Written by: Swami Parameshwar Das, Executive Contributor
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Today’s societal turmoil and planetary shifts are causing old limiting patterns in people to come to surface along with associated low frequency energies. New era coaching addresses these by guiding clients to transform old programming and take action to create new patterns and energies that serve them.

Many individuals are bringing up concerns about their state of being in response to what they experience as chaos around them, for example, uncertainty, anxiety, fatigue, sadness, hopelessness. They are looking forstability, balance, peace, happiness, contentment. Some are asking to recreate their relationships especially with themselves, changing their beliefs, expectations and judgments for greater self-acceptance and self-esteem.
I share here a very powerful practice of Give Back – Take Back that enables clients to shed old patterns and energies, and then create and embody new ones. I offer an example of how by using this practice a client uncovers new possibilities for who he can be and how he can relate in daily life.
Giving back practice
Through this practice clients give back specific qualities and energies to wherever they originate. As children we take on energies that do not belong to us because of our upbringing; this is part of our programming. Clients give back these energies to those they identify, for example, to their mother or father. First, they imagine the person in front of them. They voice their perceptions and feelings, saying whatever they could not say before to the person. Then they give back the energies using their hands and intention. Sometimes out of reaction, clients have created the energies themselves in the past and need to give them back to their source.
This energetic work raises the frequency of clients, and leaves space within them to fill with new energy, as they no longer hold onto the low-frequency energies of the person or source from which they come.
A client speaks about how he is indecisive about what to do in a relationship he hasn’t been satisfied with that has gone on for years. Also, he wants to change his job but doesn’t know what he wants to do, goes back and forth between career paths. At times, he feels numb, or doesn’t know what he’s feeling, or sometimes he feels sad. He is uncomfortable in social situations, sees himself as timid, not spontaneous. He admits that several of these qualities come from his father.
He is guided to speak to his father, and he decides to focus on when he was a teenager, how he perceived his father at home and felt about the absence of any relationship with him. One by one he gives back to his father his ambivalence, passivity, depression, judgment, self-control.
Taking back practice
Just as clients give back energy to someone or its source, the coach guides them to take back energy that belongs to them. The clients create themselves by adding back the energy that was in them before. They picture the person and use their intention and hands to take back the energy into their body and energetic field. Through assignments agreed upon with the coach, the clients embody the new energy by taking specific actions in life, and they debrief afterwards to appreciate success or make any adjustments or additions.
After giving back the qualities (energies) to his father, the client naturally feels and names what he is to take back that he gave away to his father. One by one, feeling the energy come in, he takes back his decisiveness, spontaneity, expressiveness, joie-de-vivre, compassion.
To embody these qualities, he identifies with his coach actions he will take in his life. These include: (1) he will practice spontaneity with a colleague he feels closer with at work, initiating conversations and expressing himself more freely (also at team meetings); (2) he will talk honestly with the woman he has been with, sharing how he feels and coming to agreement about how to move forward; (3) he will play music and dance at home, walk more in nature, go back to swimming which he loves twice a week; (4) related to compassion, he will practice breathing deeply and touching his heart when he finds he is judging himself or feeling judged.
We are always creating ourselves through our beliefs, thoughts, emotions, and actions. Most of the time we do this unconsciously. The point of new era coaching is to guide clients to be aware and evolve consciously. In other words, they are to take action to transform the old and create the new, and to live powerfully by expressing their higher dimensions. We are moving to the Sathya Yuga, a planetary cycle of Truth, therefore we are to remember who we truly are and fulfill our purpose to live as this in the world.
Please visit my website to learn more and to request a complimentary coaching session.

Swami Parameshwar Das, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Swami Parameshwar Das, known as Swamiji, is a seasoned professional with decades of experience in the worlds of business consulting, psychology and spirituality. Swamiji’s mission is to serve everyone to be leaders in their life and fulfill their dharma or purpose. He has traveled the world leading transformational programs for thousands, and has published six books. His educational background includes a Ph.D. and M.S. in Organizational Psychology. Swamiji was licensed as a Psychologist in New York, and designated as a Master Coach by the International Coaching Federation and Ontological Coach by Newfield Network.