Hi, I’m Chandra Zas, I am the health coach who helps humans fall-in-love with healthy. I treat "healthy" as an accumulation of making daily loving decisions that serve our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. The two greatest organs impacting our health, wellness, and performance are our brain and our gut. Our brain and gut are more interconnected than most think.
We have more input than we take responsibility for: diet, stress, and lifestyle habits are what create health or lack of. Did you know that our gut sends more signals to our brain than our brain does to our gut? Our bodies have deep wisdom and an incredible ability to heal itself, I call it being your "Own Body Expert." Every day, in practice with my clients, symptoms that they have been tolerating and or medicating for years, will heal. Simply because they’re responding to life's stressors and feeding their bodies differently by applying the process they learn in my Food and Mood Program. Health is not about restriction, guilt, force, or fear of missing out. Health is falling in love with feeling good. It is a lifestyle that is sustainable because it feels truly and deeply good. As a client, I work with you and your relationship with yourSelf, with your mind, and with your body every step of the way, to get you feeling, being, and radiating healthy.
Chandra Zas, The Health Coach for Falling in Love with Healthy
Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better.
Thank you for having me here, my name is Chandra Zas. I feel very grateful for being here today with the health and the life experience that I have. When I was twelve, I re alized that the state of my health would limit my life if I continued as I was. I remember thinking that I would likely not be able to have kids or travel. Having figured out my health is what has made the life I live now possible, enjoyable, and even exceptional. At the time of this interview, my family and I are just now settling down in Reno after traveling the world for the past six years, I am on no medications, and I have a radiant four-year-old.
What is your business name and how do you help your clients?
I named my health coaching business Zen Odyssey because I found that health requires both awareness and an embrace of our own unique health journey in all areas of our life; body, mind, and emotions. I help my clients become their Own Body Experts to nurture their own health in my Food and Mood Program.
What would you like to achieve for yourself and your business in the future?
My long-term goal for my business is to make my Food and Mood Program financially accessible to anyone who wants to improve their health and life. I see a massive need in our western world for people to understand and take charge of their own health.
Who inspires you to be the best that you can be?
Being a mother has inspired me to truly be the best version of myself. Knowing how impressionable small humans are and knowing that role modeling is the best teaching has catapulted me into changes that I have wanted to make for a while. For example, when my five-month-old reached up to share my gelato ice cream in Greece, I looked at the ice cream and said to myself, “If I know that sugar feeds everything not healthy in our bodies... then why I am eating this myself?” I threw away my gelato as a decision to further walk my talk as the human I am: deeply dedicated to health.
What is your work inspired by?
I believe that being alive is an incredible opportunity we each have. The way I choose to live my life and coach my clients is centered around feeling fully alive and embracing each of our own human potentials. When I was a kid without my health, I felt like I endured many days; now I wake up excited to live.
If you could change one thing about your industry, what would it be and why?
If I could change one thing about the health industry, it would be to stop thinking that we have to or should be healthy. This pressure, guilt, and restrictive way of thinking only make us feel worse and pushes us to indulge in sabotaging habits to feel better. It is a viscous cycle that I help my clients break and is the backbone of long-term sustainable health changes.
Tell us about a pivotal moment in your life that brought you to where you are today.
At fifteen, I asked my family doctor what I could do to support my health and not be on medications. After pushing the question, he murmured, “diet, stress, and lifestyle;” but he gave me no ‘how’ or further information. It took me another twenty years to decode what diet, stress, and lifestyle meant. My life’s work is, now, sharing what I discovered: choosing foods that serve our body, truly regulating our stress, and living daily in alignment with what serves our health.
Health is far simpler than most imagine; it is rooted in fostering our connection to our own internal wisdom. The key is in uncovering the food and emotional beliefs that do not serve us.