More Master Teacher than coach, Abigail “Abby” Stason is a social activist and skill builder with 20+ years of professional experience as a leader, organizational consultant, and group facilitator. As a disrupter, Abby is committed to a new social awareness to expose outdated structures that are no longer of service, giving way to the experience of peace, freedom, and truth in the world. She is a catalyst for societal evolution. In short, she helps human beings, leaders, teams, and organizations wake up by equipping them with behavioral skills for a modern world. Abby created a conscious leadership curriculum, a series of practices that are easily accessible to everyone.

Abigail Stason, Master Teacher / Skillbuilder
Can you tell us about your background and how you started your business?
My business is LGBTQ+ and women-owned certified. More master teacher and skill builder, I am an energetic leader, mentor, facilitator, and author passionate about equipping human beings and leaders with behavioral skills for this global gig economy and the modern world. Today, humans from different cultures and contexts are coming into direct contact like never before. People from all walks of life interact in various situations, including social media and global companies. While diversity is happening organically, humans are not wired for inclusion, equality, and the truth. I discovered this firsthand.
I grew up in a tiny town of white people. I wasn’t exposed to anything other than a white patriarchal society. I was sexually molested when I was ten years old, and throughout my childhood, I was bullied and physically hit. While working at a food stand, my boss chased me around, trying to kiss me without my permission. I am in my late 50s, and you didn’t discuss any of it back then. Not only did you ignore the truth, but you were penalized for revealing the truth.
Even as a tiny human, I noticed my energy lift whenever I experienced someone being true to a situation, themselves, and the meaning in their words and actions. When I came to a situation entirely in my truth, full awareness of who I was and what I wanted, I always felt empowered and brimming with vitality and potential. Society demanded differently. Societal conditioning said, and still says, “Go along to get along.”
I didn’t know the word for it then, but I loved consciousness. While I was experiencing this aliveness, I was being taught by society to avoid the truth. I was told, “Don’t cry, explore, be creative, or feel,” Most crucially, I was told, “Don’t speak about what you see.” “Do what society says” were my marching orders. I grew up in and apart from a world where everything was an illusion. Every day, I was indoctrinated into the same agreed mutual lie. Although I wasn’t buying it, as a female, I didn’t feel the agency to challenge societal conventions. I buried my consciousness deep within myself.
Into adulthood, I entrenched myself in the corporate world, where the avoidance of truth was raised to an art form. Unconscious behaviors and biases were rampant. As I moved further from my true self, I was rewarded with financial gain and promotions. I realized everyone around me wanted the “status quo” rather than facing the truth, so again, I diminished my potential by trying to fit in.
Each day brought more awareness of how far I had strayed from who I am. There was a growing desire within me to feel vitality again—to live consciously. I noticed the ways I was neglecting my spirit and my authentic self. I realized that my productivity would suffer by continuing this way, and my relationships would become disconnected. At this point, the insight arrived,
“Businesses, by their very nature, bring people together, but we spend very little time teaching people how to behave with each other. Through relationships and being true to ourselves, we can expand into the truth and our potential, spiritually and as a human species .”
I woke up and became true to who I am – a conscious human being and leader. I discovered that consciousness and high awareness were not valued in the workplace, so I was met with resistance. To face the truth isn’t always easy. Outnumbered, I avoided my truth again and became my worst enemy. I found myself completely misaligned with my values even though I experienced great external success. I continued to ignore consciousness and ran on autopilot. Finally, my body screamed at me. I developed migraines, neck and shoulder pain, hip pain, and shooting foot cramps up my legs. No one knew. With my head aching and a battle raging throughout my body, I decided it was time for change. The day I aligned with my truth and values and quit my job, within 24 hours, ALL of the pain subsided and disappeared.
My path led me to see how having a career and a life are not, and should never be, considered mutually exclusive. Thus, my new journey began, aiming to overcome life´s most formidable challenge – aligning with the truth of who I am, no matter what. And so, I embarked on a ruthless process of my human development - a committed path of discipline and transformation that led me beyond the confines of societal conditioning.
How did these experiences shape who you are today and your ability to navigate societal conditioning?
