Written by: Swami Parameshwar Das, Executive Contributor
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Faced with uncertainty in today’s world, people are searching for purpose and inspiration, for clarity about the future and their life’s expression. However, they forget about an inner power that can help them the most with their search: their imagination.

Imagination is a divine gift, an aspect of the source from which we come. The more we use this innate gift, the more we advance our personal evolution and the awakening of the new era on the planet.
New era coaching guides clients to realize their power to imagine and manifest what they desire. Below are key points I share with clients about what imagination is, who we are as imaginers, and the impact our imagining can have in our lives. I offer two imagination practices I use with clients that they also continue on their own.
Being creators
Imagination is creation: when we imagine we create ourselves and our lives.
Authoring our lives requires owning our power and taking responsibility when we imagine.
All of what manifests in the world begins inside as a thought, an idea, a vision, a dream, in other words through our imagination.
Imagining comes from the higher dimensions of ourself, therefore we need to raise our energy to tap into that inner power of creation.
A new reality
When imagining we create ourselves anew in the moment; we go from past to present, old to new.
With our imagination we create a new reality of possibility and manifestation; we create a new paradigm (set of patterns of beliefs, thoughts, emotions, actions).
Since we’re creating what is unique and new, let’s play, enjoy, experiment as we imagine.
Questions to ask ourselves in imagining: What’s the reality I always desired? What do I value and what’s important to me in my life? What do I want to have? Who do I want to be? What actions can I take to have this, be this?
Images and feelings
Whatever we create always starts with an image. The term imagination comes from the Latin verb imaginary meaning to picture oneself.
Create a clear, vivid image of how you see yourself and your life in major domains of your life (e.g., work/career, health, finances, relationships).
Whatever you imagine, see it, feel it, experience it, in the exact moment you are imagining. Do this regularly in everyday life.
Maximize the power of your imagination by thinking big, enjoying the size and expansiveness of your imaginings.
It takes practice
During the day be aware and conscious of your imagination and what kind of scenes you are creating, how you are using your imagination in practice.
Stretch your imagination and imagine each time even bigger, bolder, wilder possibilities, realities of what you have and who you are.
As you practice you develop your ability and power to imagine, and feel more and more joy, wholeness, remembrance of who you are.
Imagine frequently and regularly; through repetition you add details, anchor energies, increase your power to create.
So let’s practice
Imagination exercise
Breathe and relax throughout your body. Focus in your heart and feel gratitude for all the possibilities that exist for you to imagine. Appreciate yourself as a creator of your life. Call upon your higher dimensions and energies to create.
Choose something you wish to manifest in an area of your life. Bring to mind the reasons or purpose. Feel the value and importance to you of manifesting this.
Create images of what this looks like in your life. Make the images clear, specific, tangible. See yourself, the setting, what you’re doing, who else is there, your interactions, what you’re creating. Experience what you’re feeling, the impact on you or others.
Realize that what you’ve created already exists in your life, is manifest in the world. Know this to be true. With this certainty, breathe and anchor the energy of what you’ve created.
Creating a sanctuary
A sanctuary is a place within your mind that inspires and energizes you to imagine. Here are aspects of building your sanctuary.
Use your imagination to create a specific space or setting that will always be available for you to visit and will enhance your imagination. See its features and qualities: what’s there, the layout, shapes, colors, textures, what it feels like being there.
Invite anyone to join you there, especially a person or people you admire for attributes that can contribute to your imagination. When you’re imagining, ask them for ideas about whatever you bring to the sanctuary.
Continue to build your sanctuary, adding more details each time you visit. Consider this a home for your imagination.
Imagination is a gift to be used. Practice regularly and consciously. Feel the joy of knowing that you are able to use your mind, your heart, in this way. Go for it and drop any old beliefs or resistance about your ability to imagine. Be a leader in your life and contribute to the planet by creating the new era of you.
Please visit my website to learn more and to request a complimentary coaching session.

Swami Parameshwar Das, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Swami Parameshwar Das, known as Swamiji, is a seasoned professional with decades of experience in the worlds of business consulting, psychology and spirituality. Swamiji’s mission is to serve everyone to be leaders in their life and fulfill their dharma or purpose. He has traveled the world leading transformational programs for thousands, and has published six books. His educational background includes a Ph.D. and M.S. in Organizational Psychology. Swamiji was licensed as a Psychologist in New York, and designated as a Master Coach by the International Coaching Federation and Ontological Coach by Newfield Network.