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Nothing Changes Until You Do

Written by: Deborah Cherrey, Guest Writer


We’re all guilty of it. Watching with envy as someone else sports the designer clothes, drives the fancy sportscar, or shows off a body to die for. It’s a natural phenomenon as humans to desire more. What most people don’t realize is that we are ALL capable of acquiring those things if we really want it.

But there is a caveat…

…you have to really want it

AND to be willing to commit to doing things differently.

Most people are going through life settling for mediocrity justifying their stability as a reason not to make any changes in their life. There is no such thing as stability. We are all energetic beings in a constant state of motion. It’s a scientific fact. Everything is energy. Everything is in a constant state of motion. There is growth or there is decay. If you think you are stable or comfortable in your life, what you’re really saying is that you are choosing not to grow or change and that you’re moving towards decay. It’s almost a morbid thought.

You are responsible for your life and the results that you are getting. If you don’t like the results you are getting in any area of your life, only YOU can change them. Whatever you are not changing, you are also choosing.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s an internal or physical change you are looking for. It will require some work. It will require you to examine, become aware of, and push past those limiting beliefs that are holding you back from reaching your goals.

Those limiting belief systems – those old stories we tell ourselves – were inherited by you from ancestors going back generations. It’s why you look like your parents and grandparents and take on the same behavioural traits as them. From birth up until the age of seven, everything you were exposed to environmentally formed your belief system. As a baby you were a sponge, taking on everything happening around you without the ability to reject any outdated ideas. From eight years and onwards, we take on information from our five senses – from the news, from the beliefs of our family and our friends. Depending on how old you are, you’ve held onto old and outdated stories for most of your lifetime. Most of us aren’t even aware of the beliefs we have taken on.

If you want more money, examine your beliefs around money. Were you told money doesn’t grow on trees? Do you have to work hard for your money? Perhaps you want better relationships? What are your beliefs around relationships and what do they look like? What is your relationship with yourself? Do you offer yourself the love that you expect from others? Awareness of your beliefs around any subject is the key to beginning to change them.

Your belief systems are responsible for every result that you are getting in your life. Any belief that you have held up until now has gotten you to where you are today. The beliefs that got you to where you are today are not the same beliefs that will get you to where you want to go. Like those old stories that you’ve been telling yourself in your head for so many years, replacing those ideas with new ones won’t happen overnight.

Many people say that they want to change, yet they won’t make the decision to commit to change. You have to be willing to do the work in order to create change in your life.

“Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same” ‒ Unknown.

You are never too young or too old. There are no barriers, except for those only found in your mind, for anyone to change the course of their life. It has to come from a deep desire within to want something different.

Any time you want something different, it will require you to be different, to do things differently, to act differently. It’s going to require you to start making decisions from where you want to be rather than where you are. It will be uncomfortable. You will be met with fear. You will be met with resistance. Every single ounce of you will be screaming to quit, to put on the brakes, to abandon that idea and give you every reason that you might fail.

Climbing a mountain isn’t easy. There will always be obstacles and challenges along the way. That’s where you learn and grow. That’s where you dig deep and muster up the determination to keep going. It’s imagining that feeling when you reach the top of the mountain and overlook the valley that you stay committed to the destination taking one small step, one foot in front of the other, as you inch closer and closer to your goals. Edison failed 1,000 times before he made the light bulb, but instead of looking it as a failure, his response was that the light bulb took 1,000 steps.

"Winners never quit and quitters never win." Vince Lombardi

Your growth, your personal development requires an internal transformation. Only through inner change, will you be able to fully experience its manifestation in your external environment.

Nothing changes until you do.

For more info follow me on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and visit my website or email at


Deborah Cherrey, Brainz Magazine Guest Writer

Deborah Cherrey is a mindset coach, reiki master/teacher, and author. Her work focuses on transforming the personal and professional lives of others. Deborah empowers others to find more clarity and meaning in their lives through her coaching and energy healing. She offers one-on-one coaching and reiki treatments in person or online. In the coming months, she is excited to offer Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) and Hypnotherapy to further elevate individuals and organizations to their highest potential.



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