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New Era Coaching – Activating The Divine Feminine

Written by: Swami Parameshwar Das, Executive Contributor

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Executive Contributor Swami Parameshwar Das

As millions celebrate Navaratri, the 9 days of Mother Divine, from April 9-17, dive into Swamiji's article that includes a 19-minute recording. Discover practical ways to awaken the qualities and energies of the Divine Feminine within yourself.

Two women illustration

Breakdowns occurring in society can teach us something important about ourselves. What’s happening outside begins inside. Instead of reacting outwardly to what we see as chaos in the world, we can turn inwards and take action leading to our own transformation.


To make this shift from reacting to creating, we must do what it takes to discover within us the qualities and energies that have been covered, or those we have ignored or undervalued during our lifetime. Principal among these, and critical for humanity’s evolution, is what we call the Divine Feminine.


The Divine Feminine is always within us to be realized. Its qualities are not based on gender or what physical form we take; they are in everyone but revealed in varying degrees. The love-based attributes and high frequency energies of the Divine Feminine are to be activated and expressed, especially at this time when we are moving from the Kali Yuga (planetary cycle of darkness and ignorance) to the Sathya Yuga (cycle of light and truth).


Divine Feminine energy is intensifying and spreading on the planet due to the need to balance what has been more masculine energy. This shift is also happening because of our planetary cycle, energies coming to the planet, and the consciousness of Mother Earth herself that is awakening. Our role in this planetary movement is to remember our innate Divine Feminine qualities that have been latent, and to take action for them to arise from within us. At the same time, we can call upon and embrace the Divine Feminine energies that are increasingly present on the planet.


What are some Divine Feminine attributes? Compassion, tenderness, caring, generosity, devotion, grace, beauty, abundance, authenticity, empathy, inclusion, creativity. These are all key to our evolution individually and as a planet, however three often show up in my work with clients: compassion, tenderness, caring. Clients speak of their constant self-judgment and inability to accept themselves. When they do the work of transforming these old patterns, many times they create new patterns that include compassion for themselves as a primary example. (See New Era Coaching: Creating Yourself Energetically to learn about patterns work.)


Now I’d like to make some points about the Divine Masculine, balance, and harmony. First, what are some Divine Masculine attributes? Focus, logic, stability, resilience, assertiveness, strength, protection, accountability, leadership. At this time on the planet, both the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine are to be in balance, meaning no longer skewed toward the masculine as it has been for centuries. The disharmony in the world points to the importance of creating harmony, meaning union of Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine qualities and energies. (See New Era Coaching: Creating Inner Harmony to learn about harmonizing energies.) 

Practices for expressing the divine feminine

The coach guides clients to appreciate and work with their Divine Feminine attributes and energies, for greater expansion, expression, and achievement of personal goals.


  • Development practice: Reflect about the qualities of the Divine Feminine that are in you to express, or those you have already expressed in your life. Choose one to begin to develop or to continue to develop. Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Call forth this quality within yourself. Imagine yourself expressing it in your life. What does this look like? Where are you and who are you with? What are you thinking and feeling? How are you behaving and acting? Take another deep breath to embody this quality and spread its energy. Open your eyes and decide on the different actions you will take to express this quality.

  • Compassion practice: Breathe and center yourself in your heart, focusing there as you appreciate each breath. Feel gratitude for life. Touch your heart with both hands as you breathe, and be tender with yourself, care for yourself with your breath and attention. Slowly move your hands up and touch your face, neck, chest, stomach, anywhere you choose, with love and understanding for yourself. With a soft smile relax the body, imagining you are being embraced by someone you love, or by a form of Mother, the Divine Feminine, that resonates with you. Feel the impact on your experience of yourself and your energy. Slowly lower your hands, take a deep breath, and open your eyes. Take a few moments to reflect about how you will continue to develop compassion for yourself?

  • Guided meditation: I offer here an audio recording in which I guide you in activating Divine Feminine qualities. Aspects of this meditation include: heart centering, selecting attributes, anchoring and embodying their energies, radiating them to serve.


Depending upon the energetic experience of clients, I may guide them in calling upon and activating energies of different forms or expressions of the Divine Feminine. These include different Divine Mothers and goddesses (e.g., Hindu – Durga for power, Kali for fearlessness, Lakshmi for abundance, Saraswati for wisdom; Egyptian – Sekhmet for power, Isis for healing, Hathor for joy; Japanese – Amaterasu for light).


In conclusion, continue to reflect about yourself and the Divine Feminine within you. Which attributes would you like to develop and express? Set an intention, create a goal. Use the above practices, and take action in your life to express each attribute and embody its energy.


Please visit my website to learn more and to request a complimentary coaching session

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Swami Parameshwar Das Brainz Magazine

Swami Parameshwar Das, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Swami Parameshwar Das, known as Swamiji, is a seasoned professional with decades of experience in the worlds of business consulting, psychology and spirituality. Swamiji’s mission is to serve everyone to be leaders in their life and fulfill their dharma or purpose. He has traveled the world leading transformational programs for thousands, and has published six books. His educational background includes a Ph.D. and M.S. in Organizational Psychology. Swamiji was licensed as a Psychologist in New York, and designated as a Master Coach by the International Coaching Federation and Ontological Coach by Newfield Network.

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