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Pathways To Clarity – Three Essential Ingredients

Written by: Iulia Racovita, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Iulia Racovita

Envision someone navigating a crossroads in life, torn between different paths. As the clock seems to be ticking, internal conflicts arise, filled with fears of missed opportunities, potential failure, and judgment. Constant external inquiries and unsolicited advice are making the struggle worse.

Photo of a clear hour glass.

The scenario above could be regarding career, having children or whatever else. As adults, we go through lots of challenges and many times the solution lies within. In fact, external pressure wouldn’t matter that much if things were clear and at peace on the inside.

Let’s delve into three foundational elements that enhance clarity and support decision-making.


Nothing happens unless we become intentional and take responsibility for the changes we want to make. When something doesn’t feel right, it’s time to pay attention. It is common to get busy with life, to get caught up in our own story and to pretend not to notice. However, we are responsible for both the decisions we make and those we avoid making.

Intentionally challenging our current level of self-awareness and taking higher degrees of responsibility for ourselves may be unpleasant at times, however, it will ultimately give us more choices.


You’ve been climbing this mountain, but is it the right one?

With all the things we think we’re expected to get right, it may not be easy to distinguish the inner truth - what is important and what we truly want. Whose dream are you pursuing? Is it genuinely yours?

Interestingly, many people navigate through life without acting in anticipation of societal expectations. We keep measuring ourselves against these expectations. But whose expectations are they?

Imagine someone finally deciding to take a path aligned with who they want to become. They took the leap, yet still expected to be confronted, as if, at any moment, society could knock on the door and ask, ‘What’s wrong with you?’ However, the question never came. Ultimately, it turned out that society’s expectations were a mere perception; society followed its path and didn’t even notice.


Is your life independent of the good opinion of others?

What we do and how well we perform may be one way to define who we are. However, living life primarily from this definition may keep us stuck in fear, self-doubt, and indecision. An alternative definition of who we are is based on our core values and acting consistently and intentionally in alignment with those. The latter provides the basis for a more grounded, decisive, and fulfilled life, less dependent on external factors. And it still allows us to do the right thing and give our best, if that’s who we are.

Life’s crossroads may be many, but within them, we can find the opportunity to redefine our internal narrative and live a life that resonates with our deepest values.

Complement the above with my free workbook on How to find your core values and why they matter! available here.

Visit my website for more info!

Iulia Racovita Brainz Magazine

Iulia Racovita, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

An advocate for lifelong learning, Iulia Racovita chose to harness her strategies as a highly effective academic learner and apply them to other areas of life. What began as a learning experiment in her mid-thirties has evolved into an inspiring journey. Today, as a passionate certified life coach, she empowers mid-career professionals to navigate challenges with clarity and ease. In serving her clients, Iulia leverages her professional background as an internal audit manager and an internationally certified chartered accountant with over 15 years of local and international experience in the financial sector. Discover how she can help you achieve your goals! Visit her website –

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