Written by: Laurie Levin, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Where is that sweet spot where self-confidence, fulfillment, abundance, and peace all come together? Let’s put a few practices in place to get you on your way.

1. Breathe It In!
Breathe in regenerative feelings throughout the day
at the start of your day, during the day, and before you go to sleep. These feelings will naturally crowd out the feelings that deplete you, your self-confidence, drive, and resilience.
A simple and effective way to do this is to breathe in appreciation. You cannot appreciate something and at the same time be angry, frustrated, anxious, or overwhelmed. It’s one or the other and guess what? You get to choose.
Empower yourself with your breath!
Focus your attention on the area around your heart.
Breathe in and out of your heart space.
Feel a regenerative feeling such as care or appreciation for someone, something, or a place in your life, and continue to breathe that feeling in and out of your heart. When your mind wanders, that’s okay. Gently focus on your heart and feelings of appreciation.
That’s the Quick Coherence® technique from HeartMath® that creates the state of coherence—the optimal state of being.
2. Be Grateful For Everything That Is Challenging In Your Life
Imagine coming from that place. Imagine how different your health, your relationships, and your career will be. Most people meet the challenge with depleting emotions such as overwhelm, worry, doubt, or frustration. The more you Breathe It In throughout your day, the more your starting position is gratitude (vs overwhelm or frustration). You come to see that challenges are where growth occurs.
Be grateful and make note of the wonderful opportunity at hand.
3. Be Certain
Certainty is forward-moving. Doubts set us back.
I remember when I left the midwest about four years ago. I packed up everything I didn’t sell or store, filled my car with what I would need for a few months, and drove east. I didn’t stop until my feet were in the sand. Many were concerned for me, wondering why I was doing this at this time in my life, leaving friends and the place I had lived for six decades. I felt certainty.
With certainty, any challenges along the way become opportunities. With opportunity, comes growth. With growth, comes more confidence. With increasing confidence, we achieve more success, fulfillment, abundance, and greater peace. Move forward with certainty.
4. Feel the Pain and Listen
It is so important not to numb the emotional pain that people oftentimes do with food, alcohol, drugs, shopping, work, etc. There is no growth when we numb our pain; in fact. we stay stuck.
So, at the moment, when something happens or someone says or does something that hurts, pause and let it sit for a moment. You might even say, “what a pleasure.”
I recently experienced this when a new hairstylist said something to me that felt like an insult. I was stunned. The old me would have reacted in an unhelpful and unhealthy manner, for myself and for the other person. So, I paused and felt the pain. I just let it waft through me. I chose to learn from the experience, instead of reacting.
After the haircut, and as I was walking to my car, I got the lesson. I wouldn’t have wanted to miss that lesson for anything. I think he did too. I got a beautiful apology before I left the salon. In the past, I might have gotten defensive, perhaps argumentative, and left. The pause felt so much better. I felt more confident and in control of myself and knew that whatever comes my way—I got it. So, bring it on!
5. Be Unreasonable
“The point of being unreasonable is that all things are possible. The resources you need are there if you have the wisdom to see it and the courage to use it.” (Gloria Feldt, co-founder, and president of Take The Lead)
Go all in. Put your heart and soul into whatever it is you are working on and toward. Regenerate your feelings throughout the day. Feelings change thoughts quickly, much more quickly than thoughts change feelings. So shift those feelings often, proactively, to regenerative feelings like care, appreciation, and compassion.
Being unreasonable doesn’t mean unwise. Your heart’s intelligence will keep you on track, for wise decisions and choices. So be unreasonable so that awesome becomes you and your life reflects it.
6. Let Go of the Baggage
We must let go of the baggage if we want to clear space for the new.
Do you ever say: I am not worthy. That won’t ever happen. They are so lucky. I don’t have enough time, money, or the right connections to do it.
If you’re not moving forward then there is a negative belief you are holding onto. Breathe in a positive belief or attitude—I am courageous, I am worthy, I am certain, I got this—to anchor it in. Crowd out those negative beliefs that are holding you back. Say it out loud and then ask for help—help me be more certain. Help me feel worthy.
Never underestimate the power of positive feelings, positive words, and requests for help. They are all critical in our pursuit of the great stuff in life.
7. Pause and Listen
Your heart, intuition, and soul speak quietly, unlike that conversation you’re having in your head that says. I’m not worthy of big success, money, or love.
When we underestimate ourselves, our lives will reflect it. Let’s not devalue our greatest asset—ourselves!
So, get in the practice of pausing, listening to your heart, then acting. Pause so that you do not react and become the effect. We want to stay in the “cause” lane. Then listen to your greatest source of wisdom. Act with all your heart and soul.
And never give up. You got this. Be certain of it!

Laurie Levin, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Laurie Levin is an author (Call Me A Woman: On Our Way to Equality and Peace) and Transformation Coach. She specializes in optimal nutrition, healthy weight loss, and the leading HeartMath® stress reduction techniques. She has been a featured speaker on each of these topics. Laurie has an MBA, is a Certified Coach, and HeartMath® Certified Coach, supporting clients globally to achieve their health and well-being goals. Her new book, Call Me A Woman: On Our Way to Equality and Peace, provides real-life experiences, global studies, and insights, and the 7 Habits of Equality that will reshape the world into one where all children have equal opportunities, from the beginning to the end of their lives. Healthy Happy Equal: It takes all 3 to thrive!