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Our Emotions Around Money Can Teach Us How Free We Are

Written by: Janet Key, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Our emotions around money can teach us how free we are!

Most individuals desire financial freedom. Far too many women struggle with trying to break free from limiting patterns around money or worst remain stuck in a lack mindset.

What exactly is it that holds us back from obtaining it now?

Emotions such as shame, guilt, and doubt rob women of creativity and sacred energy. Women feel resentment when they have to ask their partners for money. Desire instead to achieve independence for themselves.

Inherited beliefs passed along from their parents and grandparents. Perhaps times may have been tough and as evolutionary women, we need to question these beliefs to ask if they are in service of our highest good now.

Past money mistakes that we keep punishing ourselves over. Once we figure out this key thing, I feel it will end the duality of inner conflict that is created by this one thing.

We need to stop punishing ourselves for things we deem as wrong. Instead, look at it as an experience and be more curious about the lesson than whether it is good or bad.

This was an enlightening moment when I realized what working through emotions of money such as shame, guilt, and money fear leads to.

Women I have worked with in the beginning struggled with a deep sense of lack of self-worth, wanted to make more money yet felt guilty about it, even self-care practices for women provide deep emotions around being selfish.

The struggle of lack is real for far too many women and is a result of past experiences that have not been dealt with.

Women who feel they are here to break the chains as their intuition keeps guiding them to dig deeper to explore themselves more and heal childhood and money wounds to become whole.

Facing rather than avoiding money emotions leads to a transformation of self as we courageously break through limiting money paradigms.

Other thought leaders such as David Hawkins in Power vs Force, and his image of the energy consciousness graph clearly shows the raise in our frequency by transcending through lower vibrational emotions.

Self-Awareness & Emotional Mastery are key components in expanding wealth consciousness. Take a look at these 5 emotional intelligence mastery skills listed by Steve Gutzler and apply them to your money relationship.

Then explore these 5 questions to create a positive shift in your money relationship.

  1. What is the dominant money thought in your mind recently? Are they coming from a place of lack of prosperity?

  2. What money habits are you willing to let go of? Or embrace?

  3. At the end of the day, why is money important to you at this time in your life?

  4. Can you be a witness to other’s money emotions without judgment or harsh criticism

  5. Do you find it easy or difficult to have a money conversation?

Asking yourself these questions will help you to go deeper within yourself and expand your emotional awareness.

Emotional mastery is a practice and a process that shifts over time. Being more present in the now is key to change.

Practice techniques such as yoga, meditation, and money mindfulness to get more grounded in life, your career, and your money relationship.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Janet Key, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Janet Key is a soulful money coach who empowers women seeking financial freedom. Janet found happiness in all areas of her life, except money. With a background in yoga and finances, she was intuitively led to take her relationship with money to a deeper level. She explored her own money mindset and discovered deep-rooted beliefs about not being enough which stemmed from her own poverty upbringing. Janet's mission: Inspire women to heal money relationships and to embody abundance by living their soul's highest potential.

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