Nino Fincher is an expert at getting emotionally paralyzed people to freedom from anxiety, insomnia and PTS through Rapid therapy. She regularly works with the veterans and splits her time between USA (where she lives and UAE working with individuals and teams within businesses. She is a TEDx speaker and is available for workshops and retreats on whole person health: body, heart, mind and spirit.

Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better.
I was raised in a home where asking questions was welcomed and encouraged. Worldviews and philosophies of life had to be questioned and having clarity about what you thought and did was a virtue. I am grateful for that because that skill helped me navigate through challenges of life and get me to where I am today: clear on my purpose, gifting and conviction on what matters most.
What is your business name and how do you help your clients?
I own NinoFIT and use a functional integrated therapeutic method in helping amazing clients get to freedom from anxiety, trauma, fears and lack of purpose. I had the privilege of training with Marisa Peer in her method of Rapid Transformational Therapy and have had the pleasure of seeing amazing results for my clients who come to me, often as a last resort, feeling emotionally, physically, mentally or spiritually stuck.
What is " Rapid Therapy"?
Rapid Transformational Therapy is a hybrid of traditional cognitive behavioral therapy, neurolinguistic work and hypnosis and has been very effective in getting to the exact root of a dysfunction or a concern that paralyzes individuals. It has been transformative in helping free people from so many issues often faster than traditional therapeutic methods.
What do you specialize in?
I specialize in anxiety and PTS and regularly work with the veterans as well as diplomats, CEOs, teenagers, physicians, artists and other therapists. So many individuals are plagued by the traumatic effects of both of these conditions relationally and professionally. Unfortunately, number continues to grow.
Curiosity about how people think and the intricacies of the human heart started quite early for me and eventually pursuing studies in psychology became a logical outcome of that curiosity.
Tell us about your 8-week coaching program.
One of the most valuable lessons in developing me as a counselor became a three-year-long encounter with depression. It is difficult to comprehend the severity of pain it creates for those who haven’t experienced it.
After being educated by it first hand, I no longer just knew about depression in theory. Personal experience completely transformed how I worked with people who struggled with the symptoms of depression. The greatest gift God gave me at that time to rebuild my being in ways I could not have imagined, was a horse.
His name was Dr. Watson. I miss him deeply. He was with me for 17 years.
That story will probably become a book after I’m finished with the one I am currently writing on 4 pillars of recovery.
With time, M.A. in psychology, as well as having certifications as a personal trainer and life coach, became incredibly useful in understanding that recovery has to be considered and dealt with comprehensively. All aspects of what makes us human: body, heart, mind and spirit, constantly interact and each influences and affects the others either in aiding recovery or perpetuating illness. That is why I developed an 8-week coaching course that addresses various layers of each of those 4 components of human essence and wellness. Many clients come to me for a Rapid Therapy session and then stay and go through the 8-week program and emerge completely rebuilt.
I have enjoyed being able to do retreats and workshops for various teams on the 4 pillars of wellness in the US as well as internationally.

What is your work inspired by?
My source of peace, freedom and wisdom is Christ, but the inspiration is seeing hurting, emotionally stagnant or struggling with clarity clients completely renewed through gaining purpose, being rid of fears, or, like ones from a few months ago, seeing hope after 30 years of struggling with depression, or being able to finally fall asleep the night of our first session after fighting and losing a battle with insomnia for 4 years before that! I am so grateful and love what I do so much.
What are your current goals for your business?
My business will always involve one-on-one work with clients who are dedicated to their wellness. Also, a few years ago I spoke at a TEDx event for the ladies in the UAE. That was a fantastic experience which led to other speaking opportunities. I enjoy doing more of that now and am helping several organizations think through creative ways of moving past the stigma of mental health within their culture.
Of course one’s job as a mom never ends, it just changes with time and becomes interesting in new ways.