Leanna Lapidus is a leading Addiction Recovery Specialist, Clinical Hypnotherapist, and Life Coach based in Los Angeles, California, with over a decade of experience. Offering both in-person and online sessions, she provides comprehensive care to clients worldwide.

The overdose crisis has reached alarming levels, impacting countless lives and communities worldwide. In this article, we explore the complexities of addiction, the devastating effects of overdose, and how hypnotherapy offers a powerful, holistic approach to support recovery and prevent future relapses.

The overdose epidemic
The United States is in the grip of an unprecedented overdose crisis, primarily driven by the opioid epidemic. This public health emergency has claimed countless lives and devastated families. Understanding what happens during an overdose and how to respond is crucial for anyone who might encounter this situation.
What happens during an overdose?
An overdose occurs when someone takes more of a substance than their body can handle. The effects can range from severe impairment to death. Opioids, such as heroin and prescription painkillers, are particularly dangerous as they depress the respiratory system, leading to slowed or stopped breathing.
Signs of an overdose
Pinpoint pupils
Slow, shallow breathing or no breathing
Choking or gurgling sounds
Pale, blue, or clammy skin
Cold limbs
What to do in case of an overdose
If you suspect someone is overdosing, immediate action is essential.
Call 911 immediately. Do not hesitate.
Administer naloxone if available. Naloxone, often referred to as Narcan, is a life-saving medication that can reverse the effects of an opioid overdose. It is available without a prescription in many states.
Begin rescue breathing if the person is not breathing. If you are trained in CPR, you can administer it.
Stay with the person until help arrives.
The impact on loved ones
Overdose not only affects the individual struggling with addiction but also has a profound impact on their loved ones. Family members and friends often experience a range of emotions, including guilt, anger, and helplessness. It's essential for loved ones to seek support and resources to cope with the emotional turmoil.
The role of hypnotherapy in addiction recovery
Hypnotherapy has emerged as a promising tool in addiction recovery. It offers a complementary approach to traditional treatments, addressing the psychological and behavioral aspects of addiction.
Leanna Lapidus, a renowned hypnotherapist, emphasizes the importance of addressing the root causes of addiction. "Hypnosis can help individuals identify and overcome underlying issues that contribute to their substance abuse," she says. "By accessing the subconscious mind, we can help clients develop healthier coping mechanisms and create lasting change."
Benefits of hypnotherapy for addiction
Craving reduction: Hypnosis can help individuals reduce cravings, making it easier to resist temptation.
Increased motivation: By tapping into subconscious desires, hypnosis can enhance motivation for sobriety.
Improved coping mechanisms: Hypnosis can help individuals develop healthier coping strategies for stress and triggers.
Self-esteem boost: Hypnosis can improve self-esteem, which is often impacted by alcohol abuse.
Supporting loved ones through hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy can also benefit loved ones who are affected by a family member's addiction. It can help them manage stress, anxiety, and guilt, fostering a more supportive and understanding environment for the person in recovery.
By providing tools for emotional regulation and resilience, hypnotherapy empowers loved ones to play an active role in the recovery process.
The overdose crisis is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach. While prevention and treatment are essential, it's equally important to support those affected by addiction.
Hypnotherapy offers a promising avenue for individuals struggling with addiction and their loved ones. By addressing the underlying causes of addiction and providing coping mechanisms, hypnosis can contribute to a healthier and more fulfilling life.
Read more from Leanna Lapidus
Leanna Lapidus, Hypnotherapist, Life Coach & Addiction Specialist
Leanna Lapidus is a seasoned Hypnotherapist specializing in addiction recovery and mental health; author of “You Have a Choice” is the creator of “Choose Life Over Addiction” and “Start Living” programs. Having overcome personal life challenges and the impact of family addiction, she understands the challenges clients face. Recognizing the connection between addiction and mental health, Leanna offers specialized care to address both simultaneously. Her approach is centered on empowering clients to overcome challenges and build a fulfilling life. Having worked at Passages Malibu Addiction Treatment Center for ten years, she brings a unique perspective and a proven track record of helping individuals transform their lives.