Written by: Sandra Corzilius, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.
What does this mean? What does this statement refer to? Who is touched by that? How does this affect me? What is it suitable for? Is it dangerous? Am I coming out of there again?
These are all the questions and many more that I have asked myself. My first contact with Mercury retrograde was very negative, as I described in my first article.
My interest aroused and I started researching. I realized for the first time that it is not just three weeks in which Mercury retrograde influences us, and it begins much earlier.
The Pre-shadow
To live in the shadows. That means that we get two weeks, as a present for free, before the total decline.
Yes, you read that right, just given like that. I see it as a gift. We are not immediately thrown into the deep end, the brakes are not applied from jet to now, and reverse gear is not thrown immediately.
But on the contrary. We get two weeks of acclimatization for free. With armbands and training wheels. It's relax in the Hammock time.
We immediately get feedback in our body if we are on the move too fast, too much, too long.
If we are very still, very quiet, keep ourselves open, we can hear what needs to be worked on and healed in these three weeks of Mercury retrograde.
It refers to a period of transition. That casts its shadow on us like an artificial night. Or is it our shadow that is getting bigger?
In the view of the artificial night, we have the chance to relax more. I am already so sensitized that the days before the shadow influence my need for rest and sleep. My rhythm is changing.
I usually wake up before the alarm clock, and I would like to hang on for another 2 hours.
And there is the point of change. One possibility is to ignore this and keep charging forward at the usual place. AND THAT'S SO EXHAUSTING.
Or we unite with these needs. To anyone who is saying I have a job and fixed times when I have to get up! Then go to bed earlier;)
When there is a problem, there is a solution.
The view that our own shadow is getting bigger fascinates me as well. According to the motto, the spirits I called and not even consciously. Our past emerges in the pre-shadow. Sometimes she knocks softly or loudly and intensely on our door. Let her in. Now is the time to look and learn from your experiences.
We are all meant, and we are all bathed in this influence. And when you open yourself and your heart to it, miracles happen.
What is all of this good for?
Hustle, hustle, hustle, how long can we hold out? Have a look around: burnout people, panic attacks, states of anxiety, total suppression, and repression. We have to clean everything up before everything can be good.
And the shadow extends its hand to you. Gently shows you how to immerse yourself in the depths of your topics. At the right time.
Suppression can cause an explosion during this time, and it can seem threatening if you proceed as before. You perceive your feelings even more, and the energy of Mercury is there to hold you.
The pre-shadow accompanies us for a full 14 days before Mercury starts moving retrograde. Now we are prepared for all that will be ready to reflect over the next three weeks.
And just as it was believed at the time that Mercury is two planets. He also has a second shadow, and I will report on this in another article.
Mercury's power has changed my life, and it continues to do so. And with this, it allows me to be in the here and now, with all my past and an unimaginable future.
This is what I wish for every human being in the world.
The pre-shadow started on September 13th, 2021. Mercury retrograde begins on September 27th.
Sandra Corzilius, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Truth! Perfection! Quiet! Bliss! Universal love! These are not empty phrases, Sandra Corzilius embodies that. As a Hairstylist, Makeup Artist (8 years since when she was 21), an Actress (7 Years in a Daily Show), a Naturopath since 2017, and now as a Holistic Digital CEO and Specialist in the Power of Mercury she knows about all odds. Helping her Clients to Re-Empower themselves with Mercury Retrograde and give them their Energie and Rhythm back, with so much empathy and knowledge in so many things, as also in Gene Keys and Human Design. Sandra is using these, for example, as tools in her Work. She is helping people to create their strength, the knowledge of how their best Energy feels like in their body, and creating with them their unimaginable life. The greatest happiness for her is to see the people of her heart showing their potential and letting it blossom. Sandra is a great animal lover, who has recently saved 4 animals, here in the Dominican Republic. Two are now Sandras Pet's, Grew and Canela, a Cat and a Dog who are, by the way, the greatest of Friends. And the other two Sandra found beautiful homes for. And one of them in fact just had 8 Puppies, 4 Girls, and 4 Boys, ready to start their unimaginable lives. Love needs you.