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One Body – The Ultimate Gift We Often Take For Granted

Chiral is an accomplished life transformation coach, author of the inspirational book 'Chiral: A Soldier' released in 2022, an award-winning storyteller, and an unshakeable optimist. She is committed to unlocking people’s fullest potential and helping them discover the keys to lasting happiness and fulfillment.

Executive Contributor Chiral Yadava

One body, that’s all we have for our entire life. How well are we really taking care of it? We often forget that the most valuable thing we own is the body we live in. It’s time to stop taking it for granted and start nurturing our health, emotions, and mindset like never before. Our body is a gift, let’s treat it like one.

Robot's Awakening AI

It amazes me when I stop to think about our bodies and how incredibly sophisticated they are. It even scares me sometimes! We marvel at luxury car’s features and speed, but have you ever paused to think, “Wow, my body is even cooler than that?”

We have been given this miraculous body absolutely free. It’s a powerful, self-sustaining machine. Don’t believe me? Close your eyes for 30 seconds, and just breathe. Feel your heart beating non-stop, keeping you alive without any conscious effort. Now that’s impressive!

We get fascinated by AI and robots, marvelling at what they can do. Yet we often overlook the most sophisticated machine we already have, our own body. With all the incredible things it allows us to do, why don't we realise just how cool it really is?

Why wait for a warning?

Why wait for a warning like I did? 

The moment I truly understood the value of my body came during one of the most terrifying moments of my life, when I was delivering my baby after having lost three babies through miscarriages. 

I had major complications, and the doctors gave me just 24 hours. I was lying in the ICU thinking, "Without my body, all my dreams and desires are gone." I had waited so long to hold my baby in my arms and do all the fun things a parent dreams of, but now, I was faced with the reality that my body might leave me.

At that moment, everything shifted. My thoughts raced, "Who will take care of my baby? My parents? They are not in the stage of taking care of the baby. My sisters? Their hands are already full. My husband? He wouldn't know how to manage." I couldn’t let my body give up. 

I whispered, in a weak voice, to the nurse, “I am not dying”. 

I made a vow to my body right then and there. I am not leaving you, and you are not leaving me. I will take care of you, treat you how you deserve to be treated, and put you first. I cried nonstop as I was making the vow.

That moment marked a turning point in my life.

When the doctors came in again, they saw something miraculous, my vitals were starting to improve. My body and I were in this together, and I wasn’t going to let it go.

Please don’t wait for a warning sign like I did. Start paying attention to our body now? It’s the most powerful thing we have been given, and it doesn’t ask for much in return. In fact, it’s low-maintenance compared to many things we invest in. So why aren’t we appreciating it more?

Think about it. We are fortunate to have this high-functioning, extraordinary machine that runs 24/7 for our entire lives. We believe an hour of exercise and eating healthy meals is enough. But is it really? Our bodies enable us to experience the world, feel emotions, walk, talk, dream, create, love. The list goes on. Yet we spend more time analysing a new car model than appreciating the body that makes it all possible.

The priceless machine

I have heard countless discussions about AI and how it’s revolutionising the world. But when was the last time we had a talk show celebrating the wonders of our own bodies? The more we appreciate this priceless machine, the better care we can take of it.

Your body is more valuable than the most expensive house or car because those can be bought. Your body? It’s irreplaceable. No amount of money can buy you a new one. Think about that next time you say, “I don’t have money.” You live in the most priceless home, and it works for you 24/7.

Listen to your body

When we are sick, and someone asks what we did, we usually say nothing with a sad face. But why don’t we say, “I listened to my body? It needed rest, and I gave it what it deserved.” 

Your body works hard every single day, it’s okay if it needs downtime.

Appreciating your body starts with recognising its worth. It allows us to see the world, experience love, think, create, and express ourselves. Yet we overload our minds and drain our energy with stress and emotions. Our body deserves front and center attention, it’s our most powerful, sophisticated tool.

A wake-up call

Your body is priceless. It works harder than any machine, and it’s yours for life. So, treat it like the precious gift it is. Next time your body asks for rest, listen. Cherish it, nurture it, and above all, appreciate its incredible power. You live in a more valuable home than anything money can buy.

Your body is your partner in this beautiful life journey—take care of it like it takes care of you.

collage photo of a happy family and woman riding a bike

I have kept my promise. Have you kept yours? 

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Chiral Yadava


Chiral Yadava, Life Transformation Coach

Chiral, an accomplished Life Transformation Coach, embarked on her coaching journey long before the term existed in her dictionary. With roots in an Indian Army family and training in the National Cadet Corps, she strongly believes that destiny is in our hands and that we can shape it as we wish. With 15 years of HR expertise in global firms, having transformed and touched numerous lives over the years, and her inspirational autobiography "Chiral: A Soldier" released in 2022, she's on a passionate quest to empower individuals to seize life's boundless opportunities, for we only have one shot at making it count.



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