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Patience Is Rooted In Presence

Written by: Derick Grant, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


We all struggle with the concept of patience. Few of us understand, though, what patience is. Patience is not an act. It's a state of being. The reason why so many of us struggle with being patient is because of our ego. Our egos develop expectations of how the outcome should turn out, and the moment those expectations aren’t met, we become impatient and disappointed. I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with having expectations. The issue is when we develop an emotional attachment to the result, we’re setting ourselves up to be impatient.

Something we must grasp is that there is no such thing as time. Past, and Future, are mind-made concepts to help measure this experience we call life. All life unfolds in the eternal present moment. Your expectations are no more than your mind, wanting to figure out future events. You then develop an emotional attachment to that specific outcome your mind has conjured up. What ends up manifesting in the present moment is something we call impatience. When you become impatient, take a deep breath and look at your feet to bring your mind back to the present moment, the home of patience.

We often say, “How come my life right now doesn't look like how I imagined it to be in the future?” When you can emotionally detach from the expected outcome and be mentally wherever your feet are, now you have the opportunity to live life in a state of patience. Don’t get me wrong; you’re going to need to set goals. You're going to have to have pre-planned ways or routes to attain that goal. But the key is to know that there are infinite possibilities as to how something can be created or will happen. You don't have to take just one road to the supermarket. There are four or five different ways to get there. Some may take longer than others, but ultimately, they'll all end up leading to the same place. Life is no different. Your mind creates expectations as to how something will play out. Instead of having expectations as to how everything will play out, pretend your life is like being on a ride at the fair with your eyes closed, and you don't know if the ride will go left or right or up or down. You’re ok with the thrill and the excitement of the ride because you are mentally so immersed in the present moment.

Every experience in life is to become a little better at growing, learning, and loving. You're here to enjoy the experience. All of your patience is rooted in the present moment. The present moment is the only place you have ever lived life. So stay where your feet are mentally, and you will find the virtue we've all been seeking; patience.

Want to learn more from Derick? Follow him on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin Twitter and visit his website.


Derick Grant, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine After traveling to 70 different countries, and playing 8 years for the Harlem Globetrotters, Derick Grant set out on a mission to help hundreds of athletes, coaches, and people tap into their infinite seed of greatness. His client base consists of but is not limited to the NBA, WNBA, NFL, executives at Fortune 500 companies. He is an author, TEDx speaker, and revered as one of the most powerful performance mindset coaches in the athletic world. His revolutionary approach to mindset by teaching what the mind is, and how to use it as a tool has helped influenced high achievers across the globe. His podcast, “The Pathway to Your Results”, helps teach people how to find this seed of greatness we all had inside of us.

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