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Never Believe A Prediction That Doesn't Empower You

Written by: Vicky Theunissen, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Vicky Theunissen

In a world where we grow up programmed and traumatized it is so important to listen to our own voice, because it literally can save our lives. Vicky is proof of that we can make miracles true when we listen to our own voices and do our own research.

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She started observing life already from a young age because she noticed that things are going weird in this world. Because how is it possible that we are’nt taught the most important things from live in school was her first question.

When her mother started acting weird she started studying life deeply. Because when she asked doctors for help they told her that there is nothing to worry about because it is just stress. While Vicky was sure that there is something serious going on with her mother. She tried several times to make several doctors clear that there is something seriously not going well with her mother, but nobody believed her and because her mother also acted like there is nothing going on she could do nothing more then keep an eye on her mother.

When 6 years later finally the diagnosed came she started educating herself in every kind of way. Because the diagnose was the rare disease, Alzheimer's at young age. But in that moment not much was known about this disease so they couldn’t tell her much about it and they also couldn’t tell where this disease is coming from. The big question Vicky had was; how is it possible that doctors who have studied for years to help us with our health problems and get paid so well, can tell us only what's going on in the late stages of a disease when it’s already to late to do something about it while it was already very clear that there is something heavy going on 6 years before and why they can’t tell us where our problems come from and why they have no real solution for our problems?

If we're lucky they can sometimes do a surgery but next to this, all they can do is give us a diagnose when our health problems are already advanced and then gives us medications to suppress the pain. But the root problem is not solved because they don’t know where the problem comes from and this is why the problems are coming back and how we get more sick and are only able to function with medication.

So what did these doctors learn in all those years of the university was what she was wondering about.

Because it was already very clear for Vicky 6 years earlier that there is something really going on. She didn’t know what it was but she had also already clear where this is coming from with only observing the situation and doing her own research. So she noticed that there is something really going wrong in this world. Because she also had experiences with mentally therapists, because she was searching for help already for years because she just wanted someone to talk too and someone who was listening to her because she was going trought much heavy situations all in her own so she just wanted support, but all these psychologists also told her that they couldn't help her because they didn't know what to say to her because “you are so wise from yourself so you don’t need therapy” is what they told her.

Again, Vicky felt very frustrated because she wanted help.

Luckily she found later a doctor and a psychologist who also told her that they thought it was very wonderful how she managed herself in all these tough circumstances, but they wanted to help her because they understood that she just needed someone who saw her. So Vicky felt grateful for those two specialist who almost became friends from her. Her doctor told her that she wanted to see her every week because she saw that her own health was going down. Vicky knew that her own health was going down but she did the best she could. It was just not healthy to work for 50/60 hours in the week and take care of her mother and living in other not normal situations next to this for years already. But this went wrong in 2013. She started to weaken a lot until she started fainting more and more often. Until she hit her head on the corner of the wall and suffered one skull fracture and was transported to the hospital by ambulance and ended up in intensive care in a coma.

A nightmare became true because her mother was at the end of her life at the same time and the expectations that Vicky would come out of the coma were very small and if she did come out, the doctor’s expectations were that she would not be able to do anything anymore. She should be bedridden and only be able to blink her eyes. But luckily she came out of her coma after 5 days and she was in a better condition than the doctors expected. But she needed to learn everything from the beginning like a baby. Sitting, standing, walking. Everything. And at the same time she needed to organize her mothers dying bed from her own hospital bed.

A terrible story but also a very beautiful and inspirational story and that’s why she’s sharing this. Because the doctors told her that she needed to live in a rehabilitation center for the upcoming 2 years approximately, because they going to learn her to live with her new situation. Because she is sitting in a wheelchair from now on but they going to help her with everything, is what they told her. But Vicky didn’t believed one word from what they where telling her because as you noticed already earlier in the story is that she’s someone who’s listening to her own voice, so she let nobody tell her what she can’t or can do.

So, she told them that they needed to changed the program they made for her because she needed to do exercises from 9 till 5, 5 days a week to try to get herself back on her feet. But her mother was dying on the same time so she had no time and believed that’s she going to be back on her feed so she told them that they can go away with their wheelchair and their two years plan. “Within 6 weeks i’m walking out of this centrum without help” is what she told them. Because “I won’t let my mother leave this world without me next to her” was what she told them.

They came looking at her with 6 different doctors because they where schocked about her state of being. Specially when they saw her coming to the office 6 weeks later, walking all by herself telling them that she’s going home because she doing good and she need to bring her mother to her rest place. They told her that they thought that they made a mistake with changing brain scans from patients because it’s a wonder how you fought yourself out of this situation and also so fast, because this is something only one out of 100 people can make true is what they told her.

She told them that she’s a very lucky woman then and she thank God on her knees for this then. But they told her that it’s not about luck, it’s about having a very strong mindset and a lot of discipline and optimism. Not much people have this, “you are an example for much people” is what they told her. Her answer was, “well if I can do it, everyone can do it.”

From that moment people started reaching out to her for help and from that moment her journey as an inspirational Coach started without realizing it because Vicky is a very down to earth person who is totally not someone who’s seeing herself as an example or like to be in the spotlight.

But she started saying yes to share her story because if it’s true that she can help people with her story then she felt that she need to do it. So that’s why Vicky was able to help already much people in different kind of situations. From people who didn’t wanted to live anymore and now living their lives to the fullest from people who where depressed for years and tried to talk with much therapist but didn’t felt understood or inspired and after having one conversations with Vicky they felt alive again and smiled after a very long time.

The moral of the story is that we don’t learn from reading or studying things from books. We learn from experiences because you can go 10 years to the university and still have no idea from live. It's all about doing your own research and believing in yourself and decided to be the captain of your own ship.

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Vicky Theunissen Brainz Magazine

Vicky Theunissen, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Vicky Helps Individuals finding their real identity back by helping them make clarity in their situation and helping them heal their trauma's to be able to find their own power from within and life their lives in peace.

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