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Nurturing A Growth Mindset For Career Advancement

Written by: Hulya Kurt, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Hulya Kurt

Our mental battle. Indeed, our mind is our enemy. Limiting beliefs, the belief that you will be not able to make it.

Laughing businesswoman working in office with laptop

You might have tried repeatedly to apply for jobs, apply for a promotion or tyring to be involved in a project, and it did not work out.

Happens all the time and then we give up. With that we give up on ourselves. And the more we believe it will not be possible, the more it will be the case.

You create your own reality.

The risk to stay in this “Hamster Wheel” is so big, you don’t even see it from outside and sometimes someone needs to poke you to act. To stay on course. To remind you of being consistent.

Determination is key to success.

Find yourself a mentor, a coach, who can take you accountable, follow up and can be your guide on advancing slowly and surely on the way to your own success.

Might be to find a new job or asking for a promotion.

It does not matter.

See not so successful attempts as opportunities for growth, for learning and do it differently next time.

Develop your network inside and outside your bubble, there is so much colour out there.

And try again and again, until you will make it. Don’t give up. Take risks, you have got nothing to lose other than gain.

Cultivate Resilience: Develop the ability to bounce back from setbacks and failures. Failure is often a valuable teacher that can lead to future success.

Seek Feedback or I say Fed Forward as this comment is valuable data that you can use to improve yourself as we all have blind spots.

Learn from them.

More importantly, don’t take it personal, act professional and stay positive. Negative thinking will be not serving you anyways other than making your day miserable.

You are important. Celebrate yourself. For a little step, for moving forward, for your little successes, hug yourself. Practise self-compassion, don’t to be hard on yourself.

We are our best enemy to ourselves.

For that, I have created a guide which I call “Selfie” DIY, guide with starting to check in, with your brain, your heart, your body and your energy. And this is not done with a mobile phone. This is done with your own words. Feeling how you are today and how to conquer the world with its challenges.

Here's the link in case.

In summary: the key to success is in your mind. Stay on track and determined and it is normal that it does not work the very first time around. Keep on trying and you will make it.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Hulya Kurt  Brainz Magazine

Hulya Kurt, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

After 32 years of working within a multinational company, Hulya chose to follow her passion of becoming a coach, mentor and workshop facilitator. She motivates and empowers company management teams and their employees to move forward in their professional life. Additionally she specialises in growth management with young adults and teenagers, assisting them through anxieties, fears and internal roadblocks. She is bridging the gap between academia and professional life, helps parents to understand their children. Additionally she is an author and best life coach award winner.

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