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Normal Coaching Versus Core Energy Coaching

Written by: Marc Singer, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


When I started my journey as a coach, I had no idea what coaching really was all about. I had a basic inkling, but no real understanding of what was really involved. For me, a coach was a person who helped you get from A to B. A person who perhaps gave advice or encouraged you. Someone to keep you on track in your quest to achieve a particular goal.

So, when I decided to research coaching as a possible career, my vision of what that would involve was slightly off track. I looked into various online programs, all of which were very similar, and all of which provided you with a fairly basic qualification. It wasn’t until I started researching the coach training programs on the ICF website that my interest truly peaked.

I discovered a training school which really stood out from all the rest. The institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching. Now at this stage I still had no idea what they really did, or how that differed from other schools. But something felt different. I had been on the verge of investing a couple of thousand pounds into one of the online programs, prior to discovering iPEC. And at first, I nearly screamed when I realised the investment to enrol with them would set me back upwards of ten thousand pounds.

However, I also knew that if I was serious about this, then it wasn’t a cost, but an investment both in myself and my future. And so, I went for it. And it was the best decisions I have ever made in my entire life. When I took a leap of faith and chose to invest in the year long training program, I also started my journey of true discovery. I was to go on and learn things about myself, a philosophy, and way of being which has literally transformed my life, from the inside out.

Fast forward on three years and I now run my own coaching practice, helping to teach people using the same philosophy. And just like I did at the start, I find a lot of people have doubts and confusion around what ‘coaching’ really means. I find many people see coaching solely from a goal orientated perspective. And that is indeed true for most coaching methodologies. The focus being on identifying goals, and then providing the accountability to the client in order to help them move forward.

In the short term this approach is effective, however only as long as the client’s enthusiasm remains high. Unfortunately, however, their ability to sustain the outcome and repeat the process usually deteriorates over time. This is because the ‘problem’ is not really the problem. It is simply a symptom of their internal beliefs which they unconsciously follow. Therefore, without addressing these underlying patterns, it is far less likely that they will gain a deeper understanding of their behaviour, shift their hidden thoughts and emotions, and create sustainable change and momentum. While they may well achieve their initial goals, the process may not be repeatable without outside help.

In contrast to this however, transformational coaching operates from an inside out approach. Many clients will come to coaching with an ‘outer’ goal in mind – they may want a new job, to experience better relationships, or dream perhaps of traveling around the world. But Core Energy Coaches start the process ‘inside’, where we find the root of most challenges and blocks to success, including limiting perspectives about the world, defeating thoughts, and outdated beliefs unconsciously created from our experiences, the media, family and friends, society in general. Many of these thoughts and feelings live under the surface, hidden from the clients awareness, and are huge drivers of unproductive choices and behaviours.

iPEC Core Energy Coaches have received specialised training to uncover these inner blind spots, gently bring awareness to clients, and shift these inner blocks to cultivate new perspectives and helpful beliefs that support the client’s success from a deep and sustainable level. As more and more inner blocks are cleared, the client feels more comfortable and less stressed about the topic at hand, and life generally. As the client uncovers their deepest passions and motivators, a recipe for radical and sustainable success is set in motion.

This is not a linear process. It is a highly creative one, with coach and client working in partnership. At all stages of the process, the client takes the lead, literally choosing the experiences they’d like to have in life, giving permission for inner shifts to take place, and providing the wisdom and answers that best serve their goals. The coach is there to facilitate the process as the client uncovers their own brilliance and unlocks their infinite potential.

Core Energy Coaching goes way deeper than standard ‘normal’ coaching. Which essentially focuses on just setting goals and planning strategies. And as a result, the client learns a philosophy and way of being which is completely sustainable. It allows them to always be in total control of their life, and subsequently create it at will. Working together with a Core Energy Coach you will be challenged and held accountable and will move out of your comfort zone. Structured with assignments and workbooks, clients learn how to embed their new learning quickly and efficiently. Firstly, learning the process, then practicing it, before finally becoming it.

The Core Energy Coaching process is backed by extensive research. Over 10,000 hours of research to be precise, over the course of 30 years. A 2018 quantitative research study provides clear evidence that a shift in core energy is a primary driver of positive change in the participants lives. By working with a Core Energy Coach, clients learn to harness their own power, thus becoming more evolved human beings and more effective leaders with greatly increased chances of achieving satisfaction in life, work, and relationships.

Some of the roots of the Core Energy Coaching process lie in the following disciplines.

  • Psychotherapy

  • Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP)

  • Mentoring

  • Consulting

  • Quantum Physics

  • Metaphysics

  • Adult and accelerated learning theories

  • Emotional Intelligence

  • Leadership Development

  • Theories of conscious evolution

Ultimately, the Core Energy Coaching methodology empowers people to dig deeply, honestly, and objectively into their energy and unconscious thought patterns, to assess who they are and who they want to become. With these techniques and tools, you can raise your consciousness and open yourself up to possibilities that previously you had not believed possible. And the result is sustainable, long-lasting transformation.

Contact me for further information regarding my Foundations program, and the Core Energy Coaching process.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Marc Singer, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Marc is a highly trained professional coach, a graduate of (IPEC) the institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching. After being badly bullied at school, Marc became involved in a gang full of violence and drugs. Although having enjoyed a great upbringing and from a loving family, he went off the rails. Having moved on from that life, he found himself in a situation one night that would change his life forever. Imprisoned for life for a crime he didn’t commit, he embarked upon an incredible journey of change. Tragically having lost all of his family whilst in prison, Marc found the strength to rebuild his life, secure his freedom, and build an amazing career. He now helps others create the life they desire and become the very best versions of themselves. Currently authoring his first book, his life story, he also coaches one-to-one in groups and does inspiring speaking arrangements motivating others to overcome their own barriers to success. In fact, he was recently invited back to the prison he was in, but this time not as an inmate but as a speaker. His story is unique, tragic, and shocking, but ultimately evidence that with the right mindset and approach to life, you really can achieve absolutely anything!

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