I mentioned that my business is LGBTQ+ and women-owned certified. I am a former Wall Street Executive. You can imagine what being LGBTQ+ and a woman was like back then. Unfortunately, not much has changed, and we have a long way to go to be genuinely inclusive. However, it´s important to remember that in the face of societal conditioning, we pay a hefty price for not being true to who we are. With presence and wisdom, we can rise above our fears and anxieties to meet conditioning head-on and intelligently. For this, we must stay conscious. This is the teaching.
I realized early on human development, my development, is non-negotiable. I had to learn how to navigate society, and to do so, I must keep developing as a human being. I discovered there is nothing more fun than focusing on being more conscious. In doing so, I bring much more to my existence, relationships, and interactions.
When I committed to lifelong learning, I took numerous courses, attended workshops, studied with masters, and obtained many certifications. This education was helpful, but I needed more to resonate with me. Many programs " treat symptoms,” whereas I prefer to “cure diseases.” They didn’t diagnose why humans are so exclusive and judgmental and behave harmfully against people who are being themselves instead of fitting in. In short – why we behave the way we do. I embarked on the quest to get to the bottom of this, to get to the truth.
As I educated myself about human behavior, science would inevitably contribute to the solution. Today, thanks to advances in science, we know precisely how our brains and biology affect our behavior. And yet, most people get into a mental debate or drama about behavior instead of educating themselves and checking it against their direct experience. Like we know two plus two equals four, we know what causes our behavior. Humans are a mixture of biochemical events. Navigating the human condition while relating to others requires skill. I learned the solution to overcoming societal conditioning and biases is a series of practices that people can apply in their day-to-day lives and leadership - the teachings.
You equip human beings and leaders with behavioral skills for a modern world. Can you tell us what that means? Tell us more about the teachings.
From my own direct experience, a development program was born. I was aware of the profound impact the teachings would have on individuals and leaders who want to show up more effectively and who also want to be true to who they are. Even as a high performer, when you feel like you´ve lost who you are, the teachings help to ground you in any context. The curriculum, grounded in neuroscience, offers a distinct and fresh approach compared to coaching and other programs. Here’s why.
After I left my role as an executive, I began advising clients. I shared my frameworks from my leadership days. But then something unique happened. Clients started asking me all sorts of questions, such as:
“How do I manage tensions?”
“How do I collaborate more effectively?”
“How do I show up as a leader?”
“How do we create a culture of resilient human beings?”
“How can I lead in uncertainty and ambiguity?”
“How do I experience more peace, ease, and freedom?”
“How do I be authentic?”
“How can we reduce drama on our team in our company?”
Notice the consistent theme. In society, we place a lot of emphasis on the WHAT– on getting things done, on achieving. I say, continue this! There is also an opportunity to grow in the HOW - to “double-down” how we behave together. The human experience can be intense, and we can all benefit from becoming more masterful in how we relate – especially when we disagree. This is the challenge and blind spot of our lifetime – conscious behavior.
I logged hundreds of questions, discovered themes, and created a curriculum, a set of practices people can implement daily, skills that apply across countries, cultures, and time zones. The curriculum is now available to the masses through my book, Evolution Revolution. Evolution Revolution is your individual development plan, team development roadmap, and culture handbook. The skills resonate with people and feel fresh because they come from human beings like you and me.
Could you share the unique advantages and characteristics of being a conscious leader and human being?
A new leader is emerging in a global gig economy where industries are being turned upside down. The conscious leader has the agility to facilitate conditions for increased connection, productivity, and sustainability. Shifting from surviving to evolving, the conscious leader can meet the demands of the next generation. Do you know conscious leadership when you see it? Or when you’re living it? This is not just another buzzword. Conscious leaders…:
Shift from the blame game and drama to focus on mastering the practice of presence. A conscious leader is a present leader.
Create the conditions to meet challenges and are courageous and agile leaders.
Are connected leaders, connected to self and others.
Do not aim for perfection; instead, seek heightened awareness.
Recognize that diversity, inclusion, and equality are ongoing learning, discovery, and REAL action processes. How can you be conscious and not inclusive?
Know we have blind spots.
Make the truth their primary focus, even when it’s inconvenient.
Are committed to constant learning.
Are not tone deaf to what’s happening around them, in society and on the planet.
