wondering where do I start to cultivate patience? I got the answer for you, my friend!

First and foremost, the best way to develop patience is to drop into your heart. Our hearts are the guiding compass in life. They will never steer you wrong. Another great way is to choose to be mindful and practice gratitude. Gratitude expands anything it touches. Last but defiantly not least is reframing a situation by asking quality questions. For example, “what can I learn about this situation? “ or “What is really going on here?” Quality questions are a fantastic way to get your mind out of any cycle it needs to break. There is this old saying, “Ask better questions and your life will shift.”

Patience is a beautiful gift we can cultivate, and I invite you to give it a try. See where the magic of this gift takes you.

“A man who is a master of patience is master of everything else.” –George Savile

Want more info? Follow Aimmee on her Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube Channel. You can also visit her website to get in touch.


Aimmee Odom, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Aimmee Odom is on a mission to inspire people to tap into their own uniqueness. To live life to the fullest, we need to look within. After many hardships of life, including weight loss, divorce, and learning disabilities, Aimmee has unlocked the key to fulfillment! Her teachings are a pyramid of change through body, mind, and spirit. This change pyramid will ignite your personal power, get clear on who you want to be, and learn how to listen to that little voice we call intuition. The most powerful key of all is LOVE. Love is the key to enlightenment, joy, and The Uniqueness of You!

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