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Neuroplasticity – The Superpower Of The Brain

Written by: Anthony Moss-Zobel, PCC (ICF), Senior Level Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Anthony Moss-Zobel, PCC (ICF)

I would like to share again the topic of neuroplasticity, which is defined as the ability of the brain to change and adapt. Although there has been an increase in articles and discussions about the topic, I am still hearing a lot of people say, “I’m too old” and “I wish I could learn how to do ”.

woman standing against the wall with galaxy on the background

According to research, the brain may build new neural connections, change old ones, and even reorganize itself to respond to new experiences and information via neuroplasticity (Draganski et al., 2004). This hopefully will inspire everyone to keep moving forward and do attempt those things they really can do, to some degree.

Practice, Practice, Practice!

Frequency and intensity of stimulation are important elements that determine neuroplasticity. A study showed repeated brain stimulation, such as regular practice, can result in increased grey matter density and changes in brain structure.

Another important aspect of neuroplasticity is the role of feedback. Feedback allows the brain to monitor and adjust its performance, which is essential for effectivelearning (Schmidt & Wrisberg, 2008). Feedback can come in many forms, including self-reflection, peer review, and teacher evaluation. By providing feedback, learners can adjust their performance and strengthen neural connections to improve their skills and knowledge.

Furthermore, neuroplasticity has important implications for learning throughout the lifespan. It is now recognized that the brain is capable of significant plastic changes even in old age (Lövdén et al., 2010). This means that learning opportunities should be available to people of all ages and that continued stimulation can help prevent cognitive decline and maintain brain health.

In conclusion, neuroplasticity is a fundamental aspect of learning that has transformed our understanding of the brain's ability to change and adapt by providing frequent and challenging stimulation, feedback, and opportunities.

I hope that this helps to encourage more people in whatever ways it can.

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Anthony Moss-Zobel, PCC (ICF) Brainz Magazine

Anthony Moss-Zobel, PCC (ICF), Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Anthony Moss-Zobel, PCC (ICF), is a Doctorate of Business Administration student. He leads Neuro-led Coaching & Consulting, specializing in personal & professional cognitive neuroscience coaching and training in the public and private sectors. He also is an associate lecturer in team leadership, communication & HRM. He partners with NeuroEducation experts in France, the USA, and Africa to bring neuroscience insights to the classroom which has been proven highly effective. His work in Ghana and recent collaboration with Consortium International pour la Formation et la Recherche Coopérative en Education (CIFORCE) and l’Institut Africain pour la Neuro Education et la Ludopédagogie (IANEL) brings NeuroEducation across West Africa.

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