Show remarkable congruence between what they claim to stand for and how they live and lead.
Scrutinize their behavior and impact on others and their environment.
Embrace science and facts instead of rejecting them.
It’s not about good/bad or right/wrong. It’s about recognizing that how we live and lead has to evolve in our modern world. Taking personal responsibility for our development and consciousness leads to collective responsibility.
How have these experiences shaped your approach and techniques to help clients navigate societal conditioning and biases?
You are likely noticing when we raise consciousness; we can tackle the challenges before us. Nowhere is this more relevant than with diversity, equity, and inclusion. As an LGBTQ+ human being and woman, I know the struggle to be true to ourselves while society tells us to be someone else. It can be tempting to play the victim card, to whine and complain. There is enough to overcome without adding more suffering. Consciousness and the truth can support you.
Societal conditioning can be helpful, but when left uninvestigated, we witness the discrimination of underrepresented groups. By design, our brains stereotype. We can tell the truth about this and examine our biases. Instead of blaming and shaming, we can check it out consciously and ask, “How do my biases affect my behavior?” and “How can I act more inclusively?”
For years, I wondered why I wasn’t clicking into society. By raising my consciousness, diving into my development, and knowing how our brains function, I bring more awareness to how I disrupt another’s brain by simply who I am. When others’ brains are disturbed, harmful unconscious behavior is a causality. A disrupted brain leads to behavior born from fear. I don’t work to fix myself; instead, I stay present to meet the bias in others' brains. Here are two examples:
Costumes and wardrobe: Contrary to social conditioning and the business world, I no longer wear makeup and high heels. Both are very unhealthy for me. Our brains implicitly associate makeup and high heels with women, so another brain is disturbed when I don’t fit that stereotype. Similarly, society says men shouldn’t wear heels and makeup. Brains are bothered by this, too.
Likeability: The typical implicit association is positively correlated with success and likeability in men and negative for women. As women enter leadership and experience success, others' brains are disturbed. We say they aren’t “likeable”. Furthermore, most leadership books are written by white men. As an LGBTQ, successful female with healthy self-esteem, you can imagine how I disrupt brains with my fresh leadership curriculum. Similarly, stay-at-home dads are disruptive to the stereotype.
With the skills I teach, I discovered the resilience to face and meet the biases against me. Most importantly, I don’t take it personally. Speaking out of both sides of my mouth, IT’S ALL PERSONAL. Human brains are doing what they do for humans to survive; however, how we behave matters. I offered to you just two examples. Many more present us with the invitation to raise our individual and collective consciousness.
What are some key takeaways or advice for leaders based on your journey and the expertise you've gained?
Here is the most valuable advice I live by and teach: keep up with your development, year after year. Don’t wait for your company or anyone else to provide you with growth or training. Technology is advancing faster than we are as a human species. We are playing catch-up. Create an annual individual plan for yourself and your employees, which includes personal and professional goals. By doing so, you keep up your developmental momentum. You can sign up for my course if you don’t know how to create one.
And now I will challenge you to this as I challenge myself. I often hear from people, “I don’t have the time”. You do! Where can you find the time? Shift time spent on your devices to dedicating time to your development. If you are “doom scrolling,” take online courses. Use your phone to your advantage! My classes are designed so that you can learn on your phone and your learning sticks.
Finally, looking ahead, how do you see the teachings evolving?
Human and leadership development is an ongoing process. I have personally embraced numerous conscious commitments. At the top of my list is learning. I embody what I teach. I currently support my clients in their journey towards being true to who they are.
My mission statement is “to be an exceptional partner to the human race and planet and to facilitate global consciousness.” I always read the latest research, continually develop myself, and, in turn, share new skills with others. I aim to “work myself out of a job” so clients can navigate anything independently.
Being a conscious human being and leader is not for the faint of heart. At the same time, people tell me, “You should be teaching these skills to everyone.” The teachings resonate, and I am seeking to scale the skills so that many have access.
I look forward to Artificial Intelligence supporting me to scale. My dream is for all the skills to be used in gaming and AR/VR –the future of training. I am ready when the technology is there, and my clients are too.
You can start with Evolution Revolution: Conscious Leadership for an Information Age if what I speak here resonates. You can also dive into your learning and development with my online course.