Written by: Swami Parameshwar Das, Executive Contributor
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The conflicts and divisiveness of today’s world are signs for us to look inside and heal any separation or disharmony we find there. This article describes how new era coaching can facilitate a client’s harmony, healing and health.

Many times clients lack inner harmony because they do not embrace everything about themselves. Instead they ignore, reject, or suppress their other dimensions. Adding to this, they are limited in their knowledge and use of energy.
Guided by two core values of new era coaching, coaches support clients to broaden their perspectives about themselves and work with their energy for greater inner harmony. These values are:
Wholeness: Coaches work with all aspects of the client (mental, emotional, physical, spiritual). Clients are multi-dimensional and learn to see themselves for all that they are. Self-healing happens when considering the whole of the person.
Energetics: Coaches work with the energies of clients, educating them to be aware of their energy and how to transform it. Clients learn that by raising their energy they discover their inner truth and impact energies of others and the planet.
Clients increase their inner harmony through self-healing, when they bring aspects of themselves and their energies into alignment and coherence. In turn, this impacts their health because this higher frequency, unified field of energy flows through their body and into their cells.
Inner harmony practices
The following are three ways for clients to realize more of themselves and harmonize internally.
First, the coach works with a client to identify and appreciate more of himself. Depending upon the client, this could be his knowledge, skills, abilities, or it might be what he offers, his gifts and talents, at home or at work or in relationships. The coach guides him to reflect and feel, breathing consciously in his heart as he speaks aloud and embraces all that he identifies. As the client completes the practice with a few deep breaths, the coach asks him to be aware of his energy, and to experience himself as whole and complete. Back home, he jots down what he embraced, uses what he writes as a regular reminder, and takes action to reinforce and embody these aspects even more.
Another option is for the client to share about how she might express herself more creatively in her life through hobbies, doing what she loves and brings her joy, what she dreamed about when she was younger but hasn’t been able to pursue. The coach guides her to choose one area where she will take actions in her life within a certain time frame. Through practice, she continues to realize another aspect of her true self and experience herself in an expanded way. She creates greater inner harmony through her self-expression.
Finally, I offer here an audio recording in which I guide you in unifying energetically different dimensions of yourself. Through your breath and focus, you will create inner harmony of your heart, mind and higher dimensions, spreading this energy throughout yourself and to others.
I invite you to reflect about yourself and see if you can discover new dimensions to appreciate and express, or parts of yourself to bring into alignment energetically. Use the audio whenever you are feeling shaken, off-center, or aware that you can benefit from greater inner harmony.

Swami Parameshwar Das, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Swami Parameshwar Das, known as Swamiji, is a seasoned professional with decades of experience in the worlds of business consulting, psychology and spirituality. Swamiji’s mission is to serve everyone to be leaders in their life and fulfill their dharma or purpose. He has traveled the world leading transformational programs for thousands, and has published six books. His educational background includes a Ph.D. and M.S. in Organizational Psychology. Swamiji was licensed as a Psychologist in New York, and designated as a Master Coach by the International Coaching Federation and Ontological Coach by Newfield Network.